
Truly visionary parents instill these ideas in them from an early age and their children will benefit greatly in the future

What kind of development a child can develop in the future is actually directly related to the child's own state of mind, and the biggest impact on the child's state of mind is the parents.

Truly visionary parents instill these ideas in them from an early age and their children will benefit greatly in the future

I remember when I was a child, I was still living in the countryside, and there were two neighbors in the alley, the child of the neighbor on the left was called Xiaolin, and the child of the neighbor on the right was called Xiaoming. The family situation of the two children was similar, everyone was not very rich at that time, and life was a bit tight.

Kobayashi's parents are a bit "strong", in terms of educating Xiaoqiang, it is not too much attention to ideological education, but pay attention to "physical" education, if Kobayashi makes a mistake, it is often a whipping.

In fact, it is no wonder that Kobayashi's parents, who have been living in a more traditional environment, are not good at educating their children at all, and can only continue the traditional "stick education".

Under such an education, Kobayashi gradually grew up, he did not show any ambition, his heart was often full of inferiority, and later he easily fell into a pyramid scheme and was rescued after more than a year.

Truly visionary parents instill these ideas in them from an early age and their children will benefit greatly in the future

After that, Kobayashi's life fell into a low ebb, although married, but the family relationship is not good, the child's academic performance is not good, until now, Kobayashi can only rely on opening a small noodle restaurant to make a living.

The thinking that parents instill in their children will affect the trajectory of their children's lives

Kobayashi's parents did not know how to educate Xiaoqiang on the road of educating Xiaoqiang, so they did not instill some positive ideas in Xiaoqiang at all.

Kobayashi's parents only fulfilled their obligation to "raise" their children, but did not educate the child's spiritual world, and there were no positive thoughts in the child's mind at all, and they did not even know that there were some positive factors in this world.

Therefore, Kobayashi's vision has always been "only looking at the present", and he has not thought of how to establish his ideal goals, how to develop the future, how to create a beautiful life, but only to live in the shadow of the parents' education, and finally not only lost his own thoughts, but also buried his own life.

Truly visionary parents instill these ideas in them from an early age and their children will benefit greatly in the future

Visionary parents have been instilling these ideas in their children since they were young, and it is no wonder that their children are outstanding

Unlike Xiaolin, Xiaoming is now living a good life, his parents have opened a glass factory in the town, while Xiaoming runs a direct store of his own factory, and the income can be said to be middle and upper in the city, basically realizing economic freedom, no need to worry about livelihood, it can be said that life is smooth.

However, Xiaoming does not stop there, he has a longer-term development plan. So, why is the same starting point, Xiaoming's life so wonderful? In fact, these all stem from xiaoming's father's concept indoctrination.

Truly visionary parents instill these ideas in them from an early age and their children will benefit greatly in the future

Most of the people who instill these ideas in their children from an early age are visionary parents:

● Let children be happy all the time

Keep your child optimistic about life

When he was a child, Xiaoming's family was relatively poor, but under such economic conditions, Xiaoming's father still maintained an optimistic attitude every day, and he often smiled in front of Xiaoming, which made Xiaoming feel that his life was still very good, Xiaoming did not feel that his family life was worse than others, so Xiaoming's thoughts did not have inferiority, which made Xiaoming's entire childhood spent in happiness.

Let the child feel full of love

Xiaoming's family conditions are not good, but Xiaoming's father loves him very much, and will buy Xiaoming a fried chicken leg every week, which is Xiaoming's favorite food, and when he gets the fried chicken leg, Xiaoming is full of happiness.

In addition, mom and dad often chat and play games with Xiaoming, so that Xiaoming feels the deep love of his parents for himself, so Xiaoming is always happy.

Truly visionary parents instill these ideas in them from an early age and their children will benefit greatly in the future

Let your child have self-confidence

When Xiaoming grew up, he did not encounter difficulties and setbacks, but at this time, Xiaoming's parents never scolded Xiaoming, but gave Xiaoming enough encouragement and support to let Xiaoming regain self-confidence and bravely overcome difficulties. Xiaoming feels that he has a lot more to do, so he is often confident. In short, when the child is young, parents must instill love in the child and keep the child happy.

● Cultivate children's good habits of reading

Xiaoming actually couldn't afford to buy too many books when he was a child, but Xiaoming's father tried his best to get a lot of books for Xiaoming, some of which were old books cleaned up by the bookstore borrowing corner, some of which were books that others did not want, some of which were books bought at low prices when they were promoted, etc., and often took Xiaoming to read books, and Xiaoming's love for books was gradually cultivated by his father, and finally developed a good habit of loving books.

Truly visionary parents instill these ideas in them from an early age and their children will benefit greatly in the future

In fact, this habit is also a boost for Xiao Ming to have a long-term vision and establish a lofty ideal after tomorrow, because if Xiao Ming did not read books at that time, he might not understand the world at all, and his thoughts might not be sublimated, but after developing the habit of reading books, Xiao Ming knew how big the world was, how rich the knowledge was, and knew that his future could have unlimited development possibilities. Therefore, parents must instill the idea of reading in their children from an early age.

● Let the child maintain the correct moral concept at all times

Character is not good, nothing can be done, but Xiaoming's father has a very good character. At that time, the economic conditions of Xiaoming's family were not good, Xiaoming's father saw that the decoration made money, so he began to follow others to do decoration, and on weekends, he would also take Xiaoming to work in other people's homes.

Truly visionary parents instill these ideas in them from an early age and their children will benefit greatly in the future

When working, Xiaoming's father has never been meticulous, never cut corners, nor shoddy, because this has also been said many times by the foreman, but Xiaoming's father still insists on quality. Later, because the foreman's profit was low, he quit Xiaoming's father.

In fact, this is also the opportunity of Xiaoming's father, because Xiaoming's father's family history began from here, and many owners know the reason why Xiaoming's father was resigned, so Xiaoming's father's orders are more and more, and the more money he earns.

These, in fact, are all seen in Xiaoming's eyes, Xiaoming is around his father, invisibly indoctrinated by him with a lot of correct moral concepts, knowing that the correct moral standard is something that can make everyone happy and beneficial, which is also the basis for Xiaoming to have a good reputation in the industry, and people know that Xiaoming is an honest and trustworthy person.

Truly visionary parents instill these ideas in them from an early age and their children will benefit greatly in the future

● The difficulty of the matter depends on your attitude towards it

When Xiaoming's father first started a business, he still encountered many difficulties, Xiaoming saw his father thinking darkly countless times, but every time his father did not say "no", but tried his best to meet the requirements of the owner and make any impossible possible.

When working with his father on the weekend, Xiaoming often feels that he can't do it, but under the guidance of his father, Xiaoming knows that many things are OK, whether you can complete it or not, lies in how you think about it, you think it is difficult, it is difficult, you think it is not difficult, you can complete it.

Therefore, when the child encounters difficulties, parents instill the child with the idea of self-confidence, so that the child knows that there is no absolute, and the difficulty is easy.

Write at the end

The pattern of parents hides the child's ending. Forward-thinking parents will instill these ideas in their children from an early age, paving the way for their children's long-term development and making their children more excellent. What about you? Are you such a parent?

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