
Delicious braised chestnut chicken, sweet sugar fried chestnuts, soft sticky chestnut cake, all delicious and easy to make

author:Simple food

Life is simple to be happy, people's hearts are simple to be happy, hello everyone, here is simple food.

Autumn is the time when chestnuts come to market in large numbers. As an ingredient, chestnuts can also be called "perfect": they can be cooked, they can be made into snacks, and the key is that they are delicious.

Today, we're going to share a few ways to do chestnuts.

1. Braised chestnut chicken

Delicious braised chestnut chicken, sweet sugar fried chestnuts, soft sticky chestnut cake, all delicious and easy to make

Ingredients: 2 chicken thighs, 300g of peeled raw chestnuts, green onion, ginger, star anise, soy sauce, soy sauce, cooking wine, sugar, salt


1: Wash the chicken thighs, cut into pieces of about 3 cm, then blanch them in boiling water, blanch them, rinse them with clean water and set aside.

2: Heat the oil in the pan to 60%, fry the star anise into the oil pan to fry the aroma, then put the blanched chicken nuggets into the pot and fry until the skin is a little yellow.

3: Next, add the green onion and ginger slices and continue to sauté. After sautéing the aroma, pour in cooking wine, light soy sauce, soy sauce, sauté until the chicken nuggets are colored, and then add the washed and peeled raw chestnuts.

4, slightly sauté, add the right amount of water, the amount of water to no more ingredients is appropriate, and then add a little sugar, salt, cover the pot lid, boil on high heat, turn the heat to simmer until the chicken nuggets are soft and rotten, and finally collect the juice on high heat, so that the delicious braised chestnut chicken is ready.

Second, home oven version of sugar fried chestnuts

Delicious braised chestnut chicken, sweet sugar fried chestnuts, soft sticky chestnut cake, all delicious and easy to make

Ingredients: Chestnuts, cooking oil, sugar water (or honey water)

1, first wash the chestnuts, the surface moisture should be dried, or wipe clean with kitchen paper towels.

2. Then use a knife to cut a hole on the side of the chestnut bulging, careful not to cut into the hand.

3, next put the cut chestnuts into a basin, mixed with a little cooking oil, here to pay attention to, each chestnut should be glued to the oil.

4: Spread the tin foil over the baking sheet and lay the chestnuts on top of the foil.

5, put the baking sheet into the oven (the oven can be preheated, can also not be preheated), 200 degrees, up and down the heat for about 15 to 20 minutes, this time according to the temper of their own oven.

6: After baking, use a brush to brush the surface of the chestnuts with sugar water or honey water, and continue to bake for 5 to 10 minutes. At this time, under normal circumstances, chestnuts can open their mouths, and the color is bright and the taste is particularly good.

3. Peanut chestnut cake

Delicious braised chestnut chicken, sweet sugar fried chestnuts, soft sticky chestnut cake, all delicious and easy to make

Ingredients: Raw chestnuts, cooked peanuts, preserved fruits (raisins, dried cranberries, etc.), honey grapefruit sauce (or osmanthus sugar, honey), white sugar

1. Chestnuts are washed, steamed and peeled, and the chestnut meat is mashed with a rolling pin or placed in a plastic bag.

2, after mashing the chestnut meat, you need to sift it, so that it is more delicate (if you do not particularly care about the taste, you can also not use the sieving)

3: Add an appropriate amount of ground peanuts, raisins, sugar, honey grapefruit paste to the sieved chestnut meat, and mix well with your hands.

4, and then use the mold to make your favorite shape. This chestnut cake is very simple to prepare, but the taste is very good, sweet and soft, suitable for all ages.

Peanut chestnut cake video link (yuzu fragrant peanut chestnut cake, simple and delicious, did not expect the internet very hot chestnut peeling method but hit the face)

Delicious braised chestnut chicken, sweet sugar fried chestnuts, soft sticky chestnut cake, all delicious and easy to make

Here sincerely ask everyone, who has a proven way to remove chestnut peel, trouble message to share it, thank you!

Well, today's sharing is here, make food, taste life, here is a simple food, welcome to leave a comment!

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