
The first kindergarten of Zengdu District carried out the seventh parent committee activities

author:Suizhou Forum

Smell the flowers in one season and listen to the rain in the other season

One season of hard work, one season of growth

The most beautiful sound

It is the echo of the same frequency of the homeland

The best education

It is the interaction of home co-education

In order to effectively strengthen the two-way communication between the kindergarten and parents, give full play to the responsibilities of the parent committee, and comprehensively improve the quality of kindergarten education, on May 17, the first kindergarten in Zengdu District carried out the seventh parent committee activity of the first kindergarten of "hand in hand to empower and promote the growth of the education dream together".

I gladly went to the appointment with great anticipation

With an expectation and a responsibility, the members of the Parent Committee met with the warmth of the original intention of home co-education and went to a long-awaited summer meeting.

The first kindergarten of Zengdu District carried out the seventh parent committee activities
The first kindergarten of Zengdu District carried out the seventh parent committee activities
The first kindergarten of Zengdu District carried out the seventh parent committee activities

Speak for love and walk hand in hand

At the beginning of the meeting, Yuan Qilin, the deputy director in charge of political affairs, extended a warm welcome to the parents and introduced the process of the meeting.

The first kindergarten of Zengdu District carried out the seventh parent committee activities

First of all, Zhang Yulin, the deputy director in charge of safety and health, introduced the effectiveness and planning of scientific education and health care, emphasizing the control of food, safety and quality. Secondly, Wei Guangli, the deputy director in charge of teaching work, introduced the construction of the teaching team, the development of activities, teaching management and home communication. Finally, Wu Rubing, deputy secretary of the party branch and director of the first kindergarten in the district, elaborated on a series of measures to improve the kindergarten, including financial investment, system improvement, teacher construction and research, etc., and is committed to building a warm kindergarten. The members of the Parent Committee affirmed the work and expressed their cooperation to jointly promote the growth of young children.

The first kindergarten of Zengdu District carried out the seventh parent committee activities

Morning exercise time blooms with confidence

The plan of the day lies in the morning, and the healthy and thriving growth of children is inseparable from consistent physical exercise. Our instructor, Ms. Fu, first introduced our energetic physical intelligence to the parents in detail.

The first kindergarten of Zengdu District carried out the seventh parent committee activities

With the cheerful rhythm, the expected morning exercise kicked off! The children were all in good spirits and in good spirits. In the rhythmic music, they jumped and danced happily, and this gamified morning exercise soaked the children's incomparably beautiful childhood. Parents are very relieved to see their children so energetic and energetic.

The first kindergarten of Zengdu District carried out the seventh parent committee activities

The physical cycle is free and flexible

With the passionate and uplifting music on the radio, the physical fitness cycle officially kicked off, and a wonderful adventure began! Through vivid and lively games, the physical circuit activities enable children to gradually develop the good qualities of optimism, courage and self-confidence in the process of continuously overcoming difficulties and achieving success. The children marched forward bravely in a series of activities such as walking, climbing, running, jumping, balancing, etc., and boldly challenged every physical activity.

The first kindergarten of Zengdu District carried out the seventh parent committee activities
The first kindergarten of Zengdu District carried out the seventh parent committee activities
The first kindergarten of Zengdu District carried out the seventh parent committee activities
The first kindergarten of Zengdu District carried out the seventh parent committee activities

Parents were also deeply affected by this atmosphere and joined in and had fun with their children.

The first kindergarten of Zengdu District carried out the seventh parent committee activities
The first kindergarten of Zengdu District carried out the seventh parent committee activities

Kindergarten visits, parents feel at ease

The physical activity ended perfectly, and the parents embarked on a visit under the guidance of the guide, and visited the reading room, sports equipment room, science room, and universal craftsman classroom of the kindergarten in turn. Walking into the reading room, the shelves are full of books, which makes parents feel that it is a treasure trove of knowledge and can cultivate children's interest and habit of reading; The sports equipment room is rich in equipment, so that parents are aware of the importance of improving their children's physical fitness; The wonderful equipment display in the science room allows parents to understand its role in stimulating the spirit of exploration; The Universal Artisan Classroom allows parents to see their children's creativity in action. All in all, parents are very pleased and relieved about the resources and environment provided by the kindergarten.

The first kindergarten of Zengdu District carried out the seventh parent committee activities
The first kindergarten of Zengdu District carried out the seventh parent committee activities
The first kindergarten of Zengdu District carried out the seventh parent committee activities
The first kindergarten of Zengdu District carried out the seventh parent committee activities

Visit the canteen with a bright kitchen and a bright stove

A reasonable and balanced diet is an important prerequisite for the healthy growth of young children, and it affects the heart of every parent. A scientific and healthy diet is the foundation for the healthy growth of young children. Subsequently, the parents went into the kitchen and had a comprehensive understanding of the disinfection of children's tableware, food processing, hygiene management, and food samples. Clean and tidy canteen environmental hygiene, fully functional canteen equipment, standardized canteen management system, the parents of the "zero" distance to understand the work of our canteen and give affirmation, to the children's daily meals truly rest assured, peace of mind.

The first kindergarten of Zengdu District carried out the seventh parent committee activities
The first kindergarten of Zengdu District carried out the seventh parent committee activities

Parents observe and talk about growth

In order to allow parents to know more clearly and deeply what specific content their children have learned in kindergarten, and truly understand what level and extent their children have learned, two unique teaching activities have been specially presented for parents.

The first kindergarten of Zengdu District carried out the seventh parent committee activities

The first is the childlike kindergarten health course "Kiss and Hug Heat", through which children can learn about the ways to express love and warmth between people, such as knowing that they can convey emotions through kissing and hugging, and how to build intimate relationships with others.

The first kindergarten of Zengdu District carried out the seventh parent committee activities

The second is the meaningful kindergarten health course "Little Nutritionist", through which children can master the knowledge of food classification, understand what is healthy and which is unhealthy, and how to mix meals reasonably to maintain good health.

The first kindergarten of Zengdu District carried out the seventh parent committee activities

Through these two lively and interesting activities, parents also deeply experienced the colorful and unique charm of kindergarten teaching activities, such as seeing the children's active participation and happy learning in the activities, as well as their thirst for knowledge and spirit of exploration.

The first kindergarten of Zengdu District carried out the seventh parent committee activities

Communicate with heart and talk about growth

After visiting the activities, the members of the parent committee have spoken freely, each expressed their views and constructive suggestions for the kindergarten, at the same time, they expressed their admiration for the good development trend of the kindergarten, but also gave a high degree of affirmation and praise to its strong teachers and complete hardware facilities.

The first kindergarten of Zengdu District carried out the seventh parent committee activities

The letter of appointment is in hand, and the responsibility is in the heart

Subsequently, the principal Wu Rubing issued a letter of appointment to the members of the parent committee, a certificate, which is both a responsibility and a mission, and the parents said that they will work together with the school to escort with love, transmit positive energy, and do a good job as a bridge for home co-education.

The first kindergarten of Zengdu District carried out the seventh parent committee activities

Lunch together with pampering

In order to provide parents with a more in-depth and comprehensive understanding of their children's eating conditions in the kindergarten, the kitchen staff has carefully prepared meals from children's recipes for everyone to taste. Delicious snacks and delicious dishes make parents praise the meals provided by the kindergarten and the balanced combinations. At the same time, parents are asked to fill out a questionnaire after the meal and put forward valuable suggestions, so that parents can feel more at ease and at ease.

The first kindergarten of Zengdu District carried out the seventh parent committee activities
The first kindergarten of Zengdu District carried out the seventh parent committee activities
The first kindergarten of Zengdu District carried out the seventh parent committee activities

The activities of the parent committee were successfully held, which effectively strengthened the communication and contact between the homes, greatly mobilized the initiative and enthusiasm of parents to participate in the home co-education activities, and laid a solid foundation for promoting the work of our kindergarten to be carried out in a solid and orderly manner. We always firmly believe that as long as our homes work hand in hand, work together and advance together, we will be able to build a better future together! (Correspondent: Xu Wei)

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