
When a child is snubbed, is he patient, flattering, or determined to be himself? Parental guidance is important

When children play together, it is inevitable that there will be some small conflicts, such as quarrels, grabbing toys, or who ignores whom, who is left out in the cold, etc.

These small social frictions, although small, can also bring trouble to children. Sometimes, children do not handle it well on their own, and they need parents to coordinate or help find a way.

When the child is left out in the cold, the self-esteem is hit, the child will be angry and annoyed, and the parents will also be anxious. In this case, how can parents help their children get out of the low?

As an object of neglect, what is the appropriate thing for a child to do?

Let's take a look at what the mother bear and the protagonist little bear sister did in the picture book story "Snubbed", and maybe give some inspiration to parents and children.

When a child is snubbed, is he patient, flattering, or determined to be himself? Parental guidance is important

During the summer vacation, the children of bear kingdom like to play in the school playground, and the little bear sister is no exception. She enjoys swinging on the playground with her friend Liz, playing on the slides, or borrowing skipping rope from her teacher. They especially like to play the difficult "jumping double rope" and are very skilled at jumping.

One day, Sister Bear and Liz borrowed two jump ropes as usual to find their friends to play with, but strangely, their jump rope partners were missing.

Anna ran up to them and told them that a new kid had a great bike and was taking turns riding it.

The new kid is called Queenie, her bike is cool, and she herself is very fashionably dressed.

When a child is snubbed, is he patient, flattering, or determined to be himself? Parental guidance is important

Sister Bear greets Queenie amicably, but Queenie taunts her.

Queenie said, Little Bear Sister? What is the name? Look at your outfit - pink lace suspender pants, with a bow on your head, it's ridiculous!

Little Bear Sister was a little puzzled, what was wrong with her name and dress, no one had ever laughed at her.

Before she could finish speaking, Queenie interrupted her, and she laughed at sister Bear again, and then beckoned the children to go to creamy ice cream, and she treated her.

Little Bear's sister's jumping rope friends, except for Liz, are attracted to the cream ice cream, and they follow Queenie in embarrassment.

Little Bear's sister was shy and angry, so sad that even Liz's comfort was to no avail, and she turned and went home.

When a child is snubbed, is he patient, flattering, or determined to be himself? Parental guidance is important

Little Bear's sister tasted the snubbed for the first time, and she was very sad.

Back at home, Mother Bear saw at first glance that Little Bear's sister was unhappy, and she guessed that something unpleasant must have happened.

Little Bear's sister told her mother about Queenie as she was, and Mother Bear immediately pointed out that Queenie's approach was very bad.

She knows what it's like to be ostracized, and she knows Queenie, and it's not advisable to elevate herself by belittling others. But she also understood that there was no good in worrying too much about such things.

She took Sister Bear in her arms and reassured her not to get angry, that everything would be fine the next day.

Mother Bear's approach is good.

She first understood the feelings of Little Bear's sister, knowing that she had been snubbed and ostracized, and then reassured her that she would be fine.

When children's feelings are understood, they feel better, and so does Sister Bear. Mom's understanding and care made her feel better.

Mom didn't blame Queenie next, she told Sister Bear that she would be fine the next day.

This is also what parents have to learn, when the child is depressed, the parents are the first to show understanding, can comfort the children, let them feel better.

When a child is snubbed, is he patient, flattering, or determined to be himself? Parental guidance is important

The next day, The bear sister was in a much better mood and regained her self-confidence. She rode her tricycle to the playground, she wanted to learn about the "jump rope" competition, she wanted to participate.

But she was provoked by Queenie again, and Sister Bear was angry. She came home and wanted to ride her brother's bike, circling Queenie in circles to scare her. But she was too young to ride her brother's bicycle, and the plan fell through.

Little Bear Sister's actions, Mother looked in the eyes, she knew that Little Bear Sister wanted to ride a bicycle, and must be inseparable from Queenie snubbing her.

Mother Bear supported Her Sister Bear with her actions, and she bought her new clothes, a pair of fashionable jeans, a green and white business card top, and an emerald green headband — basically, very similar to Queenie's dress.

She encouraged Little Bear Sister to try it on.

Sister Bear was happy, she put on her new clothes, she loved it. She asked her mother, why did Queenie tease her?

Mom thought about it and told her that not only children, but sometimes adults would do the same, specifically teasing people who called a certain name or wore a certain dress, but in fact they just wanted to make a splash. Elevate yourself by belittling others. As a result, some people were left out in the cold and excluded.

When a child is snubbed, is he patient, flattering, or determined to be himself? Parental guidance is important

Feeling her mother's care, Little Bear Sister firmed up her thoughts. She said the clothes were beautiful and she loved it, but she didn't want to change herself because of Queenie.

She changed back into her original clothes, then called Liz and decided she wanted to sign up for the "Jumping Double Rope" competition.

Mother Bear not only verbally comforted Little Bear's sister and helped her analyze the reason why Queenie snubbed her, but also went to buy a fashionable dress for her daughter. She knew that Sister Bear cared about Queenie's words, and if changing her dress would make her daughter no longer be snubbed by her friends, she was willing to help.

But Little Bear's sister is a strong child, coupled with her mother's love, let her feel more warm, she decided not to be affected by Queenie, just be herself.

When a child is snubbed, is he patient, flattering, or determined to be himself? Parental guidance is important

Sister Bear no longer cares whether she is snubbed by Queenie or not, and she concentrates on preparing for the "jumping double rope" competition. At the same time, the original friends also left Queenie and rejoined the bear sister's group, not only because the bear sister is an excellent double rope jumper, but also because they are not used to Queenie's eyes.

Sister Bear led her teammates to easily win the "jumping double rope" competition, and they were very happy. Queenie's group was embarrassed, and they danced badly, especially Queenie.

The children surrounded Sister Bear and asked her for the skill of "jumping double rope", and Sister Bear was very happy, sweeping away the shadow of being snubbed by Queenie.

When a child is snubbed, is he patient, flattering, or determined to be himself? Parental guidance is important

"Snubbed" is a book that my family's second treasure likes to read during this time, the story is close to life, and the practice of mother bear and little bear sister can inspire parents and children.

When children are left out in the cold, their self-esteem is frustrated and they are sad, angry, and overwhelmed. At this time, the understanding and companionship of parents, as well as helping them analyze problems and find solutions, are particularly important.

For children, it is really great to be left out, to be left out, not to be patient, to please others, but to be brave enough to be themselves.

I hope that we can be as wise as mother bears, and I hope that our children will be as brave and determined as little bear sisters.

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