
Oil prices rise to panic? Don't worry, take stock of the cost gap for fuel trucks and trams

Since oil prices have risen again, "98 full" has become the latest way to show off wealth. Driving to the gas station, a "98 full" can meet the admiring eyes of the surrounding brushes. Recently, the domestic oil price ushered in five consecutive rises, the car circle suddenly appeared a lot of new stems, onlookers listened to funny, but as a fuel owner may understand the bitterness. Looking at the friends who drive pure trams around me, I am not affected by the oil price at all, so I also thought about "the price of oil is soaring, is it better to change a tram"?

Oil prices rise to panic? Don't worry, take stock of the cost gap for fuel trucks and trams

Oil prices are high, and the cost of fuel vehicles has increased

From 24:00 on March 17, the domestic refined oil products were adjusted again, what does the price of oil after the price adjustment mean to fuel owners? Let's take a rough calculation, taking the ordinary private car with a fuel tank capacity of 50L as an example, filling a tank of No. 92 gasoline costs about 30 yuan more than before, and No. 95 gasoline needs to cost more. Based on 50L oil running 500 kilometers, if you travel 10,000 kilometers a year, you will need to spend about 600+ yuan.

Oil prices rise to panic? Don't worry, take stock of the cost gap for fuel trucks and trams

Therefore, on the eve of the increase in oil prices, there was a very playful scene across the country, the gas stations everywhere were full of people, and fuel owners lined up to refuel before the price increase, thinking that they could save a little. Many gas stations even posted notices: 92 and 95 are sold out. I still regret to this day that I didn't fill up the gas before the price increase, and now I don't dare to drive to work...

Oil prices rise to panic? Don't worry, take stock of the cost gap for fuel trucks and trams

Pure trams use electricity to save money, no fear of oil price anxiety

Compared with the anxiety of fuel owners, pure electric owners are particularly indifferent. Take my friend, who bought a NIO ES8 a few years ago, how costly is it to use? She also calculated an account for me, the average electricity consumption of ES8 car owners is about 22kWh/100km, and it is also calculated according to the calculation of driving 10,000 kilometers a year, and the annual electricity bill is about 594 yuan (based on the low price of Electricity in Shenzhen, 0.27 yuan per kilowatt-hour of electricity), that is to say, the electricity cost of ES8 for a year is almost the cost of fuel owners to add fuel.

Oil prices rise to panic? Don't worry, take stock of the cost gap for fuel trucks and trams

Through such a comparison, the advantages of pure trams are very obvious. However, some people may say that pure trams are provincial to use, but it is inconvenient to add electricity. Initially, I also held this concern and questioned my friends. But friends told me: NIO has a very rich energy network, as of February 28, NIO has laid out 844 substations across the country, including 225 highway substations; 676 supercharging stations, 3802 supercharging stations; 670 destination charging stations, 3716; access to more than 470,000 third-party charging piles. With such a perfect energy replenishment infrastructure as Weilai, where do we need to worry about the problem of energy replenishment? Power-up is as convenient as refueling, and the tram free travel experience is not coming.

Oil prices rise to panic? Don't worry, take stock of the cost gap for fuel trucks and trams

Through this exchange with my friends, I was even more determined to replace the fuel car with a tram. Do not burn oil, low electricity bills, enough to save money, convenient charging, especially in the current era of soaring oil prices, is it not wise to buy a pure tram?

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