
Last night's shower found a small trick of life because the weather was particularly cold, the water sprayed by the shower was sprinkled down and felt that the water was cold against the top and bottom cold against the bottom and cold below so I sent it

author:Maple writes the moon

Took a shower last night

Discovered a little trick of life

Because the weather was particularly cold

The water from the shower was small

Sprinkle it down and feel like the water is cold

Cold above and below

It was cold against the top below

So I invented a trick

Fill the hot water with a large plate

Then stand inside and take a shower

Even if it is not cold, you can soak your feet by the way

You think it's okay not

Foot soaking is a great help in the body's blood circulation

Especially girls

In the cold winter

Soak your feet before going to sleep

It won't be cold

*Guangzhou Headlines*

#开拍吧 #

Last night's shower found a small trick of life because the weather was particularly cold, the water sprayed by the shower was sprinkled down and felt that the water was cold against the top and bottom cold against the bottom and cold below so I sent it
Last night's shower found a small trick of life because the weather was particularly cold, the water sprayed by the shower was sprinkled down and felt that the water was cold against the top and bottom cold against the bottom and cold below so I sent it

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