
The way to save the wife: how to save the dead wife in the marriage? These 3 things to be careful about

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Marriage is not one party only knows to take, and one party voluntarily gives, should be balanced, if there is such a situation, then the wife will be dead to you, then come to see how to save the dead wife in the marriage.

The way to save the wife: how to save the dead wife in the marriage? These 3 things to be careful about

First, we must know the external causes of the wife's divorce

The wife wants to divorce, sometimes it may be affected by some environment and values, so you should pay special attention at this time. The reason why the wife listens to the people outside is because she communicates with the outside world and has contact with new things.

Or think that there is no common language communication with you. Then you have to constantly improve yourself and constantly enrich yourself. Men have to do encyclopedias, even if they don't understand, they have to learn one or two tricks, and sometimes make their wives look at them.

Women want to love the men they admire and adore. Allowing yourself to have a common topic with her, making her feel that being with you is not monotonous, but full of fun and vitality, is the catalyst for saving the marriage.

2, less complaining

Less complaining about each other, more tolerance and understanding, after all, since the two choose to walk together, then in your heart for the difference between each other and your values can certainly be considerate.

To understand the balance of marriage, we can use the perspective of physics to see marriage, and apply the principle of force and reaction to marriage.

The way to save the wife: how to save the dead wife in the marriage? These 3 things to be careful about

3. Understand the responsibilities and obligations of both parties

Understand the status responsibilities and obligations of the two people in the marriage, so as to maintain the balance of the marriage, know how to understand and understand each other, and understand each other is also the best way to solve the marriage crisis and save the marriage.

People are not born just for marriage, except for marriage everyone has their own life, their own life trajectory, so please give each other some space.

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