
Friends around, how did they quietly take off the list?

College students read at night

Friends around, how did they quietly take off the list?

Love in college may be difficult to define. Because the feelings of college, unlike the love in high school, need to be hidden...

I don't know when it began, and the phrase "you must fall in love after going to college" seems to have become a compulsory course in college. Recently, it was found that even the friends who are known as "single for ten thousand years" around them have also officially announced their singles in the circle of friends.

"In the midst of millions, meet the people you are going to meet, in the endless wilderness of time in the midst of millions of years." No earlier, no later, just in time, there is nothing else to say, only to ask softly, oh, so you are here? ”

We can't define every relationship clearly, but what is certain is that we can experience, feel, live in the moment, and cherish the person in front of us in our own way.

You can be proud to stay single, or you can start a two-way love affair.

Encounter: Love is destined not to be missed

Fortunately, when I first entered the university, my good friends around me found my other half one after another.

She has been focusing on her studies in high school, and she has never thought about what kind of love she has in the past. Recently, Yukiyuki has also begun to fantasize that he can feel the taste of love, but he has never found the right one.

Gradually, she began to divert her attention from doing something else. Until an experience that changed all that...

During the military training, as a campus reporter, Xingxing took advantage of the interview task to get close to his senior, and the two exchanged contact information. The exchange of interview work continues to deepen the feelings of the two people, and more and more common points attract each other closer. After the press release was published, Yuki was with his senior.

The news spread, the surrounding classmates were really unexpected, and the seemingly impossible two people staged a novel into reality. Boys are frank and straightforward, considerate and single-minded, and girls are simple and kind, not coquettish. Over time, both of them have adapted to each other's lives, and this relationship has been envied by others and has been unanimously blessed.

Acquaintance: Falling in love is a long journey

After falling in love, there are indeed many different things in life.

Lucky to like to sleep late, you can not only get your boyfriend's loving breakfast, but also receive seat occupancy services. After the boyfriend finishes the hard training, he can have the warm hug of his girlfriend and avoid the tiredness of going to the restaurant hungry.

The combination of liberal arts students and science students seems to be inherently complementary.

Fortunately, I can easily learn the long-troubled advanced mathematics and linear algebra, and the English and modern history in my boyfriend's eyes are no longer boring. Lucky, who has poor self-control, is pulled to the library by her boyfriend to review week, and lucky will also wake up her boyfriend who is asleep halfway through his studies.

During the epidemic, the two went out to see the city where they lived. I went to the amusement park, but I was scared by the thrilling project; after watching the newly released movie, the emotional girls cried to the point of crying; I tried on the wedding dress on the anniversary, and fortunately I couldn't forget the eyes of my boyfriend for the rest of my life.

The reason why the long-term companion is not tired is because both people are working hard.

Boys will remember all memorable days and hang photos of Lucky luck all over the circle of friends; Lucky will be touched by every surprise of the boyfriend, and will also prepare gifts that will make the boyfriend happy for a long time.

The freshness faded, and the two no longer stopped liking. Just as the sense of ceremony is never absent, love never leaves.

Meet: Falling in love is about becoming a better person together

During the epidemic, it has become a luxury to meet her boyfriend in the two campuses. Lucky, who has a very poor sense of security, will always lose his temper for no reason, because of a small matter and cry until you can't sleep all night. The boyfriend at the other end of the video always comforts Yuki while encouraging her to do something else to distract her attention. Everything is reported in great detail on a daily basis, just to give enough security.

In the middle of the sophomore year, graduate school, public examination or employment are on the agenda. At the same time, the two choose to plan each other into their own future, and meet to become better people together.

Since the decision to go to graduate school, Yuki has been urged to study every day, memorize words, organize notes, and turn them in on time. In Yuki's opinion, it is really cool for two people to fight for the future together.

The future and love are not in conflict, and the right person should stand in his own future.

The person who truly loves each other will be in each other's future, and he should be the one who grew up with you, not the person you regret meeting.

Fortunately, I believe that she will go through all the ups and downs with her boyfriend, and as long as she firmly believes, she will definitely be able to go to the end. Love is a wonderful and mysterious emotion. I am willing to become better for you and grow with you.

Adolescent love is not necessarily a touch of collapse, and some people work harder and harder because of love to complete the light of two people.

The love from the school uniform to the wedding dress is an indescribable touch, and countless years in the future will be rendered by the original sincerity.

Falling in love in college does not necessarily have to delay learning to complete love.

Love after maturity is not necessarily material. It just happens when they are all equally matched, they are independent of each other, and they are obsessed with each other...

Author | Hou Yirong

Edit | Zhang Cangran

Audit | Wang Longlong

Review | Wang CenYu

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Friends around, how did they quietly take off the list?

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