
Within one year of age, the baby will experience multiple periods of sharp growth, parents grasp, the child's development is often fast and good

It is said that children are the hope of a family, and their physical development has become the top priority of the whole family. If you are a little more careful, you can find that the child will develop very fast at a certain point in time.

Within one year of age, the baby will experience multiple periods of sharp growth, parents grasp, the child's development is often fast and good

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1 year old is a milestone in your baby's growth

In the eyes of parents, before the baby is one year old, whether he will only "eat, drink and sleep", it seems that he has not seen any growth at all.

In fact, don't underestimate him, the baby is mostly "hidden", on the surface looks like a "little lazy worm", in fact, may be secretly "obscene development".

Even pediatric experts say that 1 year old (0 to 12 months) is a milestone in the baby's growth, various physical indicators are developing rapidly, to experience multiple periods of sharp rise, if the parents grasp it, the child's development is often fast and good.

Within one year of age, the baby will experience multiple periods of sharp growth, parents grasp, the child's development is often fast and good

One-year-old baby, what's changed?

Stage 1: 0 to 3 months

There are two biggest changes: weight and vision

1) The baby is just a few days after birth, just out of the mother's body, so the body water will lose a part, the early weight will drop less than 10%, but from 15 days will be rapidly gained.

2) Because babies live in the mother's womb, they are surrounded by darkness, so they are used to living in the dark.

When they were just born, they would also prefer the place where light and dark meet, plus their vision has not yet matured, the eyes can not look directly at the bright light, not to mention, or a "high myopia", looking at the outside world is a blur, even the mother's face can not be seen clearly.

By about 3 months, their eyesight slowly began to improve, and they could gradually see the outlines of their parents.

Within one year of age, the baby will experience multiple periods of sharp growth, parents grasp, the child's development is often fast and good

Stage 2: 4 to 8 months

The baby's growth and development rate began to slow down, with an average increase of 500 to 1000 g per month, and the height of the baby increased by about 5 to 6 cm.

And the baby wakes up longer, the sleep time begins to shorten, from 18 to 20 hours, shortened to 14 to 16 hours, and can slowly begin to interact with parents.

Stage 3: 9 to 12 months

Baby's development will reach a relatively stable stage, generally speaking, if the child's development is normal, to about 9 months, the average height of the male baby is 65.2 ~ 80.5 cm, the female baby is between 63.7 ~ 78.9 cm, as for the weight standard change, the male treasure is 6.67 ~ 12.99kg, the female treasure is 6.34 ~ 12.18kg.

Within one year of age, the baby will experience multiple periods of sharp growth, parents grasp, the child's development is often fast and good

By 12 months of age, your baby weighs about three times more than he was born.

For babies within 1 year of age, weight and height development become faster, slower or fall back, if controlled within a reasonable range, it is normal, parents do not have to worry.

However, pay attention to grasping the multiple periods of surge in children within 1 year of age, which will help them develop quickly and well.

Several periods of sharp growth in babies within 1 year of age

According to expert analysis, 0 to 1 year old is the fastest stage of children's development, with a total of 7 soaring stages, which occur more frequently and have short intervals.

It is generally the 7th to 10th day of life, 2 to 3 weeks, 4 to 6 weeks, and the 3rd, 4th, 6th, and 9th months after birth.

After these several sharp stages, the child's development rate slows down significantly, and it will not enter the next outbreak period until around puberty.

Within one year of age, the baby will experience multiple periods of sharp growth, parents grasp, the child's development is often fast and good

What can parents grasp?

1. Diet. Breastfeeding is the mainstay, supplemented by complementary feeding, and the specific references are as follows:

A: Month-old baby

It is recommended to feed on demand, 8 to 12 times a day, and every 2 to 3 hours or so. If it is exclusive breastfeeding, 30 ml can be fed within 7 days of birth, and 40 to 180 ml after 7 days; if milk powder feeding is selected, the baby is controlled at 60 to 90 ml within 7 days of birth, and gradually increased to 90 to 120 ml after 7 days.

B: 2 to 3 months old baby

The number of breastfeeding can be reduced, controlled at 3 to 4 times, the specific amount of milk can depend on the needs of the child, if he consciously turns his head after each milk, the intensity of sucking becomes slower, indicating that he has been fed, no need to add; if the milk powder is fed, the amount of a day is controlled at about 800ml.

Within one year of age, the baby will experience multiple periods of sharp growth, parents grasp, the child's development is often fast and good

C: 4 to 5 months old baby

Observe whether the baby's weight gain is reasonable, gaining 15 to 20 grams per day is normal, if it is lower than this standard, it may be necessary to consider whether the quality of breast milk is up to standard, or whether the baby's daily intake of breast milk is sufficient;

If necessary, additional formula feeding may be attempted.

D: 6 to 8 months old

Mothers can start to add complementary foods to the baby, starting from the paste, mud, slowly try the baby, each time you can try 4 to 5 kinds, pay attention to the complementary food to be light, do not add seasonings, and test whether the baby is allergic to this kind of food.

Within one year of age, the baby will experience multiple periods of sharp growth, parents grasp, the child's development is often fast and good

E: 9 months to 1 year old baby

The daily milk amount is not less than 500ml, the middle can be interspersed with feeding meat supplements, or rice noodles, supplementary food nutrition should also be rich, vegetables, eggs, milk and fish can have, but to make it easy to digest.

2. Sleep. 80% of the growth hormone in your child's body is secreted during deep sleep, so you need to let them ensure adequate sleep time and a good sleep environment.

Within one year of age, the baby will experience multiple periods of sharp growth, parents grasp, the child's development is often fast and good

In general, babies aged 1 to 4 months sleep an average of 14 to 16 hours a day; babies within 4 to 12 months sleep for 2 to 4 hours during the day and sleep for a relatively long time at night.

Parents are advised to try to sleep their child lying flat and not to wake him up in a hurry. If they have no abnormal mood during the day and can eat normally, it means that their development is normal.

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