
From the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine, obesity determines your weight! Have you tried various methods to lose weight but never worked? Have you been rehashing your weight?

author:Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine from Zewei

From the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine, obesity determines your weight!

Have you tried various methods to lose weight but never achieved results? Have you been very distressed by your weight over and over again? In fact, from the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine, obesity is closely related to an individual's physical constitution. Different body types may lead to weight differences, and only by understanding your body can you find a weight loss method that suits you.

Today I will share with you three common types of obesity:

1. Phlegm and dampness constitution

People with phlegm-damp constitution are usually obese, fat accumulates in the waist and abdomen, and it is difficult to lose weight, weight is easy to rebound, often accompanied by body sleepiness, greasy skin, lack of energy, weakness of limbs, dry mouth and bitter mouth, insomnia and dreams.

The formation of phlegm-dampness constitution is closely related to improper diet and lack of exercise. In traditional Chinese medicine, in order to improve phlegm and dampness, it is necessary to start by strengthening the spleen and dispelling dampness, drying and dampness.

2. Damp and hot constitution

 People with damp and hot constitution are prone to symptoms such as oily face, bitter mouth, bad breath, heat intolerance, sweating and sticky sweat.

The formation of this constitution is related to a humid environment and a spicy and stimulating diet. For people with damp and hot constitution, TCM conditioning is often based on clearing away heat and dampness, and diluting water and dampness.

In life, you can eat more foods that clear heat and dampness, such as mung beans, cucumbers, barley, etc., and keep the living environment dry and ventilated.

3. Qi deficiency physique

People with qi deficiency are often weak, and are prone to feel fatigue, heavy body, chest tightness and shortness of breath, lazy speech, paleness, weakness of limbs and other symptoms.

The formation of this constitution is related to overwork and long-term illness. For people with this kind of qi deficiency constitution, TCM conditioning is mainly to replenish qi and nourish blood, nourish qi and strengthen the surface.

And pay attention to rest, avoid overwork, and eat more qi-replenishing foods, such as red dates, longan, yams, etc.

#Health knowledge popularization##痰湿体质, how to recuperate##damp and hot physique##How to regulate qi deficiency physique##中医健康#

From the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine, obesity determines your weight! Have you tried various methods to lose weight but never worked? Have you been rehashing your weight?
From the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine, obesity determines your weight! Have you tried various methods to lose weight but never worked? Have you been rehashing your weight?
From the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine, obesity determines your weight! Have you tried various methods to lose weight but never worked? Have you been rehashing your weight?

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