
You "Why Home"

author:Ginger scallion gossip shop

Last night I saw a movie called "What a Home", which takes place in Lebanon. I don't know much about this country, but the only thing that impressed me was reading the poem "The Boy" by the famous Lebanese poet Gibran in my early years. The story tells or records the story of Zane, a twelve-year-old syrian teenager and undocumented refugee. This is undoubtedly a heavy film, the scenes of dirty and messy streets, crowded and dilapidated houses, the people at the bottom struggling in the cracks of life with floating and sinking... All of this is like the scars of this country, casually exposed can not be hidden, in a disorderly society, when life is trampled unable to turn over, the human spirit will tend to be numb to chaos and do not know it, after all, morality must also be attached to the ability to eat a full meal. There is not a trace of green in the whole film, a barren gray. The little boy Zane did not lose his innate kindness when he was pressed to the ground by life, and after the arrest of the black refugee mother he met, he worked hard to earn money to support her baby. By the way, the little black baby in the film is really cute and cute. A few lines from Zane's film silenced me for a long time: "I used to think that when we grew up, we would become good people, respected and loved, but God didn't want us to be like that, he wanted us to be carpets for people to step on." 」 Interested friends can watch this film, if you finish watching, look up at the sky birds skimming, feel the sun and smoke, feel the breeze refreshing, feel the city sound lively and warm, please temporarily forget the unsatisfactory life, work hard, in order to live brightly in this world.

You "Why Home"
You "Why Home"
You "Why Home"
You "Why Home"

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