
Psychologists: Children who are good at lying are mostly from such families

If a child often lies, part of the reason may be the parenting style of the parents. According to some experts, children with overly strict parents learn to lie faster and are better at lying.

Psychologists: Children who are good at lying are mostly from such families

According to a study by Victoria Talwar, a psychologist and child development expert at McGill University, children with strict parents are more likely to lie in order to escape punishment. Victoria experimented with two schools in West Africa, one more rigorous and one more relaxed. Victoria invited a group of children to two schools to participate in experiments in which they played a "voyeuristic game" that required children to guess only based on the sounds they made.

Among them, the third toy is a fluffy lion, but the sound that accompanies it has nothing to do with the lion, but plays the music in the greeting card, and the wonderful thing is that some children will guess that the toy is a lion, while others will insist on answering the answer of "musical instrument" or "mobile phone". At this point, the researcher conducting the test would leave the room and then come back and ask the child if he had peeked at the object (answer), admitting that the voyeuristic child was classified as a "confessor" and the child who lied was classified as a "liar."

The link between strictness and lying

The results of the study showed that while the responses of the children of the "loose school" mixed with the liar and the truth- person, the "strict school" had significantly more liars and were more effective. About 80 percent of the children who took the test peeked at the toy, but almost all the strict school kids lied, and not only that, they also hid and hid the fact that they were lying. Children exposed to punitive parenting or schooling tell higher, more persuasive lies, and children's dishonest behavior can be caused by the harsh punitive environment imposed on them by adults.

Strict discipline at home may have a similar effect

Philippa Perry explains: When parents manage the family in a very strict way, children feel unsafe to tell the truth, and when children lie, we should not blame the children entirely, because their dishonesty is a "jointly created situation" and punishing them for lying will only make things worse. The study shows that creating a strict and oppressive parenting atmosphere will teach children how to lie to avoid punishment, but lying is not necessarily a bad thing. Whether or not it is the result of strict parenting, lying does have a good physiological effect, and when a child lies, it does not indicate that they are on the path of sin, but that they are developing important psychological skills, and that effective lies can also be a sign of wisdom.

Lying demonstrates a child's ability to think outside the box and in a non-linear way

Also, if they can tell all the lies and facts outright, it means that their working memory is good, of course, lying should never be seen as a virtue, especially for children, but research does highlight the importance of parental influence on children. In the long run, whether strict parenting is beneficial to children or not, only time will tell, no parent is willing to raise children in a lying way, but if you are the kind of parent who is strict with yourself and conforms to the rules, then you may unconsciously turn them into liars.

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