
The diet of the newlywed marriage is a major event in life, and it is also an important turning point in life. Newlywed life is happy and sweet, and the newlyweds at this moment, with their backs baked hot and their emotions high

author:Dr. Sun's class

Diet at the time of new marriage

Getting married is a big thing in life and an important turning point in life. Newlywed life is happy and sweet, and at this moment, the newlywed couple, the back is hot, the mood is high, tense and busy. Due to the mental and physical labor after marriage, especially the frequency of sexual life, so that the consumption of physical strength and nutrients are greatly increased, so during the new marriage should pay attention to the scientific and reasonable allocation of food, timely supplementation of the required nutrients, to supplement physical needs, reduce fatigue symptoms, not only conducive to the physical and mental health of both husband and wife, so that the honeymoon life is harmonious and pleasant, but also will play an important role in eugenics. Dietary formulation should pay attention to the following principles

(1) Pay attention to the supplement of calories and protein. The demand for calories and protein increases during the marriage period, and attention should be paid to supplementing protein-rich foods such as lean meat, fish, shrimp, eggs, milk, chicken and duck, beans and products in the daily diet under the premise of supplying sufficient calories. Timely protein supplementation is conducive to the production of men's semen, and improve the quality of semen, increase the quality and quantity of sperm. At the same time, the wife will lose a small amount of blood due to the rupture of the hymen when newly married, and in order to promote wound healing, sufficient protein should also be ingested. In addition, increasing the supply of protein during the marriage period is conducive to the recovery of physical strength of both parties and laying a good foundation for eugenics.

(2) Provide sufficient vitamins. B vitamins are involved in the metabolism of proteins and fats, especially vitamin B. involved in the metabolism of estrogen; vitamin E has the effect of adjusting gonadal function and can enhance the motility of sperm, vitamin C also has the effect of adjusting gonadal function and can enhance overall immunity. Leafy greens and fruits are rich in vitamin C, and choose these foods as comprehensively as possible during your honeymoon.

(3) Ensure the supply of inorganic salts and trace elements. Due to the Chinese diet structure and living habits. Calcium, iron, zinc, selenium and other elements in the diet are easily lacking. Therefore, during the honeymoon, more attention should be paid to supplementing foods rich in inorganic salts and trace elements. Adequate supply of calcium is conducive to improving sexual function in men. If calcium is deficient, after multiple sexual activities, the husband may have low back pain, hand and foot pumping; The wife will feel back pain, leg pain, and pelvic pain.

Therefore, a certain amount of beans should be eaten as much as possible in the daily diet, such as tofu, soy milk and soy products, milk, shrimp skin, sesame paste and other foods are also rich in calcium. Iron is an essential ingredient for making red blood cells, and anemia can occur when iron is deficient. Newlyweds suffering from iron deficiency anemia often experience fatigue, backache, dizziness, pallor, inattention, difficulty concentrating, and memory loss due to intense and frequent sex. Severe anemia can affect sexual life and fetal development. Newlyweds should eat more iron-rich foods to prevent anemia.

Zinc is a multifunctional nutrient that participates in the activities of more than 80 enzymes in the body, especially related to the function of the reproductive system, especially during the honeymoon period needs to be supplemented, if the lack of zinc in the body will make the libido low, the ability to have sexual intercourse decreased. Men are prone to testicular contraction and can reduce sperm count, and women can have a weak sexual desire, such as pregnancy can easily lead to fetal malformations. The foods that contain the most zinc are chlorpyrifos, which contain nearly 100 mg per 100 grams of oysters.

Followed by beef, each 100 grams of beef contains 4 to 8 mg, beef liver 3.8 mg, chicken liver 2.4 mg, eggs 3.0 mg, peanut rice 2.9 mg, pork 2.7 mg. In addition, phosphorus, bowl, agave, selenium and other elements are also components of semen, which also has a special effect on stimulating sperm motility, and should also be supplemented from the diet.

(4) Eat more foods rich in fiber. It is important to keep the bowel movements open after marriage, because women are very susceptible to urinary tract infections during honeymoon, and symptoms such as urinary pain, frequent urination, urgency, and low back pain and fever occur. At this time, in addition to medication, you should also drink more soup to increase the amount of urine and clean the urinary tract. Men will frequently appear sexual excitement, resulting in congestion of the prostate, seminal vesicle glands, and vas deferens, so they should eat more fresh vegetables rich in fiber to make the stool smooth and avoid eating irritating mustard, peppers, etc. Eating more fiber-rich foods can also prevent aseptic prostatitis, vesiculitis and pelvic blood stasis.

(5) Reasonable arrangement of newlywed diet. In order to ensure that newlyweds can provide the nutrients needed by the human body during the honeymoon. Nutrition experts suggest that the total amount of diet for newlyweds in a day should preferably meet the following standards: that is, standard flour 250 grams, rice 200 grams, oil 50 grams, soy milk 300 ml, oil tofu 100 grams, meat 200 grams, eggs 100 grams, milk 200 grams, various vegetables 500 grams. At the same time, it is appropriate to eat some peanuts, walnuts, fruits and other snacks to supplement the nutritional needs of many aspects.

If economic conditions permit, you can also eat more foods with therapeutic health effects, such as black fungus, guiyuan, royal jelly, goji berries, turtles, snake meat, bone broth, sesame, shiitake mushrooms, lilies, yogurt, scallops, black beans, soybeans, dates, hawthorn, honey, mutton, dog meat, lotus seeds, hemp, quail, oysters, prawns, sea cucumbers, etc.

In addition, in order to improve the quality of sexual life, you can choose some foods that can make people feel happy and improve the level of sexual excitement at dinner before sexual life: and on the second day after sexual life, it is advisable to eat more foods that have solid kidneys and eliminate fatigue.

(6) Alcohol should not be consumed. Everyone wants to have a smart and healthy child, and if you want to do this, the bride and groom must try to stop drinking. Because under normal circumstances, the chromosomal structure and number of germ cells are stable. If you drink too much alcohol every day during the new marriage, it will lead to endocrine disorders, and various abnormal changes will occur in chromosomes. It often leads to the consequences of being born malformed or unhealthy babies. Especially after the big resignation, couples can not share sex.

The diet of the newlywed marriage is a major event in life, and it is also an important turning point in life. Newlywed life is happy and sweet, and the newlyweds at this moment, with their backs baked hot and their emotions high
The diet of the newlywed marriage is a major event in life, and it is also an important turning point in life. Newlywed life is happy and sweet, and the newlyweds at this moment, with their backs baked hot and their emotions high
The diet of the newlywed marriage is a major event in life, and it is also an important turning point in life. Newlywed life is happy and sweet, and the newlyweds at this moment, with their backs baked hot and their emotions high

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