
Braised chestnut chicken, warm and fragrant, remember this belongs to the taste of autumn

author:Yue Yue said

Autumn chestnut season, chestnuts to eat, known as the king of dried fruits, rich in unsaturated fatty acids, vitamins, and minerals, stewed with chicken, nutritious and delicious, very suitable for the autumn season. The sweet sticky chestnut roast chicken has become a regular dish on my dinner table. I remember when I was a child, in the autumn and winter evenings, it was always dark and early, bored while writing homework, while squinting at the gate from time to time to wait for my father to come home from work. Seeing a pocket of chestnuts in his father's hand, he immediately threw down his pen, pounced on it like a bird, took the chestnut, turned around and ran to the kitchen to give it to his mother. Mom always smiled and said, "Okay, add food to you!" "Not long after, braised chestnut chicken was placed on the dinner table. The sweet braised chestnut chicken brought me not only delicious but also warm memories. Now I've done it myself, and on my mother's version, I've improved it. The chicken is soft and juicy, sucking in the sweet flavor of chestnuts, salty and sweet layers, smooth taste, with sweet and delicious chestnuts, fragrant and non-greasy, so that you can eat several bowls of white rice.

Braised chestnut chicken, warm and fragrant, remember this belongs to the taste of autumn


Chicken: 1/2, chestnuts: 200 g, Green onion: 1 stick, Ginger: 1 piece, Garlic: 3-5 cloves, Dark Soy sauce: appropriate, Oyster sauce: appropriate, cooking wine: appropriate, rock sugar: appropriate, large ingredients: 1 clove, cinnamon: 1 piece, fragrant leaves: 2 slices, dried chili pepper: 2 pieces, salt: appropriate


Step 1: Wash the chicken and cut into small pieces. Cut the green onion into sections, slice the ginger and cut the garlic into chunks. Dried chili peppers, cinnamon, large ingredients, fragrant leaves, rock sugar are prepared in advance. Chestnuts with shells are boiled in water for 5 minutes in advance, and then peeled and set aside after cooling.

Braised chestnut chicken, warm and fragrant, remember this belongs to the taste of autumn

Step 2: Prepare a bowl of sauce in advance. Take a spoonful of soybean paste, dark soy sauce, cooking wine, and oyster sauce. Salt to taste, because soybean paste will be saltier.

Braised chestnut chicken, warm and fragrant, remember this belongs to the taste of autumn

Step 3: Add an appropriate amount of cooking oil and add rock sugar. When the rock sugar is boiled, add the chicken nuggets and stir-fry.

Braised chestnut chicken, warm and fragrant, remember this belongs to the taste of autumn

Step 4: When the chicken is sautéed until it is slightly yellow, add the green onion, ginger, garlic, dried chili, fragrant leaves, cinnamon, large ingredients, and continue to stir-fry evenly.

Braised chestnut chicken, warm and fragrant, remember this belongs to the taste of autumn

Step 5: Pour in the prepared sauce, add the right amount of water, about two small bowls, and continue to simmer.

Braised chestnut chicken, warm and fragrant, remember this belongs to the taste of autumn

Step 6: When the pot is boiling, pour in the chestnuts and simmer slowly over medium-low heat. Cook for about 20-30 minutes, then turn on high heat to collect the juice and serve on a plate.

Braised chestnut chicken, warm and fragrant, remember this belongs to the taste of autumn

There are many ways to eat chestnuts in autumn, and I still like this classic braised chestnut chicken the most. The chicken is tender, the soup is just finished, and the meat and chestnuts are very flavorful. I also particularly like the color of this dish, the bright reddish-brown color faintly permeates the chestnut yellow, and autumn should be such a rich and full beauty.

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