
What should parents do if there is a crying phenomenon when a small class of children enters the kindergarten?

Be prepared before entering the park:

First, parents should teach their children to express their needs in advance. Usually at home, parents should consciously cultivate their children's ability to express basic needs, such as teaching children to say some common phrases such as": "I am hungry", "I am a little hot", "I want to go to the toilet", "I want to drink water" and so on. At the beginning of the school year, two or three teachers in the small class faced twenty or thirty children, and the pressure was actually very large. The accurate expression of the child can make the teacher understand and respond to the child's needs in a more timely manner, in addition to alleviating the pressure of the teacher's class, it can also make the child quickly adapt to kindergarten life.

What should parents do if there is a crying phenomenon when a small class of children enters the kindergarten?

Second, parents should give their children an understanding of the kindergarten environment. Before preparing for the children in the kindergarten, parents should constantly introduce the children to what the kindergarten does, tell the children that there are many children in the kindergarten who can play games together, etc., often take him to the kindergarten to familiarize themselves with the surrounding environment in advance, visit the kindergarten, know the teacher, and cultivate the child's sense of security in advance.

Third, parents need to cultivate their children's independent ability. In the early stage of kindergarten children, parents should help children learn some simple life skills, cultivate children's independent ability, such as dressing themselves, changing clothes, going to the toilet, wearing shoes, drinking water and eating, etc., which is conducive to the establishment of children's self-confidence, can help them adapt to the new environment of kindergarten, and alleviate anxiety when entering kindergarten. Every parent loves their children, but children ultimately have to grow up and face the outside world, and their families can't always be around to do everything for them. Therefore, learning to let go and let children slowly establish the belief of "doing their own things" is actually a deeper love.

Fourth, we must believe in the kindergarten and believe in the teacher. I believe that when each parent chooses a kindergarten for their child, it is determined after examining the qualifications of the kindergarten and the professionalism of the teacher and continuously screening. Therefore, parents should give full trust to teachers and believe in their professionalism. Under normal circumstances, the kindergarten will send some notices to parents two weeks before the child enters the kindergarten, what items need to be prepared, what needs to be paid attention to, parents only prepare according to the requirements, and abide by the regulations of the kindergarten. If there are special circumstances and needs, timely communication with kindergarten teachers is also very helpful for children to adapt to kindergartens.

What should parents do if there is a crying phenomenon when a small class of children enters the kindergarten?

Fifth, you can prepare some items that your child likes. The day before entering the kindergarten, what parents can do is to prepare the small toys, blankets or small snacks that the children like at home, so that the children can take them to the kindergarten, and familiar items can reduce the child's uneasiness in the unfamiliar environment.

What should parents do if there is a crying phenomenon when a small class of children enters the kindergarten?

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