
Still rubbing headaches for your child? Just do a little bit and let the child say goodbye to procrastination!

When a parent asks: What should I do if my child procrastinates and rubs?

I usually ask parents: Is your baby procrastinating when doing what he likes to do?

Parents generally laugh like an epiphany, haha, as if they don't rub or drag.

Still rubbing headaches for your child? Just do a little bit and let the child say goodbye to procrastination!

When a child appears to be rubbing or dragging, as parents, the first thing we should do is to observe, to see if what we are doing now is something that the child is interested in.

For example: Children like to read picture books, do they procrastinate when reading picture books? Like to play with blocks, will you rub them when you build blocks?

Is it habitual grinding and dragging when doing anything, or is it just dragging and dragging on things that are not of interest?

There is a fundamental difference between the two.

The first situation is most likely because the child's own temperament type is mild, no matter how noisy the external environment is, how busy the people around them are, they can maintain a peaceful and indifferent state.

Under today's fast-paced pace of life, you and I will be more or less affected by the external environment and feel different degrees of anxiety, uneasiness and trepidation.

When children have this type of temperament, we should be happy for children, which is not a good thing?

Still rubbing headaches for your child? Just do a little bit and let the child say goodbye to procrastination!

But if we find out, children never procrastinate when doing things that interest them.

When playing the game, the game equipment is quickly prepared; make an appointment to go out to play ball the next day, get up early without an alarm clock, wash up, eat breakfast without urging, and complete the rush out.

But as long as he is asked to do his homework, go to bed, wash and brush his teeth... When these things happen, they start to grind and rub, and it takes half an hour to wear shoes before going out and tie a shoelace. So what to do?

This is the time to test our parents, how to make things that children are not interested in, into fun and interesting.

When the child is writing homework, we are no longer accompanied by a supervisor on the side, one moment asking the child to sit in a correct posture, the other asking the child to write clearly and neatly.....

When we find that the child is sitting in an improper posture, we can use our hands to help him correct the sitting posture, instead of interrupting him and telling him to sit well;

You can also take out a book or a set of test papers and do it with your child.

When the child appears to be procrastinating, you can also ask whether the child has encountered difficulties in the process of completing the homework, and can find a way to solve it together.

Still rubbing headaches for your child? Just do a little bit and let the child say goodbye to procrastination!

When we meet a child who doesn't like to brush their teeth and wash, we can make washing a fun thing.

Treat your child as a non-electric toothbrushing robot, gently turn your child's ears to help your child replenish energy, and after the energy is complete, set off to the destination to complete the brushing task.

Play some bedtime games while you sleep. For example, prepare a flashlight with moderate brightness, lie in the quilt nest with the child, and light up the small stars;

Get to the bed with your child in different ways, such as turning into a bunny and jumping in front of the bed, becoming a small snail crawling in front of the bed, becoming a caterpillar twisting to the bed, etc...

Use the way of play to make things that children are not interested in fun, and children will naturally act quickly.

Dear parents, we still have to change ourselves back to the state of the child, how old are the children, how old are you, as long as the children do not procrastinate on the things they like, then why don't we make life more fun and interesting?

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