
I don't know these 2 points, blindly eating, kidney deficiency has become worse!

author:Beijing Satellite TV Health Hall

Many uncles and aunts often run to the toilet in winter, why is that?

I don't know these 2 points, blindly eating, kidney deficiency has become worse!

As we all know, urination and the kidneys are closely related, so does frequent urination really represent kidney deficiency?

Director Jia Liancheng will give us answers one by one.

I don't know these 2 points, blindly eating, kidney deficiency has become worse!



Is the increased frequency of urination in winter a kidney deficiency? The answer is no. Urinary frequency is divided into physiological and pathological urinary frequency.

I don't know these 2 points, blindly eating, kidney deficiency has become worse!

Physiological frequent urination, called "false frequency," is normal.

One is that in winter, when the temperature drops, the muscles contract, and the bladder is stimulated. The second is that the amount of sweating is less in winter, and more of the body's metabolic water is excreted from the urine, so the frequency of urination increases.

I don't know these 2 points, blindly eating, kidney deficiency has become worse!

The pathological frequent urination is "true frequent urination", indicating the possibility of kidney deficiency.

So how do you tell if you really have frequent urination?1 trick to teach you to discern.

I don't know these 2 points, blindly eating, kidney deficiency has become worse!

When the frequency of urination increases, 7-8 times a day, or even more, but the amount of urine decreases throughout the day, it indicates true frequency.

It has one characteristic: the number of urinations at night increases to more than 2 times.

Of course, frequent urination is just one of the manifestations of kidney deficiency. When you feel soreness in your waist and knees, listlessness, and often feel weak, kidney deficiency has actually crept to you.

So how can you stop the kidney deficiency?


"Fill up the gas" for the kidneys in order to "run faster"

No matter what kind of disease, we pay attention to the right medicine. If you want to know the "medicine" of the kidney, you must first understand the "symptoms" of the kidney.

Director Jia Liancheng proposed that the kidneys should be supplemented by the driving force.

I don't know these 2 points, blindly eating, kidney deficiency has become worse!

The driving force, including kidney essence and kidney qi.

I don't know these 2 points, blindly eating, kidney deficiency has become worse!

If the kidney is compared to a pot with hot water, then the hot water in it is the kidney essence, and the kidney qi is the steam produced by the water.

I don't know these 2 points, blindly eating, kidney deficiency has become worse!


Small team of kidney tonic food

If you want to replenish the kidney, you must first replenish the kidney qi and kidney essence, Director Jia Liancheng recommended several common foods: loach, walnuts, yams, wolfberries, black beans, chestnuts, leeks and mutton, all of which can help restore the power of the kidneys.

I don't know these 2 points, blindly eating, kidney deficiency has become worse!

Some uncles and aunts may have questions, when it comes to tonifying the kidney, how can there be no oysters? This is a good product recognized by everyone as a kidney tonic! Don't worry, let's continue to look down with questions.



Friend or foe?

Oysters are always present at the supper stalls.

Oysters are also known as oysters, and I'm sure everyone has heard the phrase "oysters are good for the kidneys".

As early as in the ancient book "Sea Medicine and Materia Medica", it is stated that oysters do have the effect of tonifying the kidney, but not everyone with kidney deficiency is suitable for eating oysters.

I don't know these 2 points, blindly eating, kidney deficiency has become worse!


Kidney yin deficiency is mainly manifested by heat, and it is easy to be irritable and irritable, while kidney yang deficiency is manifested as fear of cold and cold.

I don't know these 2 points, blindly eating, kidney deficiency has become worse!

After eating oysters, people with kidney yin deficiency balance yin and yang, which helps to tonify the kidney.

And people with kidney yang deficiency eat oysters, but it aggravates kidney deficiency, so it is recommended that people with kidney yang deficiency eat less oysters.

I don't know these 2 points, blindly eating, kidney deficiency has become worse!

There are more good things to nourish the kidney, Director Jia Liancheng also took out two "artifacts"!


Polygonatum polygonatum

Kidney tonic "immortal product"!

The first artifact, its skin is like a sweet potato, and its shape is like ginger, but it can nourish the kidneys, it is - yellow essence!

I don't know these 2 points, blindly eating, kidney deficiency has become worse!

Polygonatum polygonatum

Yellow essence has the effect of nourishing yin and moistening the lungs, nourishing the spleen and invigorating qi, nourishing the kidneys and filling the essence, but because the raw consumption of yellow essence stimulates the throat, we can go directly to the pharmacy and buy the processed yellow essence.

I don't know these 2 points, blindly eating, kidney deficiency has become worse!

Director Jia Liancheng recommended a tonic medicinal wine suitable for winter drinking: yam wolfberry yellow essence medicinal wine.

I don't know these 2 points, blindly eating, kidney deficiency has become worse!

Composition: Polygonatum polygonatum vulgaris, wolfberry, yam, liquor. People with phlegm, dampness and cough can add atractylodes.

Usage: Add liquor to a clean container, put in Huangjing, Atractylodes, wolfberry, and yam in turn, seal and brew for about 7 days, and then drink.

I don't know these 2 points, blindly eating, kidney deficiency has become worse!

Note: Do not drink too much at a time, 10-15 ml is enough, and can be stored for 1 month. If you experience any discomfort during consumption, consult a professional.


Eight Treasure Porridge

It is delicious to warm the stomach and nourish the kidneys

The second artifact, which is more common in life, is eight-treasure porridge.

There are many kinds of eight-treasure porridge, including the common canned eight-treasure porridge, as well as red bean eight-treasure porridge and black rice eight-treasure porridge...... And this time, Director Jia Liancheng recommended a good porridge to nourish the kidneys - three black, three red and eight treasure porridge.

The three blacks are black sesame seeds, black rice, and black beans. The color is black, and it enters the kidneys to replenish the kidneys.

I don't know these 2 points, blindly eating, kidney deficiency has become worse!

Because the heart and kidney intersect, the kidney should also be nourished by the heart, so the three red ingredients can enter the heart, red dates, red peanuts and red beans.

I don't know these 2 points, blindly eating, kidney deficiency has become worse!

The remaining two ingredients are biased towards traditional Chinese medicine, namely Poria cocos and tangerine peel.

I don't know these 2 points, blindly eating, kidney deficiency has become worse!

The production method is also simple and easy to learn.

I don't know these 2 points, blindly eating, kidney deficiency has become worse!

Composition: black beans, black rice, black sesame, red dates, red beans, red peanuts, tangerine peel, poria cocos.

Usage: Put the above eight ingredients into the pot in turn, add an appropriate amount of water and simmer.

I don't know these 2 points, blindly eating, kidney deficiency has become worse!

Precautions: Diabetics eat less.

Have the uncles and aunts learned? Supplement the kidney and take less mistakes, and if the kidney is deficient, you will not dare to approach!

※The dietary therapy in this article is not a substitute for medicine!

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