
A "new student" came to the kindergarten, which alarmed the police, and it was estimated that the child's aunt would be beaten when she went home

A "new student" came to the kindergarten, which alarmed the police, and it was estimated that the child's aunt would be beaten when she went home


2024-05-25 18:24Posted on the official account of Jiangxi Yangtze Evening News

Yangtze Evening News Network, May 25 (Correspondent Zhu Rui, Reporter Gao Feng) On May 24, the police of the Fuyuan Police Station of the Sucheng Public Security Bureau of Suqian City received a request for help from the Fuyuan Kindergarten in the jurisdiction, saying that there was an extra "freshman" in the kindergarten, and it was suspected that the parents were carelessly sending the wrong person, and asked the police for help.

A "new student" came to the kindergarten, which alarmed the police, and it was estimated that the child's aunt would be beaten when she went home

The police sent the child to his aunt

After the police arrived at the scene, they quickly carried out the search for the parents according to the information described by the child ""Jiji" (pseudonym), and after the police searched and confirmed, "Jiji" was finally safely delivered to his aunt. It is understood that "Ji Ji" was sent to school by his aunt this morning, and "Ji Ji's" aunt mistakenly thought that "Ji Ji" had been studying in the Fuyuan Kindergarten near the community because she had sent him for the first time.

Fortunately, the kindergarten teacher found out in time and got in touch with the police station. Escorted by the uncle and aunt of the police, "Jiji" returned safely to his aunt. "Gigi" also said on the way that this kindergarten is very fun and wants to go to school here in the future.

Sucheng police reminded parents and friends that due to the tight time to go to work and school in the early morning, parents should pay attention to traffic safety on the way to send their children to school, especially to send kindergartens, early education classes and other young children to their teachers, so as to ensure that children start a safe and warm journey to school every day.

Proofread by Faye Wong

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  • A "new student" came to the kindergarten, which alarmed the police, and it was estimated that the child's aunt would be beaten when she went home

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