
A married vice president of Chang'an University was accused of cheating through a dating website, and the school has dealt with his teacher's moral anomie

author:Henan Business Daily

A few days ago, Ms. Tian Xiaomi (pseudonym) reported that Zhang Moumou, the former deputy dean of the School of Engineering Machinery of Chang'an University, concealed the fact that she was married, registered an account on a dating website, and deceived her into dating and having sex with her many times. After she found out that Zhang Moumou had a family, she cut off contact with him, but Zhang Moumou still pestered and harassed her. Tian Xiaomi said that in October 2023, she reported Zhang Moumou to the discipline inspection department. In April 2024, Chang'an University gave Zhang Moumou party discipline and administrative sanctions, and fed back the results to her by phone. The phone recording she provided shows that Chang'an University's punishment for Zhang Moumou was a serious warning from the party and an administrative warning; He was dismissed from the post of vice president of the School of Construction Machinery and transferred from his teaching position for three years; cancel the qualifications of graduate tutors, and cancel the qualifications for awards and promotions, etc., for a period of three years; Termination of the employment contract of Chang'an Scholars Leading Talents, etc.

Tian Xiaomi was not satisfied with such a result, and she complained through the Shaanxi Provincial Online Petition Complaint Platform, demanding that Chang'an University and relevant departments expel Zhang, revoke his teaching qualifications, and make the punishment results public. On May 11, Chang'an University replied to Tian Xiaomi through the platform, repeating the previous processing results.

A married vice president of Chang'an University was accused of cheating through a dating website, and the school has dealt with his teacher's moral anomie

Chang'an University's reply.

On May 20, The Paper called the Commission for Discipline Inspection of Chang'an University, and a staff member said that Zhang's matter had been dealt with and the whistleblower himself had been feedback. After that, The Paper called Zhang Moumou to learn about the matter. Zhang replied by text message: "I have called the police and filed a criminal case with the court, and I can wait for the public security organs to investigate." Do not disturb. ”

The married professor was accused of cheating on dating websites

Tian Xiaomi (pseudonym) was born in 1986, she said that in the past few years, because she was busy with her studies and career, she did not put marriage and love on the agenda. On September 3, 2019, a man named "Waiting for Fate" greeted her on, and said, "Usually there are few on this Internet, if it's convenient, you can add me QQ......"

After that, she added the man's QQ number, and the two started chatting. She said that the two mainly use QQ to chat, and sometimes they also make phone calls. After chatting on and off for about a year, the two met in September 2020, "at that time he said that he was working in a design institute, and I also thought he was good in all aspects." In October 2020, the two had a relationship, "At that time, we had already decided on the target to deal with. We had a very speculative conversation, and he was very obedient to me."

Tian Xiaomi said that when the two got along until late April 2021, "one night we opened a room outside, and then he had to leave." Later, I asked him if he was married or what, and he said he was single." This incident made her feel very uncomfortable, and then she found out that Zhang Moumou, who was known as "Waiting for Fate", was a professor at Chang'an University, not working in the design institute as he said. Later, because she took her father to seek medical treatment in other places for a long time, the contact between the two was relatively small. She said that until January 2023, Zhang Moumou confessed that she had a family and children. Under questioning, she learned that Zhang Moumou was married in 2014. Later, Zhang Moumou still pestered her and asked the two to maintain a relationship between men and women.

A married vice president of Chang'an University was accused of cheating through a dating website, and the school has dealt with his teacher's moral anomie

Tian Xiaomi said that from 2012 to 2021, Zhang Moumou used marriage and love websites for a long time. In fact, he got married in 2014.

Tian Xiaomi said that in order to collect evidence, she met with Zhang Moumou a few times, "He said that he wanted me to give him time and a sense of security, so that he would dare to divorce, and he couldn't beat the chickens and eggs, so that I could understand him." After she explicitly refused, Zhang continued to harass her, causing her to suffer from depression and often need to take sleeping pills to fall asleep.

On October 31, 2023, Tian Xiaomi sent a letter to the Shaanxi Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection to report Zhang Moumou with his real name. After that, the report letter was forwarded to Chang'an University for processing.

In April 2024, the relevant staff of the Commission for Discipline Inspection of Chang'an University gave feedback to Tian Xiaomi on the results of the treatment of Zhang Moumou by phone.

According to the telephone feedback recording provided by Tian Xiaomi, the Office of the Discipline Inspection Commission and the Supervision Department of Chang'an University, the results of Chang'an University's punishment of Zhang Moumou were: 1. Party discipline punishment, serious warning within the party; 2. Administrative punishment, warning; 3. Organization and treatment, removal from the position of vice president; 4. The treatment of the teacher's moral normal behavior is to transfer from the teaching post for three years, cancel the qualification of graduate tutors, cancel the award and evaluation, job promotion, professional title evaluation, job hiring, salary promotion, cadre selection, and apply for talent plan. The qualifications for applying for scientific research projects and other aspects are all three years; 5. Terminate the employment contract of Chang'an Scholars Leading Talents, and recover the performance salary paid since October 2023; 6. Interview the original dean, party secretary, current dean, and party secretary of the School of Engineering Machinery, and ask the four to make a written review of the school.

If the punishment is light and then complain, the school has handled it in accordance with the regulations

Tian Xiaomi (pseudonym) was dissatisfied with this, and later complained through the Shaanxi Provincial Online Petition Complaint Platform. It proposed, "1. Zhang Moumou concealed his marriage and cheated on him many times,...... Browsing pornographic websites and videos during work, repeatedly threatening and intimidating whistleblowers, and seriously violating the teacher's style and ethics, should be expelled and the teacher's qualification revoked. 2. Require the school to disclose the results of the punishment. ”

On May 11, 2024, Chang'an University replied to Tian Xiaomi's complaint on the Shaanxi Provincial Online Petition Complaint Platform, saying: "You have received a petition on the issue of Zhang Moumou, a teacher of our school, and our school has handled it in accordance with relevant regulations. ”

"After investigation, Zhang Moumou, as a leading cadre of party members and a college teacher, had an improper relationship with other members of the opposite sex during his marriage, seriously violated social morality and family virtues, and violated the relevant provisions of Article 2 of the Ten Guidelines for the Professional Conduct of College Teachers in the New Era.

The reply said, "In March 2024, the school decided to make a decision on the handling and punishment of Zhang Moumou including party discipline sanctions, government sanctions, organizational sanctions and other treatments in accordance with the "Regulations on Disciplinary Sanctions of the Communist Party of China", "Law of the People's Republic of China on Governmental Sanctions for Public Employees", and "Guiding Opinions of the Ministry of Education on the Handling of Immoral and Misconduct of Teachers in Colleges and Universities". ”

The reply shows that on April 9, 2024, in accordance with the relevant work requirements, the Office of the School Discipline Inspection Commission and the Supervision Office gave feedback to Tian Xiaomi on the results of the punishment of Zhang Moumou by phone; On April 16, at the request of Tian Xiaomi, the school's Discipline Inspection Commission Office and Supervision Office gave her face-to-face feedback on the results of the punishment of Zhang, and she read the relevant documents.

Chang'an University replied: "The university attaches great importance to the comprehensive and strict governance of the party and the construction of teachers' ethics and style, always adheres to the 'first standard' of teachers' ethics and style, and implements 'zero tolerance' for teachers' moral misconduct." The school will take this as a lesson, draw inferences from one another, continue to strengthen the construction of teachers' ethics and teaching style, build a strong defense line of teachers' ethics and teaching style, and maintain a clean and upright teaching and educating environment. ”

The Ministry of Education's "Guiding Opinions on the Handling of Teachers' Moral Misconduct in Colleges and Universities" stipulates that a "one-vote veto" shall be implemented for the moral misconduct of college teachers. Where teachers of colleges and universities have conduct that violates teacher ethics, they are to be given corresponding dispositions or sanctions based on the severity of the circumstances. where the circumstances are more minor, they are to be given criticism and education, admonished and talked, ordered to be inspected, circulated for criticism, and their qualifications in areas such as awards and evaluations, job promotions, professional title evaluations, job hiring, salary promotions, cadre selection, application for talent plans, and application for scientific research projects are to be revoked. Those who serve as graduate supervisors should also be dealt with by restricting the number of enrollment places, stopping enrollment qualifications, and even canceling the tutor qualifications. The enforcement period for the above disqualification shall not be less than 24 months. Where the circumstances are more serious and sanctions should be given, administrative sanctions should also be given in accordance with the "Interim Provisions on the Punishment of Personnel of Public Institutions", including warnings, demerits, demotion of post grades, dismissal, or dismissal, and where it is necessary to terminate the employment contract, it shall be dealt with in accordance with the relevant provisions of the "Regulations on the Personnel Management of Public Institutions". Where the circumstances are serious and the impact is heinous, it shall be reported to the competent education department to revoke their teaching qualifications on the basis of the "Teacher Qualifications Regulations". Those who are members of the Communist Party of China shall be given party disciplinary sanctions at the same time. and where violations or crimes are suspected, they shall be promptly transferred to the judicial organs for handling in accordance with law.

Zhang Moumou is not only an extramarital affair and a cheating relationship, but he also browses and forwards pornographic websites and videos during work. After being reported, he also threatened and intimidated the whistleblower. Tian Xiaomi believes that the above treatment of the school is too light, and in addition, it should be notified to the outside world to deter those who violate discipline and law, so that they dare not reach out to do evil.

According to the official website of Chang'an University, the university is directly under the Ministry of Education of the People's Republic of China, and is one of the first batch of national "211 Project" key construction universities jointly established by the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Transport, the Ministry of Natural Resources, the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, and the Shaanxi Provincial Government.

According to the teacher's personal homepage on the official website of Chang'an University, Zhang Moumou studied for a master's degree and a doctorate at Chang'an University from 2006 to 2013. Since 2014, Zhang Moumou has served as a lecturer, associate professor and professor in the School of Engineering Machinery of Chang'an University, and was appointed as the deputy dean of the School of Engineering Machinery in February 2020. He has been selected into talent support programs such as Shaanxi Province Young and Middle-aged Science and Technology Innovation Leading Talent (2018) and Chang'an Scholar Leading Talent (2023); He has won the first prize of science and technology in Shaanxi Province and the second prize of science and technology of China Highway and Transportation Society.

According to The Paper

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