
Children have these four behaviors, they must be beaten, and parents must not be soft-hearted

"Tiger Mother, my child is too naughty, when he shows some bad behavior, give him a good reason, a cigarette kung fu, the child will just talk about the big truths I just talked about left behind." Start beating the child, afraid of leaving a psychological shadow on the child, do not beat the child with your hands, I am afraid that I will not be able to control it in the future! How can this be good? ”

I believe that many parents have encountered such problems in the process of parenting, some bad behaviors of children, can not sit idly by, let it develop, these behaviors of children will form bad habits, and when parents realize, it will become very difficult to change. Famous parenting education experts once said, "The love for children should be rational love, teach children the correct concept of right and wrong, if you find that children have these four behaviors, parents should fight, must not be soft!" ”

Children have these four behaviors, they must be beaten, and parents must not be soft-hearted

Don't know how to respect others

Nowadays, basically every family has only one child, parents give all their love and tolerance to their children, everything is child-centered, all the requirements of children are satisfied, and gradually develop children's bad behavior habits. One of these bad behaviors is a lack of respect. Some children name names others when they speak to others, call elders by their first names, do not know how to respect the elderly, and take things in some public places without the permission of others, these behaviors are all manifestations of disrespect. The child has not developed the habit of respecting others, and when the parents realize it, they will correct it, and it will be too late.

Children have these four behaviors, they must be beaten, and parents must not be soft-hearted

Civility and courtesy are a fine tradition. Respect is the most basic etiquette of being a human being. If a child does not know how to respect others, do you still expect that children will respect you in the future? So parents do not ignore such behavior, once found that the child does not know how to respect the behavior, parents do not be soft- hearted, teach the child a good lesson!

Loves to steal

The principle of "stealing needles when hours, stealing gold when big" is believed that parents have heard of it. I have seen such a story, a little boy on the way to school in the stationery store saw a beautiful pen, the boy is very impressed, but he has no money in his pocket, so he took advantage of the clerk's efforts to collect money, quietly stuffed the pen into his pocket, back home The boy was uneasy, he told his mother about it, his mother did not reprimand him, so he thought that his mother acquiesced to his behavior, so he stole things in the store from time to time. In a class activity, he personally saw his classmates put 100 yuan to buy books and stationery into the bag, he took advantage of his classmates' efforts to go to the toilet, quietly stuffed the money into his school bag, waited until the classmates came back from the toilet, how could not find the money, anxious to cry, and finally found the lost 100 yuan in the boy's bag, the boy's parents were called to school, the boy was also educated, but he still did not change the habit of stealing things.

Children have these four behaviors, they must be beaten, and parents must not be soft-hearted

Therefore, when the child has a petty theft behavior, parents must educate from the time the child steals things for the first time, otherwise when the child develops the habit of stealing, it is not easy to stop and correct it. Parents must not mistake children for petty theft when they are young, and wait until the elders will correct it themselves! When the child's theft attracts the attention of parents, the child's hand stealing is not a simple thing! Therefore, when parents encounter children stealing things, they must fight, and do not be soft! Let the child learn a long lesson, and the child will change the habit of stealing.

Can't help but throw a tantrum

Every child has a temper, but if the child can't control his emotions very well and lose his temper with everyone, it is not a good habit. Girls who love to lose their temper are described as "there is no princess life but there is a princess disease"; boys who love to lose their temper are described as "there is no young master's life but there is a young master's disease", so they manage their emotions and be the masters of their emotions. Parents' behavior and attitudes are also important when confronting children who lose their temper. Parents should not use violence to counter violence, although parents will temporarily suppress the child's irritability, but the long-term effect is not good, the most important thing for parents to do is to use the most peaceful mentality, patiently to understand the cause of the child's tantrum, ease the child's temper, and then teach the child to control the way to control the emotions, I believe that under the parents' patient education, the child can definitely change the habit of throwing tantrums.

Children have these four behaviors, they must be beaten, and parents must not be soft-hearted

There is no sense of rules

"No rules, no squares." Sometimes rules can make the place where we live more stable and harmonious. However, the cultivation of rule awareness does not happen overnight, and it requires the guidance and education of parents. First of all, parents lead by example, in ordinary life to tell children what are the rules, how to establish rules, such as when crossing the road, tell children to stop at the red light, green light pass; keep quiet when reading in the library, do not shout; abide by school discipline when going to school, do not disturb classroom discipline and so on.

Children have these four behaviors, they must be beaten, and parents must not be soft-hearted

Some of the child's behavior habits, parents blindly connive, wait until the parents realize that such behavior will bring bad consequences, it is too late, so when the child appears in the above four behaviors, should be beaten, do not be soft-hearted!

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