
The recipe left by the doctor - Guizhi keel oyster soup, which can be lifted and delayed, is worth seeing

author:Haruyama Medical Officer

Regarding Zhang Zhongjing's Guizhi keel oyster soup, doctors of all dynasties have different opinions, presumably because it has a wide range of applications.

It can be used for emen slippery diarrhea, insomnia, night sweats, cervical spondylosis, and chronic urticaria.

The recipe left by the doctor - Guizhi keel oyster soup, which can be lifted and delayed, is worth seeing

But its medicine is extremely simple: cinnamon sticks, ginger, peony, jujubes, keel, oysters, licorice. Those who understand Chinese medicine can understand at a glance that this is cinnamon soup with keel and oysters.

Some people think that its essence is to be able to supplement both yin and yang, and some people think that it is better in transportation.

Chunshan does not stand in line, but according to the effect of my many uses, I think it is more suitable for people with spleen and kidney deficiency and body failure.

The recipe left by the doctor - Guizhi keel oyster soup, which can be lifted and delayed, is worth seeing

Let's take a look at a medical case:

Mr. Qi, a 43-year-old patient, was overweight and had a puffy complexion, and was diagnosed as follows:

1. The time is short

2. God is tired and often dizzy

3. Poor sleep, easy to wake up at night

4. The limbs are cold, belching and sighing

5. Long urine and loose stools


The recipe left by the doctor - Guizhi keel oyster soup, which can be lifted and delayed, is worth seeing

However, combined with symptoms such as belching and heavy pulse, I think there are still evidence of liver qi stagnation, such as cold limbs caused by liver stagnation and yang deficiency.

In addition, if the kidney yang is not warm, the urine will be clear and long, and the kidney yang deficiency will not support the spleen yang, and it will lead to the deficiency of the spleen and kidney, so the symptoms of fatigue, dizziness, and loose stools will be seen.

The recipe left by the doctor - Guizhi keel oyster soup, which can be lifted and delayed, is worth seeing

In view of the spleen and kidney yang deficiency and liver qi stagnation, the method that needs to be adopted is to warm the kidneys and strengthen the spleen, soothe the liver and regulate qi and relieve depression.

The recipe uses dried ginger and easy ginger, with the warm and dry spleen in mid-summer, and the guizhi soup generally plays the role of warming yang and benefiting yin, harmonizing camp health, and regulating the spleen and stomach.

Raw keel, raw oysters and bupleurum are used to disperse the liver, Schisandra chinensis is astringent, epimedium is added to warm the kidney yang, and Rhodiola rosea is used to invigorate qi and invigorate blood.

The recipe left by the doctor - Guizhi keel oyster soup, which can be lifted and delayed, is worth seeing

The combination of various medicines, focusing on warming the spleen and kidneys, soothing the liver and relieving depression, 1 course of treatment, improving all symptoms, sleeping peacefully, acting satisfactorily, and increasing desire;

After taking it, the effect is remarkable, hard as a stone, the time is prolonged, and the angelica ginger mutton soup is used to invigorate the yang qi, and the patient is made to form a habit through the form of medicine and food, so as to consolidate.

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