
What is it like to have a child who is cold by nature? A 36-year-old mother spoke from her heart

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An excellent parent can cultivate their children into a person with a sound personality through companionship and education, and they can create a harmonious parent-child relationship so that children can grow up in a warm family environment.

Children's personalities have their own characteristics, some children are more optimistic and cheerful, and some children are cooler in nature, what should parents of such children do? Psychologists point you to the right approach.

Many parents of children find that their children have a special personality, and their children prefer a quiet environment to other children who are lively and active.

What is it like to have a child who is cold by nature? A 36-year-old mother spoke from her heart

They don't make a big fuss, and they don't even have big mood swings. Such children also keep their distance from others and even alienate their own loved ones.

These children are inherently cold, emotionally thin, lack empathy for some things, and appear cold and selfish.

A manifestation of a child's natural coolness

What makes people confused is that these children are naturally cold and thin as if they were born. Such a performance of children makes their families feel a kind of indifference, and even the family atmosphere feels suffocated How to educate such children at home has also become a topic of discussion among many parents of children.

What is it like to have a child who is cold by nature? A 36-year-old mother spoke from her heart

This phenomenon has also attracted people's attention, what is the experience of having a child with a cold nature?

A 36-year-old mother posted about her child's performance, showing that there are really such cold-blooded children in the world.

This little girl has been well-behaved and cute since she was a child, and her relatives and friends are very fond of her.

However, this little girl has a characteristic that she has always been relatively calm and not naughty as other children. Never shows very exaggerated emotions and expressions, likes to be quiet and alone, and does not want to be close to others, even to his parents.

What is it like to have a child who is cold by nature? A 36-year-old mother spoke from her heart

Parents can't do anything about their daughters, and when the little girl was eight years old, once her mother cut her hand and bled, she didn't have any mood swings, and she didn't even want to help her mother's Band-Aid.

Someone bullied herself, her brother went to defend her, helped her to fight and accidentally fell into the pool, she was also indifferent. When the family asked, she said that her brother had asked for it.

This little girl never even called out to her mother, the family hoped that she would be able to understand things when she grew up, but watching the girl grow up day by day, she was still so cold, and she was unwilling to keep a distance from her family.

With such children in the family, no matter how much love the parents give, it is difficult to be responded to, and even the heart will be hurt. If the child in the family has such a situation, be sure to learn the following practices.

What is it like to have a child who is cold by nature? A 36-year-old mother spoke from her heart

Figure out why your child behaves this way

There are two reasons for the formation of children's nature, congenital and acquired, and parents must first find out whether the child is born or influenced by nurture. According to the research of psychologists, most children are affected by the acquired environment to have such a performance.

The impact of the acquired environment

Children's self-awareness is relatively weak in early childhood, mainly affected by the family environment. During this period, if the parents' education method is not reasonable enough, it will cause the child to have some character defects.

What is it like to have a child who is cold by nature? A 36-year-old mother spoke from her heart

In particular, spoiling children will not be conducive to the growth of children's personality. Under excessive coddling, children can become selfish and indifferent.

Mental illness

Some children are more indifferent because of mental illness, proportional depression, autism, such children will show more indifference and reluctance to be close to others.

Children in this situation, only rely on the guidance of the family is not effective, need to find a professional psychologist for diagnosis and treatment, if the family environment is good, there is no excessive coddling of the child, we must consider whether the child's psychological health.

What is it like to have a child who is cold by nature? A 36-year-old mother spoke from her heart

Effective psychological interventions and treatments

As mentioned earlier, most children are naturally cold due to the influence of the acquired environment, and pathology is only a minority. If the child is pathologically cold and cold-blooded, he should go to a professional institution for testing.

Parents should also calm their minds and cooperate with the treatment of professional doctors. Because the child's treatment effect is successful or not, the parents' attitude and cooperation become the most critical link.

If the child has psychological problems, parents should pay more attention to and accompany the child, and help the child out of his own closed inner world.

What is it like to have a child who is cold by nature? A 36-year-old mother spoke from her heart

In the company of their families, children can bravely go to the outside world and contact new environments and people.

Especially children with autism, they will feel anxious in their hearts, parents must do a good job of comfort, so that children have a sense of security, eliminate anxiety about the outside world, improve mental state.

If you want to become a qualified parent, you must adopt a health science education method, rather than blindly doting on your children and paying without limits.

Let the child know how to be grateful, let the child know that love is equal, and learn to give while receiving love, so as to avoid the child becoming a selfish and cold-blooded person.

What is it like to have a child who is cold by nature? A 36-year-old mother spoke from her heart

Let children know love, learn to pay love is also a necessary ability for children to enter the society in the future, parents will form psychological diseases if they do not actively guide.

- The End -

Author | Tommy

Edit | Rain

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参考资料:Vogel, D. L., & Wester, S. R. (2003). To seek help or not to seek help: The risks of self-disclosure. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 50(3), 351.

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