
Dream cold knowledge | only for the service of flipping! Nowadays, the best use of neidan is these two?

In today's overall rhythm attacking version, if you want to complete the reversal in a disadvantageous situation, turtle speed summoning spirit is a very important link.

Dream cold knowledge | only for the service of flipping! Nowadays, the best use of neidan is these two?

It is essential to summon the Spirit in a disadvantageous situation

But you know what? In fact, the Neidan selection of the turtle speed summoning spirit is very knowledgeable, and choosing the right Neidan can even make your chances of turning the tables to a higher level. This issue of cold knowledge lets Ling Er take everyone into the world of turtle speed summoning spirits, and go to see which Neidan is most suitable for today's version of turtle speed summoning spirits

The common turtle speed summons Lingnei Dan

Under normal circumstances, most players will choose the following Nedan to summon spirit inlays for turtle speed.

1. Resist physical damage

Dream cold knowledge | only for the service of flipping! Nowadays, the best use of neidan is these two?

Since the revision of the Imperial Initial Dust, Tengnuojin has become the Neidan with the highest frequency of use of blood pets, and the turtle speed that uses Tengnuojin is even more on-board, and if you flip the turtle speed on the market, almost half of it is inlaid with Tengnuojin Neidan.

2. Increase the basalt body of qi and blood

Dream cold knowledge | only for the service of flipping! Nowadays, the best use of neidan is these two?

If the use rate of Tengnuojin is the highest among the turtle speed summoning spirits, then the second place is the Xuanwu body that directly increases qi and blood, and for players who value the panel, the Xuanwu body that intuitively increases the attributes is more attractive to them than the Tengnuojin triggered by probability.

3. Increase the resistance of the Dragon Soul Jade and the Divine Machine Step

As a high-level Inner Dan that also increased its attributes, the Dragon Soul Jade that increased the magic defense was similar to the Xuanwu Body. However, because the Dragon Soul Jade itself was only for the output of the law system, it was not as comprehensive as the Xuanwu Body, so it was relatively rare in the use of the Turtle Speed Summoning Spirit.

Dream cold knowledge | only for the service of flipping! Nowadays, the best use of neidan is these two?

Similar to the Dragon Soul Jade, the Divine Machine Step Inner Dan that increases the resistance of the law system through the evasion effect is also very unpopular, and most of the time it is difficult to see the turtle speed of using the Divine Machine Step Inner Dan.

Dream cold knowledge | only for the service of flipping! Nowadays, the best use of neidan is these two?

In the new environment, turtle speed responsibilities have changed

Seeing this, you may have discovered one of the commonalities of these Neidan mentioned above- "they can all improve the survivability of the Turtle Speed Summoning Spirit itself."

In the past version of the qing pet, the characteristics of ensuring their own survival are very useful, because the turtle speed summoning spirit often acts as a role of dragging the rhythm of the pet, and once the summoning spirit is insufficient, the turtle speed is out to drag the rhythm of the play is very common.

Dream cold knowledge | only for the service of flipping! Nowadays, the best use of neidan is these two?

In the version of the favor, it is not uncommon to call out the turtle speed early to drag the rhythm

But in the current version of infinite attack, the role of turtle speed is no longer to drag the rhythm, more often, turtle speed to play a new role in protecting the survival of character units.

Dream cold knowledge | only for the service of flipping! Nowadays, the best use of neidan is these two?

In today's version, which is biased toward offense, even the last two summoners tend to opt for violent pets

In this case, the above-mentioned Neidan effects that ensure the survival of the turtle speed itself have dropped a lot. Now that Turtle Speed's duties have changed, which Neidan can protect the character units?

Nedan, who can protect the character's survival

The two kinds of Neidan, Yin Yang Protector and Benevolent Heart, are different from those Inner Dan that guarantee the turtle's own survival, and their role is mainly reflected in the protection of the character unit.

1. Yin and Yang Protection

Yin-Yang Protection is mainly through automatic protection to reduce the damage taken by character units, such a Neidan effect is very significant in today's version of the Instant Attack popular version. Many times, a turtle speed love sticker can make your character unit lock blood immortal, providing an opportunity for flipping.

Dream cold knowledge | only for the service of flipping! Nowadays, the best use of neidan is these two?

2. The heart of a benevolent person

The benevolent heart, on the other hand, ensures survival by bringing more replies. At the Shenwei level, if you have the Shennong Necklace, combined with the full level of DanYuan Jihui, the recovery effect of the Turtle Speed Summoning Spirit on the owner can even reach 176%.

Dream cold knowledge | only for the service of flipping! Nowadays, the best use of neidan is these two?

At the moment when instantaneous law is prevalent, these extra qi and blood may make you escape from the damage of instantaneous law.

After reading this issue of cold knowledge, I wonder which Kind of Neidan you will choose for your Turtle Speed Summoning Spirit? Come and share your opinion in the comments section

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