
The 5 kinds of clothing that kindergarten teachers are most afraid of, there are also hidden dangers in children's clothing, parents should not step on the thunder

author:Pistachio mom nursery

Writer: Easter Egg Dad

On weekdays, when the child is at home, the parents will take care of the child's safety and take good care of the child.

But when I go to kindergarten, I have 2 or 3 teachers, and I have to take care of dozens of children, and many times, it is difficult to take care of them.

Sometimes small details can also determine how well a child is doing in kindergarten.

Some outfits, parents had better not let their children take them to kindergarten, teachers are afraid, and children may also have potential safety hazards.

The 5 kinds of clothing that kindergarten teachers are most afraid of, there are also hidden dangers in children's clothing, parents should not step on the thunder

The 5 kinds of clothing that kindergarten teachers are most afraid of, there are also hidden dangers in children's clothing, parents should not step on the thunder

The first type: shorts or skirts of all kinds

Recently, the weather has been hot, and many parents have begun to dress their children in summer clothes.

Because children are afraid of heat, many parents will wear short sleeves and shorts for their children, and girls will also wear beautiful skirts.

Easter egg father's little niece, a few days ago in shorts to go to school, in the afternoon after school, the knee knocked 3, one is more ruthless, all broken skin bleeding, the teacher treated the wound.

The little niece was crying.

When children go to kindergarten, wrestling is a very common thing.

Even if you don't wrestle, when you play, you like to kneel and sit on the ground.

These are easy for children to hurt their knees, and then they will enter the stage of parents and teachers arguing.

There are also some little girls who like to wear little skirts.

The 5 kinds of clothing that kindergarten teachers are most afraid of, there are also hidden dangers in children's clothing, parents should not step on the thunder

First, it is very inconvenient for children to go to the toilet with small skirts, especially long skirts;

Second, when children are playing games, the skirt is very easy to hinder the progress of the game, and even dangerous will occur, such as stepping on the skirt when climbing;

Third, the little girl has no sense of self-protection, and it is easy to walk away in a skirt.

When summer comes, if parents are worried about their children's heat, they can prepare some thinner pants, which are not hot and protect their knees.

The second type: full hair card

Whose girl doesn't have a few beautiful hairpins?

Little girls love to be pretty, and it is very normal to have beautiful braids and good-looking hairpins.

Some hairpins also come with sharp clips, which can scratch a child if he is not careful when he is playing.

Some time ago, I saw a news that the father gave his daughter a hairpin card and accidentally broke the child's scalp.

While avoiding this dangerous hairpin, teachers are actually quite afraid of children having a lot of hairpins on their heads.

The 5 kinds of clothing that kindergarten teachers are most afraid of, there are also hidden dangers in children's clothing, parents should not step on the thunder

Because the child is relatively young, if he doesn't pay attention when playing, he will either lose one or two hairpins, or he will easily be grabbed by other children.

When the parents of the former asked, the teacher didn't know where the card had gone, and they had to help find it, which was very troublesome;

The latter has to deal with another dispute!

Therefore, the hairpin on the child's head should not only be safe enough, but also not too much.

In addition to the hairpin, there are some other trinkets that are not recommended to bring to school.

Type 3: Hoodies (especially hoodies with ropes)

It's cute for kids to wear hoodies, and we adults also like to wear hoodies.

But for kindergarten children, it is not suitable to wear hoodies.

If it's a pullover hoodie, it's hard for the child to take it off;

If you can wear a hoodie for sleeping directly, then when the child goes to bed at noon, the hat behind the hoodie will make the child very panicked;

If it's a hoodie with a rope, then the danger factor is greater.

Although this kind of neck rope has been banned in children's clothing, it has not been banned from all.

Wearing a rope on the hat, there have been many accidents.

There are many children who are struggling on the slide, and the rope is stuck in the slide, or the rope is wrapped around the child's neck, resulting in suffocation.

The 5 kinds of clothing that kindergarten teachers are most afraid of, there are also hidden dangers in children's clothing, parents should not step on the thunder

The CCTV program team also invited Mr. Jiang from the Teaching Center of the Mechanics Laboratory of Tsinghua University to do relevant experimental tests, and then found that:

When the neck is stuck in the rope, the force on the rope is about 680N, which is equivalent to 70 kilograms.

This force is enough to threaten the child's life, after all, the child's muscles and soft tissues are not well developed, and if the organs are compressed, then they will soon suffocate.

Therefore, hoodies with ropes, parents must not buy them for their children!

Fourth: Suspenders, button-downs, and other clothes that are difficult to put on and take off

Children wear bib pants, which are quite cute and particularly soft and cute.

But in the eyes of the teacher, this is a "big trouble".

When picking up Easter eggs after school, the teacher said to a parent of a child: "Don't wear suspenders to school!" Just wear normal pants! ”

The teacher was angry, after all, the child had been wearing suspenders several times and had not been able to go to the toilet because he was wearing suspenders, so he peed his pants!

The 5 kinds of clothing that kindergarten teachers are most afraid of, there are also hidden dangers in children's clothing, parents should not step on the thunder

Wearing suspenders to the toilet is very troublesome, the child can't solve it by himself, and he has to wait for the teacher, waiting, and relieving the process, maybe the child can't hold it back.

In addition to suspenders, there are also some clothes that are very troublesome to put on and take off, such as buttoning them, so I usually wear them on weekends and don't wear them to school. Not only do teachers find it troublesome and too late to take care of them, but children also find it troublesome!

Children are also prone to have a certain inferiority complex for group activities because of this kind of trouble.

The fifth type: small leather shoes with heels, lace-up shoes

Small leather shoes, although they are very good-looking, but it is really inconvenient to exercise!

Especially some parents, they also wear small leather shoes with heels for little girls, and when the child runs, not to say whether it hurts or not, just say that the possibility of wrestling is much greater.

From the perspective of foot development, little girls are not suitable for wearing small leather shoes and high heels, or sneakers and functional shoes are more suitable.

There are also lace-up shoes, which are better not to buy.

The 5 kinds of clothing that kindergarten teachers are most afraid of, there are also hidden dangers in children's clothing, parents should not step on the thunder

The child himself will not tie it, in case it falls off and he steps on it again, it will be a big heel. If it's still on the stairs, then the consequences will be even more serious!

Parents still prepare shoes for their children that are not shoelaces and are easy to put on and take off.

Written at the end of the article

When a child goes to kindergarten, especially if there is a little girl at home, parents always want to dress up their child beautifully.

However, if you want your child to have fewer potential safety hazards in kindergarten, have fun, and be liked by teachers, then it is better for parents to dress their children appropriately and generously: good to put on and take off, loose and sweat-absorbing, and safety-oriented!

PS: The picture comes from the Internet, invaded and deleted!

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