
From shallow reading to deep reading How to make babies really "paint books"?

From shallow reading to deep reading How to make babies really "paint books"?

What is Intensive Reading?

For the growth of children, for reading, "extensive reading" and "intensive reading", I think are two topics that parents are very concerned about.

The question of extensive reading (why thematic reading) will be discussed in detail next time.

Today, let's focus on what everyone is obviously more concerned about - intensive reading.

Often, after listening to the theme picture book deep reading class, some parents will ask our curator or teaching teacher: "Where are the picture books you are talking about deep reading, intensive reading?" Where is the depth? Why do you let your children read deeply in class? Or simply say, "I don't think other picture book lessons or reading lessons are teaching." ”

So let's first talk about what problems intensive reading solves:

One is: chewing on words

To achieve a basic understanding of picture books, it is necessary to understand words, words, sentences, and their role and function in the text.

The second is: the implication

To figure out the author's implications, it is necessary to prepare for the historical background.

The third is: analytical ability

Analytical skills, including the analysis and deconstruction of environmental settings, character development, plot, etc.

Such in-depth lessons are not only the meaning of pictures and the meaning of words, but also focus on reading elements, creative conception and thinking ability, analysis and refinement. Such in-depth courses focus on cultivating children's reading skills.

At this point, one might ask: How do you do that?

Three levels of intensive reading

Themed picture book deep reading lesson

Intensive reading of the first level - seeing the mountain is the mountain

Read the language intensively and achieve basic comprehension.

Sometimes it is necessary to bite the words, and this method of fine analysis of language can help children lay a good foundation.

Its focus is on the careful combing of reading comprehension and the analysis of words, words, sentences, etc., which is also the basis of intensive reading depth.

Because the basis of picture book reading is the complete sentence pattern of the written language, in order to achieve a basic understanding of the whole picture book, we must first understand the meaning of words, words, and sentences, and their interaction and association in the text.

This level of linguistic profiling is a good foundation for helping children build good reading.

For example, "I Like Books":

From shallow reading to deep reading How to make babies really "paint books"?

For children aged 3-5, funny and scary word meanings can be understood and shared through pictures in the book.

For example, "The Unique You":

From shallow reading to deep reading How to make babies really "paint books"?

Bring your child in class to discuss what "wisdom" is. What wisdom contains and how to share it, so that children have more understanding and thinking about sharing wisdom.

Themed picture book deep reading lesson

Intensive reading of the second level - seeing the mountain is not the mountain

Through the story expressed by the language and words of the picture book, the teacher allows the child to rise from the reader to the perspective of understanding, observing and thinking about the author through the progressive deep reading method and the flexible use of mind maps, to figure out the unspoken meaning of the story, the sound of the strings, and the cause, process, result and climax of the picture book story.

If you want your child to reach the level of understanding, observation, and thinking about the author's perspective in reading, the child's own reading or parent-child reading may not be able to see or fully understand.

Therefore, the second level of deep reading must be discovered under the guidance of the teacher and in the process of continuous discussion and exploration with the students.

For example, "I Like Books":

From shallow reading to deep reading How to make babies really "paint books"?

We took the children through the circle chart to analyze what books were introduced in the book.

Little orangutans like a variety of books, and children in the deep reading class, we not only read the content of the book, but also with the children to discuss the purpose behind the author wants to express, that is, to let the children also like different types of books, like to be friends with books, feel the charm of books.

In the deep reading class, we need to cultivate children's reading analysis ability, including the analysis and thinking of the environment setting, character shaping, plot development, etc.

For example, "Cloud Doll":

From shallow reading to deep reading How to make babies really "paint books"?
From shallow reading to deep reading How to make babies really "paint books"?

In our deep reading class, the teacher leads the children to understand what a fixed shape is and to understand the words.

Through the cause, process and result of the story, let the students discover the psychological changes of the cloud doll, and discover the self-knowledge, growth experience, and character shaping that the author wants to express to the reader.

For example, "A Clever Fish":

From shallow reading to deep reading How to make babies really "paint books"?
From shallow reading to deep reading How to make babies really "paint books"?

Through story combing and mind mapping, we guide students to discover cognitive understanding, and the author wants to express the story of human evolution and popular science knowledge about evolution.

In the theme picture book deep reading class, we pay more attention to cultivating children's reading ability and critical thinking ability, such as: often unconscious reading perspective and thinking style; for example, the exploration of the development clues of the storyline and the overall expression framework of the author for the picture book.

To figure out the layout of the author's picture book design is to resonate with the author from a higher perspective, to read and think about each deep reading picture book.

If this is to be done, it takes a long period of training to develop a keen awareness.

Reading, discussing, and thinking about a good picture book with your children is as enjoying a good concert.

Among them, the process will have a prelude, a foreshadowing, a climax, and an epilogue, which have a rigorous structure and rich means of expression, so picture book reading has a strong artistry and a very broad imagination space.

From shallow reading to deep reading How to make babies really "paint books"?

Therefore, in every theme picture book deep reading class, we work with the child to find out the author's creative intention, in fact, we try to stand with the author from the same angle and perspective as the child.

For the appearance and personality of each character in the picture book, the dynamics of story development, the details of the environmental setting, and how different elements interact and influence each other, resulting in a wonderful picture book story, we must take the children to discover and think together.

This is very, very important and can help our children slowly build up their reading ability and speculation and creativity.

From shallow reading to deep reading How to make babies really "paint books"?

In the theme picture book in-depth reading class, the characters, plot, language, conflicts, structure, environment, psychology and other different factors of each picture book in the course are discussed and thought together in different themes in each lesson.

Only when the children have figured out all these elements can they almost understand what the author of a picture book wants to express and dig out the hidden meaning.

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