
The 17-year-old boy who is looking for relatives is abandoned again, and the parental relationship chain is lamentable: born without raising, how to be home

author:Lattice columns

Writing for the sword, writing the heavens and writing the Chinese year; falling chess is the son, and the point of the soldier will point the country.

The 17-year-old boy who is looking for relatives is abandoned again, and the parental relationship chain is lamentable: born without raising, how to be home

In the movie "How to Be Home", which was once popular, there is such a scene:

The thin little boy stood alone in the courthouse, full of sorrow, and he wanted to sue his biological parents for giving birth to him but failing to fulfill their parenting responsibilities.

The coldness in the words makes people's hearts ache like a knife.

The 17-year-old boy who is looking for relatives is abandoned again, and the parental relationship chain is lamentable: born without raising, how to be home

The little boy's appeal is simple, just hope that they will not have children, because he does not want to have a latecomer, and suffer the fate of being as homeless and difficult to feed himself.

But by then, his mother was pregnant, and he had been struggling for years to change something, and finally reality was pouring over his head like a basin of cold water.

It turned out that he couldn't change anything.

People often say that art comes from life, but we don't know that to some extent, reality is often higher than art, so that some bridges that cannot be filmed in movies are actually staged in reality.

The thin little boy in the movie can return to his normal fate at the end of the plot, but in reality, the 17-year-old boy Liu Xuezhou seems destined to run counter to normal fate.

Under the rain and rain of the big hands of fate, Liu Xuezhou was like a leaf of duckweed, drifting in the ocean of fate, and could not wait for the moment when the plot ended.

These four words may be the heaviest pain hidden in the heart of this 17-year-old boy.

The 17-year-old boy who is looking for relatives is abandoned again, and the parental relationship chain is lamentable: born without raising, how to be home

The obsession with going home

Liu Xuezhou's birth was not expected by his parents.

Therefore, when he was only 3 months old, he was sold by his biological parents at a restaurant in Shanxi for 30,000 yuan, and his father used 3,000 yuan to give his mother a bride price.

The two were able to break through the opposition of the woman's family and marry.

When Liu Xuezhou was 4 years old, his adoptive parents died, the house was gone, he was completely homeless, and he could only live with the old man on the side of his adoptive parents, and the four old people jointly lifted up a young child.

The 17-year-old boy who is looking for relatives is abandoned again, and the parental relationship chain is lamentable: born without raising, how to be home

But the process of growing up was not smooth, he was often insulted and ridiculed by children of the same age, and he could often hear the gossip of outsiders, revealing most of the meaning:

He was not biological.

When he was 14 years old, Liu Xuezhou learned from the mouths of the old people in his family that he was indeed not born, but bought by his adoptive parents. At that time, he did not cry and shout that he wanted to find his real relatives, but he had more obsession in his heart.

That obsession is very simple, like a normal child, having a normal home, but for a child who has never been far away, it is as difficult as ascending to the sky.

At the age of 17, that is, at the beginning of last month, the news that Sun Haiyang found his own son Sun Zhuo triggered a hot search, which lasted for many days on major platforms, and Liu Xuezhou also saw that the obsession that he hid deep in his heart rose up.

The 17-year-old boy who is looking for relatives is abandoned again, and the parental relationship chain is lamentable: born without raising, how to be home

With the idea of trying, he posted a video of his relatives on the Internet, and it turned out that in just a few days, with the help of the Shanxi police, he found his biological father as he wished.

On the day of the reunion, he smiled very happily, his mood was happy, his father also laughed very happily, and the father and son sitting together made people not notice a trace of strangeness, like a family that had never been separated.

The 17-year-old boy who is looking for relatives is abandoned again, and the parental relationship chain is lamentable: born without raising, how to be home

Soon after, Liu Xuezhou went to Inner Mongolia again, saw his mother as he wished, and took many photos with her mother. That day, his mother kept holding his hand, and he smiled brightly, which was the first time he could remember the happiness of being a child.

He thought that he could finally have a home as he wished, finally had the confidence to refute those gossip, and finally be able to live the same life as ordinary people.

But the reality did not develop in his ideal direction, the happiness of having a home, before and after lasted for only 20 days and then completely shattered, everything is like a dream, a touch will shatter.

The 17-year-old boy who is looking for relatives is abandoned again, and the parental relationship chain is lamentable: born without raising, how to be home

Abandoned again

A few days ago, Liu Xuezhou posted that he had been abandoned again, and that his mother, whom he had noted as "mom", had blocked his contact information.

The 17-year-old boy who is looking for relatives is abandoned again, and the parental relationship chain is lamentable: born without raising, how to be home


Because he didn't have a home since he was a child, he wanted to have a home, in order to have a home, he wanted his parents to buy him a house, even if it was rented, but his father thought that he was destroying his family, saying that he was a white-eyed wolf, and his mother directly blacked him out.

Facing the camera, Liu Xuezhou was indignant:

"I ate my grandmother's meal for more than ten years, and then I came out to find my biological parents, and my grandmother didn't even say that I was a white-eyed wolf, so I ate your meal for two days, and you said that I was a white-eyed wolf, is it ridiculous?"

The 17-year-old boy who is looking for relatives is abandoned again, and the parental relationship chain is lamentable: born without raising, how to be home

The most surprising thing is that the complex relationship chain of Liu Xuezhou's parents is enough to make people sigh.

At that time, his biological father was married, but he cheated on his birth mother, and the object of the cheating was his birth mother, and later the two of them came together completely after they were pregnant with Liu Xuezhou.

After the birth parents "abandoned" Liu Xuezhou, they had another child, and then they were destroyed by a third party, and the two divorced immediately, and each married again, and left again in the middle.

In this way, under this complicated relationship that makes people cut and mess, Liu Xuezhou inexplicably has 5 brothers and sisters who are related by blood.

Combined with this extremely complex relationship, it is not difficult to understand why they were able to bear to "abandon" their children.

The 17-year-old boy who is looking for relatives is abandoned again, and the parental relationship chain is lamentable: born without raising, how to be home

What a home

In the whole incident, the abandoned child has no resentment in his heart, and many years later he is still willing to call the person who abandoned himself "parents", but the parents who abandoned the child have no guilt in their hearts, but they are disgusted to block him and abandon him again.

In the final analysis, it is because he does not love, because he was born and is not expected.

But if you don't love, why should you give birth?

He could not decide his own birth, nor could he choose whether to come to this world or not, the choice was in the hands of his parents, and he was forced to be born and suffered the twists and turns of fate.

Now I think he abandons him and regards him as a heavy burden, but have you ever thought that the root cause of all these problems lies in yourself?

In this regard, Liu Xuezhou's response is very distressing, he said:

"I won't file a lawsuit against my parents because my younger siblings are innocent and willing to exchange their lifelong hatred for the four of them being able to grow up healthy."

Seeing this, I felt that reality and movies overlapped.

The thin boy in "Why Home" does not want to let the latecomer repeat his fate, and liu Xuezhou in reality is unwilling to implicate his brothers and sisters who are completely stranger to him.

The thin boy in the movie is powerless to change the cold ending of the story, and Liu Xuezhou in reality wants his younger siblings to grow up healthily, but will the truth really be as he wishes?

We don't know, but time will tell.

The 17-year-old boy who is looking for relatives is abandoned again, and the parental relationship chain is lamentable: born without raising, how to be home

Thinking of the story of Jin Xiaoyu, the "genius son" who frantically brushed the screen in the circle of friends in the past two days, the most touching thing is the indomitability and greatness of Chinese parents.

His son Jin Xiaoyu was injured by mistake when he was young and suffered from mental illness when he grew up, but his parents had no complaints or regrets, and they took care of Jin Xiaoyu for decades, threw thousands of dollars for his illness, apologized for the disaster he had broken, and worked for his translators.

As long as the son wants, the couple, who are no longer young, find ways to satisfy, the son has no friends in his life, and the two of them are the son's friends and assistants.

Life was very hard and not easy, but everyone forgot that with the couple's level of knowledge and ability, they could have had a better and easier life.

The 17-year-old boy who is looking for relatives is abandoned again, and the parental relationship chain is lamentable: born without raising, how to be home

But for the sake of their sick son, they are willing to be busy all their lives, willing to be old and endless, without complaint or regret, until the moment when the oil runs out.

This parental affection is enough to make everyone moved, and it also forms two extremes with Liu Xuezhou's parents.

One is willing to give everything for the child, and the other is to be born without raising or not teaching.

A Japanese writer once said:

The thought of parents being able to get into a job without having to go through an exam is terrifying.

It is deeply believed that in this world, not all families are qualified to have children, and not all people can be called parents.

If you have never really looked forward to the arrival of your child, then I am sorry, or let go of the child, let go of yourself.

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