
How can introverted children change? Parents must know how to find "trouble" for their children

The so-called "trouble" is to ask young children to help their parents do some housework within their capabilities, whether it is to help their parents pour a cup of water or collect the bowl, and then say "thank you" to them after the matter is completed! It can make young children feel a sense of accomplishment and more confident.

How can introverted children change? Parents must know how to find "trouble" for their children

The temperament types of young children are divided into four types: polychromatology, bile, mucus, and depression. For the first two temperament types of young children, parents are undoubtedly both disturbing and worry-free, because they are naughty and mischievous, and it is common to be complained about by classmates; but at the same time, they are very smart, they will learn things, and they have strong ability to resist blows, no matter how you say that he scolds him, he can quickly digest this emotion.

Compared with children with multiple blood and bile, mucus and depressive children, especially depressive children, are more troublesome for parents. It takes 120,000 minutes of attention to give them a little bit of confidence. The outward manifestation of such children is timidity, introversion, dare not answer the teacher's questions, and even dare not play with children. Originally thought that the temperament was natural, it turned out that they just did not have a sense of achievement, and they could not be recognized.

How can introverted children change? Parents must know how to find "trouble" for their children

I was a kindergarten teacher with a depressed type of child in my class who hid behind my dad every day when I came to school, and if I didn't take the initiative to hold him, he would always stand in the doorway. The same is true for outdoor activities, if you don't find a little friend to play with him, he will stand alone, panicked, I have found a lot of ways for this, but to no avail.

Until one time, I was cleaning, the other children were out, there were many small chairs that had not been collected, I said to him: "Guoguo, please help the teacher collect the chair, okay?" "I thought he wouldn't take it, but I didn't expect him to take it."

After receiving it, I said to him, "Thank you, you helped the teacher a lot, now you go out for a walk with the children"! He went happily and had fun all day.

How can introverted children change? Parents must know how to find "trouble" for their children

When I see him the next day, I don't need to hold him anymore, he will take the initiative to hold me. His dad asked, how can a child have this transformation? From his family environment and psychological analysis, the reason for the child's transformation is that I gave him a sense of recognition and accomplishment that he never got.

Depressed children, the sense of existence is relatively weak, do not cry or make trouble, it is easy to be ignored. Because of their timidity and sensitivity, their parents will not let them help with housework, nor will they thank them.

But such an approach not only can not improve their sensitive and timid hearts, but also make them more sensitive and more inferior. In fact, there is more than one temperament type in the child, but only one of the temperament types dominates, how to stimulate the multi-blood and bile temperament type in the depressed children? "Trouble" they will be a good choice.

How can introverted children change? Parents must know how to find "trouble" for their children

Children who do housework and love to work will be better in the future.

Yu Minhong, the founder of New Oriental, once said: "Doing housework is to cultivate children's ability to order, organize and methodically clean up, which is very important to children's lives."

I deeply agree that a child who can do housework and know what to do after eating can make the whole process complete more quickly. Working with your parents also understands the importance of solidarity and cooperation.

Take washing dishes, first of all, the water should be heated, add dish soap, first wash the chopsticks and then wash the dishes, the bowls should be placed in their own size, in order to make the most of the narrow cupboard.

In the process of doing housework, you can also exercise independent ability and develop creative thinking.

How can introverted children change? Parents must know how to find "trouble" for their children

Du Chun, an actor known for his simplicity, once said in an interview that he left home at the age of ten and lived in a dormitory, when people were very small, the strength was also very small, and he couldn't twist the jeans, what to do, he thought of folding the jeans in half, hanging on the water pipe, and then he could twist it, how to wash the socks, put the socks on his hands, rub directly on the washboard, although the washing was slow, but it was clean.

Du Chun, who has loved labor since childhood and created wisdom in labor, has grown into an independent and responsible person, rigorous in his work and simple in heart. Engaged in the profession of actors, they will not randomly pick up the script, and only then will they have one vivid and vivid character image on the screen.

How can introverted children change? Parents must know how to find "trouble" for their children

Do housework and help your child save virtue.

"Not only do you have interest on your deposits, but you also have a reward for saving hard work and saving virtues," a blogger on Douyin said. There is a popular saying in today's society that a mother can support ten children, but ten children cannot support a mother.

The news that an old mother once froze to death in front of her son's door is known to the world. Of course, the old man's four sons were eventually sentenced by the court to a sentence ranging from one year to two and a half years.

Netizens have said that these four sons are not filial piety and immorality, which is true, but it is too late to talk about these at this time. After investigation and research, when they were young, they loved to do housework and loved to work, and most of them were of high quality, well-educated and popular when they grew up.

There is a child, the family situation is one of the few solid families in the local area, although the father is violent and severe, but the mother's diligence and simplicity have left a deep impact on the child's heart, he helps the mother to do farm work, plant rice, go up the mountain to collect firewood, in the process of collecting firewood, teach children younger than himself to write and distribute his firewood to the children who collect less firewood, help others to harvest rice, but their own family is wet.

How can introverted children change? Parents must know how to find "trouble" for their children

In his youth, with his simple and industrious qualities coupled with outstanding literary style, he attracted countless like-minded friends. When other scholars thought of changing the social landscape by reforming the thinking of contemporary students, he saw the toiling masses and the sufferings of the people. With a roar of arms, literati and volunteers came to help, and finally achieved a great cause. Have you guessed who he is, yes, our great Chairman Mao!

Do not do what is good and small, and do not do it with evil. Virtue is actually a good habit, a good upbringing, although it will not give you back in the first time, but it is a wealth you have saved, and it will play a role in the crucial time.

Just like a deposit, although you have always been in the bank, you can't feel its existence, but when you need it, you will thank yourself for insisting on saving a reserve.

How can introverted children change? Parents must know how to find "trouble" for their children

Doing housework is a process of combining heart and hand, hand and brain, and children who love to do housework will learn better

Many parents think that their children's learning has been very hard, how can they let their children go home to do housework? It is true that today's children are particularly heavy on schooling, but blindly only know how to learn, is this really a good thing?

The post-90s should have all watched the family TV series "Family with Children", in which there was an episode in which Xiaoxue studied day and night in order to be admitted to the top class, not only did the effect not good, but became nervous and anxious.

How Xiaoxue finally relieved the pressure and succeeded, thanks to the sudden illness of Liu Xing, there were only two sisters and brothers at home, Xiaoxue had to put down her studies to take care of Liu Xing, tired and fell asleep, but the next day she was admitted to the top class in a rare good state.

How can introverted children change? Parents must know how to find "trouble" for their children

Blindly learning will make the child's mind confused and produce nervous and anxious emotions, so it is better to let the child put down the book, work a little, and experience the feeling of sweating. Doing housework, not only exercising the limbs, but also allowing children to feel that the results of doing housework, the window of a clean home, who can not like it.

Doing housework can also bring a sense of accomplishment and honor to children! Introverted children around three or four years old have a natural component of personality, but also have acquired reasons. For example, the lack of parental companionship, not the recognition of parents and relatives, weak aura and low sense of existence, etc., but these factors are not unchangeable, as long as parents properly guide, find their needs, and prescribe the right medicine.

How can introverted children change? Parents must know how to find "trouble" for their children

Doing housework is one of the ways, you can also accompany the child to do what he likes, read calligraphy and painting, climb the mountain and ascend, in these processes to create some small troubles, "trouble" the child, in the same position as the child, ask for his help, there will be unexpected gains!

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How can introverted children change? Parents must know how to find "trouble" for their children

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