
Is your baby likely to get sick after six months? The following details are in place to help children get through the difficulties smoothly

Mothers with parenting experience should be able to find:

After the baby is six months old, he is frequently sick, and watching them suffer, the parents are even more uncomfortable in their hearts, and they are eager to bear for their children.

Is your baby likely to get sick after six months? The following details are in place to help children get through the difficulties smoothly

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So, everyone has seriously considered why six months has become a hurdle, how to help children get through the difficulties smoothly?

Why is it easy for babies to get sick after six months?

When it comes to this topic, I have to say a key word - "immunity".

According to the analysis of pediatricians, after the baby reaches the age of six months, he will continue to have serious illnesses, which are actually related to his "immunity". What is the specific solution, you may wish to continue to read down:

After the baby turns six months old, the nutrients stored in the mother's body are consumed

When the baby has not left the mother's body, it is mainly through the placenta to obtain nutrients in the mother's body to maintain its own healthy development.

Is your baby likely to get sick after six months? The following details are in place to help children get through the difficulties smoothly

Taking the elemental iron as an example, generally in the first three months of the baby's birth, it will absorb a large amount of iron from the mother and store it in its own body, and these "stocks" can usually be synthesized within six months of the baby's birth to synthesize hemoglobin needs.

To some extent, the normal synthesis of hemoglobin actually ensures the normal operation of the infant's immune system. Many babies have decreased immunity and inattention after six months, often because of iron deficiency in the body.

After your baby turns six months old, the level of antibodies from the mother decreases

When the baby is born, he will get antibodies from his mother, that is, "immunoglobulin", which is like a "protective umbrella" to help the mother guard the baby, enhance its immunity, and resist the invasion of bacteria in nature.

Is your baby likely to get sick after six months? The following details are in place to help children get through the difficulties smoothly

In addition, there is the most important point: at this stage, most babies are being breastfed, for infants and young children, breast milk is a "pure natural ration", rich in nutrition, can fill the stomach, not to mention, but also to obtain immunity.

After six months, the immunoglobulins from the mother become less, the protection of the umbrella is lost, and the baby is exposed to the natural environment, thin, and it is difficult to fight with the bacteria outside, so it is easy to be serious and sick.

Your baby's own immune system is not yet fully developed

If you want to become a master, you need to go through the tempering of time, constantly upgrade and fight monsters, and gain experience points.

Is your baby likely to get sick after six months? The following details are in place to help children get through the difficulties smoothly

Infants and young children who have just turned six months old are obviously not enough. Studies have found that babies between the ages of 6 and 3 are at their weakest.

Their "internal strength" has not been cultivated well (their own immune system is not fully established), so they are easy to be targeted by bacteria, and under the violent attack of bacteria, the defense line is forced, and then frequently get sick.

The American Academy of Pediatrics has done statistics: the number of colds in babies under 3 years old is 6 to 8 times a year, and the immune antibodies in babies over 3 years old are slowly approaching adults, and the number of colds is significantly reduced.

After reading the above detailed answers, everyone should understand why the baby is prone to illness after six months, at this stage, it is necessary for parents' scientific parenting and careful care to protect the child's fragile immunity and let them get sick as little as possible.

Is your baby likely to get sick after six months? The following details are in place to help children get through the difficulties smoothly

The following details you may need to do in place

1. Ensure that the baby's diet is balanced

Eating is one of the important ways for infants and young children to obtain a source of nutrition and enhance immunity. One of the more important is the supplement of protein, iron and vitamin A, which are the nutrients that children need to strengthen their immunity.

Six months ago: try to choose breastfeeding, a variety of nutritional elements, the importance of the child's physical development is self-evident;

After six months: Breast milk nutrition is not enough to meet the child's developmental needs, and additional complementary foods are needed. Remember: Some infants and young children can be added from four months old, but not earlier than four months.

Principles of food supplementation:

Is your baby likely to get sick after six months? The following details are in place to help children get through the difficulties smoothly

Quantitatively: from single to multiple, initially add a food, observe whether the child is allergic, and then add new food; finally feed 3 to 4 types of food every day, including fresh fruits, vegetables, grains, meat, eggs and milk.

From the perspective of the form of the ingredients: it is recommended to be thin to thick, from thin to thick, from small to large, for example, from the paste to the crumbs to the lumps and strips.

This helps digestion, and can exercise the child's chewing ability, rich ingredients, but also to supplement its nutrition, enhance immunity.

2. Ensure adequate sleep for your baby

Is your baby likely to get sick after six months? The following details are in place to help children get through the difficulties smoothly

Eating and sleeping is a major event in the life of young babies, eating has been talked about, let's talk about children's sleep.

According to the research results of the "National Sleep Foundation" experts in the United States, everyone has made certain adjustments to the sleep duration of children of all ages, and the following takes the daily sleep time of the baby within five years old to explain ——

Infants and young children within 0 to 3 months: from the previous 12 to 18 hours, adjusted to 14 to 17 hours;

Children within 4 to 11 months: from the previous 14 to 15 hours, adjusted to 12 to 15 hours;

Children within 1 to 2 years old: from the previous 12 to 14 hours, adjusted to 11 to 14 hours;

Children within 3 to 5 years of age: From the previous 11 to 13 hours, adjusted to 10 to 13 hours.

Is your baby likely to get sick after six months? The following details are in place to help children get through the difficulties smoothly

In addition, young babies sleep most of the time in light sleep, which may account for 1/2 of the total sleep time. Therefore, we can often see that after the child falls asleep, there are many small movements, such as pouting, smiling, sucking, etc., which are normal, and parents do not have to worry.

Sufficient sleep time + high-quality sleep can promote the rapid development of the child's body, not to mention, but also help enhance immunity and escort the child's health.

3, exercise is also essential

In particular, some outdoor activities can help the baby's vitamin D synthesis calcium, which is very good for bone development. And now it is spring, the weather is clear, the sunshine is sufficient, and it is also useful for sterilization.

Is your baby likely to get sick after six months? The following details are in place to help children get through the difficulties smoothly

If due to some objective factors, small partners who can only stay at home should also encourage children to move at home and do some parent-child games, which can not only promote parent-child relationship, but also strengthen their health.

In addition, according to the regulations, timely vaccination of children is also one of the effective measures to enhance immunity.

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