
China released丨 during the "14th Five-Year Plan" period, China will accelerate the construction of the "eight vertical and eight horizontal" high-speed rail main channel to achieve "zero distance" passenger transfer

author:China release

China's network on January 19 (reporter Peng Yao) the National Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Transport led by the relevant departments and units jointly researched and compiled the "14th Five-Year" Modern Comprehensive Transportation System Development Plan officially announced to the public on the 18th.

At the press conference on the development plan of the "14th Five-Year Plan" modern comprehensive transportation system held on the 19th, Wang Zhonggang, director of the Department of Science and Technology and Legal Affairs of the State Railway Administration and spokesman of the Press, said that during the "14th Five-Year Plan" period, the mainland will build a modern railway network, strengthen the construction of the national strategic backbone channel, accelerate the construction of the main channel of the "eight vertical and eight horizontal" high-speed railway, orderly expand the regional high-speed rail connection line, and actively promote the planning and construction of intercity railways in key urban agglomerations and urban (suburban) railways in metropolitan areas with a high degree of urbanization. Accelerate the construction of an integrated comprehensive transportation hub system to achieve "zero distance" for passenger transfer, "seamless" freight connection, and "integration" of transportation services. Accelerate the construction of a modern railway network with reasonable layout, perfect functions, clear levels, convenience and efficiency, safety and intelligence.

Give full play to the advantages of railway backbone and improve the quality of transportation services. Adhere to the people-centered, adapt to diversified transportation needs, promote the rational division of labor and complementary advantages of trunk, intercity, and urban (suburban) railways, strengthen the connection and coordination with urban rail transit, accelerate the development of "four network integration", and build a railway passenger service network with clear levels, green safety, integration, fast and smooth, and cost-effective. Strengthen the national energy security guarantee capacity, and actively develop specialized transportation such as high-speed rail express transportation, cold chain, and commodity automobile transportation。 Optimize the supply system of railway passenger and freight transport products, improve the organization mode of freight logistics, and improve the level of railway transport services. Give full play to the advantages of the combination of "railway network + Internet", improve the level of railway digitalization, and promote the dynamic balance of railway supply and demand to achieve a higher level.

Give full play to the comparative advantages of railways and promote green and low-carbon development. Benchmark the national "double carbon" strategic goal, formulate a carbon peak action plan for the railway industry, and promote the low-carbon transformation of the railway field. Promote the accelerated development of multimodal transport such as molten iron, iron sea, and iron and air, and vigorously promote the transfer of bulk goods and medium- and long-distance cargo transportation to railways. Improve the container multimodal transport system and build a backbone channel network for container transportation. Promote the construction of railways in important port areas, logistics parks, key industrial and mining enterprises, and strategic reserve depots, and open up the "front and back kilometers" of railway transportation.

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