
Is it good for a child to have a birthday in the "solar calendar" or a "lunar calendar"? Parents don't ignore it

"Tips for Educating Children" daily classic, good teacher and friend

For children, the most anticipated day of the year, except for the Spring Festival, is the birthday. On your birthday, you will not only receive blessings and gifts from your parents and friends, but also have a happy day of fun.

But for the birthday of this matter, there is also a lot of controversy, the concept of traditional old people must give their children a "lunar birthday", while young parents prefer "solar calendar birthday", then which birthday for the child?

Whether to give the child a "lunar birthday" or a "solar calendar birthday", the mother and the mother-in-law can not argue

Colleague Xiaoli, born in the city, has been born since childhood according to the solar calendar. Xiaoli's husband is from the countryside, and all birthdays are celebrated according to the lunar calendar.

Is it good for a child to have a birthday in the "solar calendar" or a "lunar calendar"? Parents don't ignore it

Is it better to press the "lunar calendar" or is it more appropriate to press the "solar calendar"? Parents can consider a variety of factors.

Is it good for a child to have a birthday in the "solar calendar" or a "lunar calendar"? Parents don't ignore it.

▲ Family traditions

On January 1, 1912, the mainland officially accepted the Gregorian calendar, which is what we call the "solar calendar". Although the solar calendar is a common chronology law in the world, it has been practiced on the mainland for more than a hundred years.

As juniors, mothers should fully understand that the elderly are not willing to accept the solar calendar, but are more accustomed to the lunar calendar. The lunar calendar is the crystallization of the wisdom of the ancestors, and as young people, we should accept it, after all, this is handed down from the ancestors.

If the traditional atmosphere within the family is relatively strong, then it is also reasonable to compromise moderately for the sake of parents.

Is it good for a child to have a birthday in the "solar calendar" or a "lunar calendar"? Parents don't ignore it

▲ The child's wishes

Children in modern life, contact and use more or the solar calendar. Children grow up day by day, contact more people, learn more knowledge, there will be a new understanding of birthdays, if children want to change their birthday patterns, then parents should also respect and understand.

After all, it's the birthday of the child and they should be respected. Instead of struggling with when the birthday will be, parents should pay more attention to the meaning of the birthday

★ Let the child know how to thank the mother

Singing birthday songs, blowing candles, eating cakes, in order to commemorate the birthday of the child, not only parents will make a large table of delicious food, many relatives and friends will come from all over to celebrate together.

When the children feasted, did they know that this day was the most painful moment in the mother's life, and she endured the peak pain before giving birth to herself. It is the responsibility of the child to be grateful to the mother.

Is it good for a child to have a birthday in the "solar calendar" or a "lunar calendar"? Parents don't ignore it

★ Make a birthday record for your child

Birthday does not necessarily have to feast on friends and family, and even decorate the home extra festively, parents can use their mobile phones to record the major activities on the day of their children's birthdays, and the sound and color of the picture will be the best growth file. Watch his video with the baby, help the baby understand the important nodes in growth, relive the growth story, let the baby understand how he has changed from a small child to today's big child, and let the child feel the parents' dedication to themselves.

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