
A man chases you in the first place, not because he loves you, but just because he wants you. Especially the kind that hasn't spoken to you yet, just said I love you, haven't known you for long, and don't have any body

author:Meng Zhou Gongzi

A man chases you in the first place, not because he loves you, but just because he wants you. Especially the kind of boy who has not yet spoken to you, just say that I love you, have not known you for a long time, and have not had any physical contact, if he says he loves you, you still believe, do not give a boy who chases you any "patience" test, you must believe what the Fa said, which means that such a girl is very lacking in love, and has little insight into the emotional world. But any girl who has some experience and speculation in her relationship will not just listen to what men say and jump down into such a trap. Do you agree? I am Meng Zhou, emotional problems, messages or private messages to me! #Emotion##Redeem# #单身 #

A man chases you in the first place, not because he loves you, but just because he wants you. Especially the kind that hasn't spoken to you yet, just said I love you, haven't known you for long, and don't have any body

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