
Marriage experts tell you: contemporary young people reject blind dates, the real reason is here

Today we will analyze a topic: why do young people not like blind dates now? When I saw this topic, I silently thought in my heart: How to find a partner without blind dates? I don't want to take off the list, and I don't want to go on a blind date.

Marriage experts tell you: contemporary young people reject blind dates, the real reason is here

Of course, I am not a spy sent by your parents to persuade you to go on a blind date, but let's analyze the current situation, why are young people now more and more resistant to blind dates? How do we change our concept and make it work for us, instead of eating and waiting for death after extreme resistance, we summarize three major points:

Marriage experts tell you: contemporary young people reject blind dates, the real reason is here

1. A strong sense of frustration

What is frustration? When you let a person go on a blind date, she will have a thought in her heart, I don't want anyone? Need to go on a blind date? In fact, I have also seen a lot of blind dates, and there is no shortage of suitors behind her, but she has not yet found a person who feels suitable.

Marriage experts tell you: contemporary young people reject blind dates, the real reason is here

But at this time, your parents will feel: "There is no object in your 20s, tomorrow you will go on a blind date, just who is who is home, there is a child is not bad, go to see it, don't look so high." This kind of forced business will make you feel extremely frustrated and will also make people resist.

Marriage experts tell you: contemporary young people reject blind dates, the real reason is here

Especially some people, after a few blind dates, never want to be in love, because these blind dates, in their words, one is not as good as the other, and it will make them feel, do I only deserve to be with these people? Pulling down your own grade, you may be naturally unwilling to face it, and even self-denial.

Marriage experts tell you: contemporary young people reject blind dates, the real reason is here

2, the sense of oppression is too strong

Because most of the blind dates, may be parents worry a lot, and parents introduce the object, there will be a sense of oppression, because I am bored to death, you go to me every day to find an object, then you introduce that object, it is estimated that it is not a good thing, then you yourself will feel disgusted with the monk hate and robes. This is introduced by my parents, and my first feeling is not good, so you will find that when parents introduce objects, their resistance rate will be higher.

Marriage experts tell you: contemporary young people reject blind dates, the real reason is here

We have also done such a survey, parents introduced more than 30% more than the disgust introduced by friends, because the parents of her process is today's introduction, tomorrow's dinner, the day after tomorrow's door, and then the day after tomorrow's engagement, the day after tomorrow to get married and have children, a set of processes are arranged for you properly. Then when you think about it, if I go on a blind date today, tomorrow I will have to see both parents, etc., you will feel particularly resistant.

Marriage experts tell you: contemporary young people reject blind dates, the real reason is here

Even the blind date introduced by your parents, there will be a point, that is, it feels that all the next trip is under the arrangement of your parents, and what you are doing with the man seems to be stared at by your parents. You will worry about your parents, calling him from time to time: "Hey, Xiao Zhang, how is it with my daughter today, did you hold hands after eating?" How did she come back so early today and you didn't leave her to sit for a while? "I don't feel anything, it's very annoying."

Marriage experts tell you: contemporary young people reject blind dates, the real reason is here

3, blind dates also need costs

Some people may say that the cost is all for boys, what is the cost for girls? Girls have it too. Have you ever thought that if she is going on a blind date the next day, she has to wash her hair, she has to put on makeup, many men simply don't know how much they feel sorry for her little makeup.

Marriage experts tell you: contemporary young people reject blind dates, the real reason is here

Secondly, they also have to be qualified actors for a day, they could have eaten a big grin, they want to eat two bowls, and today they are on a blind date with you, Svenwen's, "Full, you eat", to go to the day of ladyhood, you say how tired, this is also their time cost. At this point, we will be clear about why a woman is so disgusted with blind dates.

Marriage experts tell you: contemporary young people reject blind dates, the real reason is here

Just like the teacher said at the beginning, you don't take the initiative to go out to find, and you hate blind dates, what's the matter, you are ready to go up the mountain? Therefore, our fate needs us to operate independently, what can we do about blind dates?

Marriage experts tell you: contemporary young people reject blind dates, the real reason is here

Why are we so resistant? Because we ourselves feel that the purpose is too strong, today's blind date, tomorrow's marriage. But no one stipulates that blind dates should take the household registration book, "okok, everyone can, sign the contract, handle the certificate", did not say so.

Marriage experts tell you: contemporary young people reject blind dates, the real reason is here

In fact, we can change our concept, take blind dates as the entrance to expand the male circle, there is no need to think: I must marry him, with him something, and even in the process, to know ourselves more clearly and improve ourselves.

Marriage experts tell you: contemporary young people reject blind dates, the real reason is here

For example, in the process of chatting with these men, you can understand at least two things: first, what the boy needs in the relationship; second, what you can provide. You have thought clearly about these two problems, perfected yourself, one day your crush, stepping on the colorful clouds, at least you can keep him.

Marriage experts tell you: contemporary young people reject blind dates, the real reason is here

So you see, sometimes you have a little conflict with the blind date, for example, I will give you an example, for example, after you talk to him for three days, people ignore you, which is actually an experience for yourself. Can you analyze why? Why? Am I too strong? Is it that you don't have any interest, etc., through these ways, to shape a more perfect self, to meet the future happiness.

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