
After a woman gives birth, why should she "confinement"? These 2 precautions, early understanding

In the traditional concept of marriage and children are two major events in life, especially for female friends, having a love crystal with her husband after marriage is also of great help to marriage.

According to tradition, women have the custom of "confinement" after giving birth, which can not only allow women's bodies to recover as soon as possible, but also avoid unnecessary diseases on the other hand.

After a woman gives birth, why should she "confinement"? These 2 precautions, early understanding

Why do women confinement after giving birth?

Talking about the custom of "confinement", it was very popular as early as ancient society, because from the traditional point of view, women giving birth to children is like walking in the "ghost door", so it will cause great damage to the body.

Whether it is a vaginal birth or a caesarean section, it will consume a lot of physical strength and energy, which can easily lead to the body becoming particularly weak.

After a woman gives birth, why should she "confinement"? These 2 precautions, early understanding

At the same time, the body's resistance and immunity will also decline, under this premise, there needs to be a period of rest, during this time not only to rest in bed, but also to supplement the body with nutrients, which is the origin of the "confinement" custom.

In addition, women may have sequelae after giving birth, so it takes a period of time to recuperate.

After a woman gives birth, why should she "confinement"? These 2 precautions, early understanding

Especially for women who have a caesarean section, when giving birth to a child, the doctor will use a scalpel to continuously cut the uterus from the stomach downwards, although it is said that anesthesia will be applied during the operation, but this process is very sinful, and there is also great damage to the female body.

Therefore, only through the way of "confinement" can the wound be slowly recovered.

After a woman gives birth, why should she "confinement"? These 2 precautions, early understanding

What are the precautions for women when confinement?

First, patient rest, nutritional balance

Because women in confinement, most of the time will lie in bed, so it is easy to lead to body pain, upset, this time in addition to timely adjustment of emotions, the family should also pay more attention to the mother, only in this way can the mother sit at ease to sit well.

At the same time, because women are relatively weak after giving birth, they should eat more nutritious foods in addition to rest, such as: meat, eggs, milk, and eat vegetables and fruits appropriately, which not only achieves nutritional balance, but also allows the body to return to normal levels as soon as possible.

After a woman gives birth, why should she "confinement"? These 2 precautions, early understanding

Second, exercise appropriately and bask in more sun

About a week after giving birth, women should properly go to the ground to hang out, on the one hand, it can effectively alleviate the soreness of the body, on the other hand, it can also enhance the physical fitness.

If you lie in bed all the time, it is also very detrimental to the recovery of the body, as long as you do not make too much movement, there will generally be no problem.

There is also a should be a sun, even if you can not go outdoors to bask in the sun, you can also get up in the morning, stand by the window to bask in the sun, on the one hand, you can increase the content of vitamin D in the body, improve physical fitness.

After a woman gives birth, why should she "confinement"? These 2 precautions, early understanding

The above introduced the reasons and benefits of female confinement, female friends after giving birth to children, must listen to the advice of the family to sit on the confinement, must not be obstinate not to confinement, otherwise it will definitely lead to slower physical recovery time, serious and even induce diseases.

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