
The six gentlemen of "In the World" because of a small matter, let their fates go their separate ways from the beginning

Yi said that the gathering place for women's growth, may you not wear armor, you can resist thousands of life is not easy, welcome attention.

In addition to family affection and friendship in "The World of Man", Zhou Bingkun and his co-workers became the six gentlemen of the light word film, agreed to get together once a year, and the subsequent gathering also became a mirror of life, reflecting the different fates of the six people.

The six gentlemen of "In the World" because of a small matter, let their fates go their separate ways from the beginning

I don't want to distinguish the six of them by success or failure in the popular sense, but just say that each person's fate is their own choice, the six of them have known each other from the beginning, and each time they have reacted differently, it is also doomed that their life state will part ways sooner or later.

The six gentlemen of "In the World" because of a small matter, let their fates go their separate ways from the beginning

Cai Xiaoguang told Zhou Bingkun the inside information that he could buy pork, and Zhou Bingkun, who was righteous, told several of his good friends about this matter, and thus made these six people become the six gentlemen of the light character film. The other five people were all familiar with Zhou Bingkun, so Zhou Bingkun also became the soul figure among them.

The six gentlemen of "In the World" because of a small matter, let their fates go their separate ways from the beginning

Xiao Guoqing and Sun Chaochao were Zhou Bingkun's colleagues when he worked in the timber factory, and Cao Debao and Lü Chuan and Tang Xiangyang were Zhou Bingkun's colleagues working in the soy sauce factory. Although they are all co-workers, Xiao Guoqing, Sun Chaochao, Cao Debao and Zhou Bingkun are small hair who grew up together in guangzi pieces, and are naturally closer. Lü Chuan was a co-worker who worked together in Zhou Bingkun's soy sauce factory, while Tang Xiangyang at that time was a co-worker who had not been newly assigned for a long time.

The six gentlemen of "In the World" because of a small matter, let their fates go their separate ways from the beginning

Therefore, Zhou Bingkun only told Xiao Guoqing, Sun Chaochao, Cao Debao and Lü Chuan about buying pork, and Tang Xiangyang was pulled by Lü Chuan. Don't underestimate such a small detail, but it reflects the different personalities of six people, and also foreshadows the fate of each person in the future.

Secretary Qu took Tang Xiangyang to Zhou Bingkun's workshop and introduced them as new workers, but at the same time emphasized that Tang Xiangyang also had another identity, that is, the unit opened a night school, and Tang Xiangyang was the teacher of the night school. Secretary Qu told them about the benefits of studying, and also stressed that he could become the president of the provincial high court, also because of the reason of further study and university. Secretary Qu's words, from a selfish point of view, were addressed to Zhou Bingkun, but Lü Chuan, who was standing on the side, listened to them.

The six gentlemen of "In the World" because of a small matter, let their fates go their separate ways from the beginning

Lü Chuan caught up with Tang Xiangyang after work and asked Tang Xiangyang to teach him mathematics, And Lü Chuan said a word at that time, and the technique was not pressurized. Therefore, when Zhou Bingkun told Lü Chuan to buy pork, Lü Chuan thought of Tang Xiangyang, so Lü Chuan himself was flexible and good at using his own resources, not only returning Tang Xiangyang's personal feelings to help him learn, but also pulling Tang Xiangyang into their circle of friends, which was more convenient to communicate.

The six gentlemen of "In the World" because of a small matter, let their fates go their separate ways from the beginning

What about the reactions of the other four? Xiao Guoqing and Sun Chaochao felt that it didn't matter, the biggest reaction was Cao Debao, he felt that Tang Xiangyang was a new worker, this good thing should not have Tang Xiangyang, but Zhou Bingkun did not think so, in his opinion, they were all friends and workers, Lu Chuan had already brought, and he wanted to give this face.

The six gentlemen of "In the World" because of a small matter, let their fates go their separate ways from the beginning

In fact, from this time on, although they became the six gentlemen, they had already divided their respective destiny paths.

Zhou Bingkun, Xiao Guoqing, Sun Chaochao, Cao Debao, Lü Chuan and Tang Xiangyang, in fact, are different actions on one thing, so that the six of them have different lives.

The six gentlemen of "In the World" because of a small matter, let their fates go their separate ways from the beginning

This thing is reading books and attitudes towards reading.

Of these six, Xiao Guoqing, Sun Chaochao, and Cao Debao were not literate. Xiao Guoqing and Sun Chaochao were doing manual work in the timber factory, no one around told them to read, they had neither the conditions to read nor interest in reading, but the difference between the two people was that Sun Chaochao knew that reading was a good thing. Therefore, Sun Chaochao's family had a sister who was admitted to college with a difference of six points, and later his son was also admitted to college.

The six gentlemen of "In the World" because of a small matter, let their fates go their separate ways from the beginning

Their fate is always to live at the bottom, not that they are not good, on the contrary, they try to live no worse than anyone in the play, but because they have not read, their life choices are relatively small, and they are much narrower, and they often have a feeling of being forced by life.

The six gentlemen of "In the World" because of a small matter, let their fates go their separate ways from the beginning

Looking at Cao Debao again, he does not like to read, nor does he feel that there is anything special about reading, because he cannot eat the pain of reading. In fact, he has the conditions to study, because of the advocacy of Secretary Qu, the unit opened a night school, and Tang Xiangyang is a ready-made teacher, and he works with him every day. However, he did not look up to Tang Xiangyang, and he had no reverence for reading.

However, Cao Debao has always seemed to have a good life, belonging to the category of food and clothing, why? Because his dream is to find a woman from a high-level cadre like Hao Dongmei who is in distress and achieve the goal of life of Di Si's counterattack. Although he did not realize this dream, after he married Chunyan, he basically realized this state of life, that is, relying on others to make his life better.

Cao Debao's life is like he didn't want Tang Xiangyang to buy pork together, the pattern was always very small, and even he and Chunyan deviated from the love of their six gentlemen because of their desires.

The six gentlemen of "In the World" because of a small matter, let their fates go their separate ways from the beginning

In contrast to these three people are Lü Chuan and Tang Xiangyang. Tang Xiangyang's parents are teachers, and he loves to learn, but his fate has always been related to reading, there is no change, as long as he has the opportunity, he will go to school again, for Tang Xiangyang is just to return to his own life trajectory.

Among the six people who changed their fate by reading, Lü Chuan knew Tang Xiangyang because of Secretary Qu's words, because of his work, and further studied with Tang Xiangyang, they read books belonged to the learning type, and finally he let himself out of the light character piece and out of the soy sauce factory. One is a slag worker in a soy sauce factory, doing the hardest, most tiring and dirty work in the factory, and the other is staying in Beijing to work in a ministerial unit.

The six gentlemen of "In the World" because of a small matter, let their fates go their separate ways from the beginning

Lü Chuan achieved a leap in the social sense by reading, which is beyond doubt. The reason why I don't discuss the issue of hardship is because whether it is Xiao Guoqingsun catching up with or Lü Chuan, no matter what position you are in, you have your own hardships. Just like Secretary Qu said, you have the hard work of your scum, and we sit in the office and have our own difficulties in work.

Reading can't solve the hard problems of life, but it can definitely make you have more life choices. This point is more reflected in Zhou Bingkun.

The six gentlemen of "In the World" because of a small matter, let their fates go their separate ways from the beginning

Zhou Bingkun didn't seem to like reading, so when he got ahead on the pretext that he hadn't read, his father was angry and reprimanded him at the train station. Looking at Lü Chuan, you know that Zhou Bingkun is on the same starting line as Lü Chuan and has the same reading resources, but Zhou Bingkun did not choose the road of reading.

However, this does not mean that Zhou Bingkun is not exposed to reading, on the contrary, he is a beneficiary of reading. The reason why four of the six gentlemen did not read, but only Zhou Bingkun was able to live a good life, was because he was exposed to reading.

The six gentlemen of "In the World" because of a small matter, let their fates go their separate ways from the beginning

When he was a teenager, his brother and sister loved to read, although he did not love to read, but there were many books at home, and his brother went to the army and left a box of books for Zhou Bingkun to keep, he could not read a page, this is the charm of reading novels, the so-called idle books. Literary books seem to be a kind of consumption, but in fact, they have a great impact on a person's attitude and vision in life.

Zhou Bingkun lives in a family that loves and respects reading, and reading is also subtle for him, so his pattern will be bigger than other people around him, and he will have more ideas.

Many people say that Zhou Bingkun has paid a lot for the Zhou family in his life, and his brother and sister have no help for Zhou Bingkun. Is this really the case? In fact, combing through it will show that Zhou Bingkun's resources have always been very good, and his resources are the best of the six gentlemen. His brother and sister, of course.

The six gentlemen of "In the World" because of a small matter, let their fates go their separate ways from the beginning

Zhou Bingkun wants to change jobs, and Cai Xiaoguang helps to change them, because Cai Xiaoguang has always admired his sister Zhou Rong. Later, he opened a restaurant and a bookstore because of Shao's editor-in-chief, and he met Shao's editor-in-chief because of his brother-in-law's poem. Saying these is not to erase Zhou Bingkun's own personal charm, but life is like this, personal hard work also needs opportunities and resources to boost, otherwise just like Xiao Guoqing and Sun Chaochao, they can no longer find other friends and relatives who have the ability to help in addition to looking for Zhou Bingkun to help.

Including later Zhou Bingkun moved into a new home, ostensibly to support his brother's work, but in fact he also benefited a lot, and their life began to flourish again, living in a new house, and opening a restaurant with a façade.

The six gentlemen of "In the World" because of a small matter, let their fates go their separate ways from the beginning

These things seem to have nothing to do with reading, but Zhou Bingkun has always had an indirect relationship with reading, including opening a bookstore. So his life is also different from the other three friends who don't read.

The six gentlemen of "In the World" because of a small matter, let their fates go their separate ways from the beginning

Reading when you are young is learning, in order to make yourself more skilled, not to be able to face the ups and downs of life, adults read to make themselves more calm in the face of the ups and downs of fate, at each fork in the road of fate can have more choices, more initiative, have their favorite state of life.

(The pictures are all from the screenshots of the TV series "The World of Man", if there is any infringement, please contact to delete)

The six gentlemen of "In the World" because of a small matter, let their fates go their separate ways from the beginning

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