
7 love methods for girls to fall in love

1, to "mouth sweet heart hard", do not mouth hard heart soft

In fact, have you found that men are born with "sweet mouths and hard hearts", and girls are hard and soft mouths, and the best way is to directly copy the man's set.

Lip service like he depends on him, but in reality, you have money and capital, skills are full of charm, he does not look for you you you can also play very well. Tell them how touched you are, but don't fully believe in your heart, always maintain self-improvement and high-quality socialization, one is that human nature is unpredictable to leave a way back for yourself, and the other is to let this man know your self-worth and social value.

7 love methods for girls to fall in love

2, the principle of reciprocity in love: how he treats you, you do to him.

If he is good to you, you are good to him, he is not good to you, and your good will be taken back immediately. Many girls pretend to be cold when the boy is good to you, and then the boy is cold to you, you are crazy to fight back, don't, remember the principle of reciprocity, he is cold and you are cold, he is hot and you are hot, you two can keep pace, you will not lose yourself, he will care more and more about you.

3. Self-prioritization

In addition to falling in love with him, your life also has work, school, parents, socializing, becoming beautiful, working to make money, hobbies, etc., and these things of yours are priorities. Always put yourself

Put it first, don't put the other person's business in front, understand?

7 love methods for girls to fall in love

4, talk about love on small things on the "almost" thinking, big things on the principle

Don't be entangled in the details, be uncompromising in the face of big problems, have principles and deterrence, and think that "almost on the line" in the face of small things. For example, if your boyfriend doesn't reply to a message in time or forgets an anniversary or the like, you are furious, but he cheated on him and you forgive him, which is typical of putting the cart before the horse. Such a girl is the inferior party in love.

You should, in turn, usually forget a anniversary, you should remind, teach this boy how to be good to you, but he split his legs, or the three views are really incompatible with you, you should adhere to the principle, do not lower their bottom line.

5, girls have chips in their hands, have the right to choose, is the greatest source of security

When you have only one man in your eyes, you will suffer like a prisoner; When you have 100 men in your eyes, you will be like a queen who can not dump him at any time. Even if you lose him, you can choose a better person, or a better life. Therefore, girls should keep their own value constantly improving, always have the resources of the opposite sex, and have room for choice.

7 love methods for girls to fall in love

6. Learn to use "screening thinking" instead of "identification thinking".

Our ultimate goal with a man is not necessarily to fall in love and get married, but also to understand boys, experience the joy of love, and get some kind of desired experience and experience from each other.

Whether he can completely "get" him, whether he can finally enter the marriage is a surprise that comes with it. As for whether this man is "serious" enough, don't particularly care, today's "not serious", maybe tomorrow there is an opportunity to become "serious", if you get along for a while or "not serious", it is a big deal to filter him out.

7, respect each other's independent space, do not always think of solving difficulties for each other. Men's troubles, sometimes you really can't solve.

There is a fact that probably a considerable number of girls cannot accept it. In fact, many times, men really don't need you to "help" him in areas where he is not good at.

7 love methods for girls to fall in love

Girls tend to be more emotional, feel that they have this "good intentions", rack their brains to provide advice to men, or express concern to men, men will appreciate their own good, so that they need themselves more and like themselves more.

But the truth is that men's thoughts at this time are very realistic. Only if the help you provide is truly "effective and useful" to him will make them feel valued.

However, most girls are emotionally oriented, and boys will feel a little troubled, while continuing to worry about their original problems, they also have to perfunctory you a few words to take care of your emotions. So they are more tired and in a worse mood.

In fact, as a man, what I want to say is that men need more space to heal themselves, and sometimes you let him calm down is really more useful than talking to him about the solution, understand?

7 love methods for girls to fall in love

Psychological test: Test the sentence your ex most wants to say to you

1. Do you argue over small things when you're together?

Yes, I often feel tired —2

Rarely quarrel over small things—2

Occasionally, but soon reconciled —3

2. Do you think you are a person who likes to self-reflect and is willing to correct mistakes?

Yes —3

Not —4

3. Will he or she take the initiative to tell you his troubles?

It is often said that -5

Not much to say —4

4. Would you tell your parents about the process of your relationship?

Everything is too big or small, and I often complain to my parents -6

Occasionally they ask and say —5

Hardly to say, nothing to say —5

5. Faced with what you want, how much energy are you willing to put into acquiring it?

Everything follows fate, and it is mine in the end--7

Try hard, maybe you can succeed - 6

Do my best, I want to get --B

6. Did you break up because of a third party?


No —7

7. Did the other party take the initiative to contact you after the breakup?



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