
Feng Xiaoqin, who is wary of her in-laws everywhere in "Heart Residence", her pity stems from the selfishness and desire in her heart

Feng Xiaoqin, who is wary of her in-laws everywhere in "Heart Residence", her pity stems from the selfishness and desire in her heart

Muzi fish chase drama

Release on 2022-03-1915:21


If you want to say that what is the most important thing in society now, it is probably only the house!

For unmarried young men and women, to have a house is to have capital; for married people, to have a house can be regarded as a real home;

For the elderly, the house can be pensioned, and for the child, the house can go to school.

If you have no money in the house, others will say that you have money to invest and have foresight; if you have money and no house, relatives and friends will advise you to buy one quickly.

So, you see how important the house is.

In the hit drama "Heart Residence", Feng Xiaoqin, a foreign daughter-in-law played by Haiqing, is a typical representative of a buyer, and she believes that she can have a house with her name written on it in order to have a home in Shanghai.

Feng Xiaoqin, who is wary of her in-laws everywhere in "Heart Residence", her pity stems from the selfishness and desire in her heart

1, the selfishness of buying a house

Feng Xiaoqin, a foreign girl, wants to stay in Shanghai and become a Shanghainese, and it is too difficult for her to become a Shanghainese by earning money to buy a house by herself, so she chose the second way, first becoming a Shanghai daughter-in-law.

Honest Gu Lei is a Shanghai native introduced to her by others, Gu Lei is not handsome and has no great ability, the job is still found for him by his sister, such a man is not a good match for the smart and beautiful Feng Xiaoqin.

But just for his Shanghai hukou, Feng Xiaoqin still painstakingly chased Gu Lei to the hand, and also got pregnant without marriage, married into the Gu family with a big belly, and became a Shanghai daughter-in-law.

After giving birth to her son Little Tiger, she thought that the Gu Family Fair would buy a small house for their family of three, but ten years later, Feng Xiaoqin did the work of a nanny every day, serving a large number of grandchildren and grandchildren for four generations.

Seeing that the Gu family only wanted to treat her as a nanny to serve a large family, and did not have the intention of buying a house for her, Feng Xiaoqin told her husband Gu Lei that they wanted to buy a house by themselves.

But buying a house means that a lot of money is needed, Gu Lei has no ability, relying on his sister's relationship to find a job, it is not good, the boss often complains to his sister, naturally he can't earn much money.

Feng Xiaoqin did not work after getting married, giving birth to children and taking children to serve a large family of people every day to eat and drink Lasa, so she also had no income.

Want to buy a house and have no money, why not?

Feng Xiaoqin, who is wary of her in-laws everywhere in "Heart Residence", her pity stems from the selfishness and desire in her heart

Feng Xiaoqin instigated her husband to borrow money from her sister who was rich and single, in order to force her husband to open her mouth, she told her husband that she would not let him go back to the house to sleep if she could not borrow money, afraid that her husband would not talk to her sister, she even wrote the manuscript, so that her husband began to recite it from the morning.

In the evening, he made a large table of dishes, invited his sister home for dinner to celebrate her sister's birthday, and kept suggesting that her husband opened his mouth.

But in the end, her sister was unwilling to lend money to them on the grounds that she also wanted to buy a house, and Feng Xiaoqin immediately changed direction and borrowed money from her father-in-law.

No one was willing to lend them money to buy a house, so Feng Xiaoqin gambled and ran away from home, threatening not to serve this big son anymore.

The last family spent a busy day, and Gu Lei broke his finger on the way to send his children to school.

She thought that her family would compromise and lend her money to buy a house, but when she returned home, she got the news that Gu Lei's sister was willing to add her father's name to her house book, and then moved the little tiger's account there.

In this way, you can go to school district housing, the problem of the little tiger going to school is solved, and Gu Lei does not have to buy a house.

Originally, giving the little tiger school was an excuse for Feng Xiaoqin to buy a house, but now it has become a breakthrough for her in-laws to reject her.

Feng Xiaoqin, who is wary of her in-laws everywhere in "Heart Residence", her pity stems from the selfishness and desire in her heart

She lost her temper at home, saying that she had worked hard at home to serve her parents for ten years, even if she hired a nanny, her salary was hundreds of thousands, and she worked hard but did not get the approval of others, and even borrowed some money.

The old father did not want to make the relationship too stiff, and finally agreed to lend them half a million yuan to buy a house, but he was sure that King Kong would finish handing it over, but because of the matter of whose name was written on the house book, it was again opened.

Feng Xiaoqin gambled again to run away from home, and her husband Gu Lei accidentally fell down the stairs when he dissuaded her to pull her suitcase.

This accident made Feng Xiaoqin a single mother, and Made Gu Lei's sister Gu Qingyu hate Feng Xiaoqin's younger sister.

2, the face is full of desire

Feng Xiaoqin is three years older than Gu Lei and one year older than Gu Lei's sister.

At first, she bothered to pursue Gu Lei not because she liked him more, but because he had the identity of a Shanghai native and listened to her honestly.

In Feng Xiaoqin's view, Gu Lei is the only boy in the Gu family, as long as he can marry Gu Lei, even if he has no ability, he can inherit the family's house and the old man's savings.

And Gu Lei is good at talking and listens to her, so she can also take her sister from her hometown, let her find a job in Shanghai, and even want her sister to drop an honest Shanghai son-in-law.

Therefore, Feng Xiaoqin's original heart was not pure.

Feng Xiaoqin, who is wary of her in-laws everywhere in "Heart Residence", her pity stems from the selfishness and desire in her heart

After marrying into the Gu family, she resigned to take the children at home to serve the elderly.

Her idea is very simple, she has no culture, nor is she capable of making a lot of money, she wants to play the family card by serving the old man well, she thought that as long as the old man is happy, he will want something, and after ten years, he found out.

Except for Gu Lei, who was a fool who was willing to listen to her, the rest of the people in the Gu family were human spirits.

Waiting for a family at home does not get any benefits, Feng Xiaoqin thought of buying a house and moving out, living a small life with her husband and son, she can still be idle.

But the real problem came, she had no money.

So she thought about letting her husband borrow money from her sister, and if her sister didn't lend it to her, she would let her father-in-law give her money, and said that her father-in-law only had one son, Gu Lei, and the family's money was going to be given to him sooner or later, but it was just taken out earlier.

In fact, it is understandable to borrow money from my sister, and let my father-in-law take the money to prevent the elderly to come out and buy a house for my daughter-in-law.

The family has a house, and it is not for her to live, and this house will also be inherited by Gu Lei in the future, so in the long run, there is no need for her to buy a house.

Feng Xiaoqin, who is wary of her in-laws everywhere in "Heart Residence", her pity stems from the selfishness and desire in her heart

Feng Xiaoqin said that shanghai house prices have been rising, she wants to learn from her sister to buy a house to invest, but investment depends on whether she has the principal, take other people's money to invest, this is a thing.

Feng Xiaoqin said that for the sake of the little tiger, she wanted to buy a better school district house, but her sister was willing to let the little tiger move the hukou to her house to solve the problem of the little tiger's schooling, so she did not speak.

In fact, these are all excuses.

What Feng Xiaoqin wanted was a Shanghai house with her name written on it.

She married Gu Lei, she served the old man of the Gu family for ten years, and she gave birth to a little tiger, all for this purpose.

For this purpose, she calculated love, calculated affection, and even counted her own son.

3, Feng Xiaoqin's selfishness has attracted the vigilance of her in-laws

Although Gu Lei is an honest and humble personality, his sister Gu Qingyu is a shrewd person, and the title of a scholar from childhood to adulthood is not in vain.

When Feng Xiaoqin first pursued Gu Lei, she felt that Feng Xiaoqin had ulterior motives, and Feng Xiaoqin's unmarried pregnancy made her even more determined her view of her.

Feng Xiaoqin, who is wary of her in-laws everywhere in "Heart Residence", her pity stems from the selfishness and desire in her heart

After marriage, Feng Xiaoqin is very respectful and filial to the Gu family, Gu Qingyu is one year younger than her, she can still say a sister's name, a look of great admiration and admiration.

Although Gu Qingyu knew that Feng Xiaoqin's own food and drinking was very hard to take care of a large family, she would not be distressed or grateful to her, in her opinion, all this was requested by Feng Xiaoqin herself.

When Feng Xiaoqin proposed to buy a house, Gu Qingyu pulled Gu Lei into his father's room and asked him why he wanted to buy a house, and said that if Gu Lei wanted to buy a house, she would definitely borrow money, and if it was Feng Xiaoqin's idea, she would not borrow money.

Gu Lei grew up under the protection of his father and sister since he was a child, he has no ability and no opinion, where will he have the idea of buying a house, he agreed to open his mouth to borrow money from his sister, but also to make a difference in Feng Xiaoqin.

After explaining the reason, the sister naturally refused Feng Xiaoqin's request to borrow money.

Feng Xiaoqin threatened to run away from home, ostensibly saying that her friend asked her to go to Nanjing for two days, but in fact she wanted to prove that her family could not function normally without her, wanted to highlight her importance, and wanted to force her sister and father-in-law to compromise.

However, what she did not expect was that the sister finally compromised and added her father's name to her house, and then moved the little tiger's hukou to solve the problem of going to school.

Feng Xiaoqin, who is wary of her in-laws everywhere in "Heart Residence", her pity stems from the selfishness and desire in her heart

My sister's attitude is very clear, you bought a house for the little tiger to go to school, and now I am willing to spend hundreds of thousands of dollars to add a name to the house book to help you solve the problem by moving the account, but I will not lend you hundreds of thousands to let you buy a house.

If Feng Xiaoqin had bought a house just for the little tiger to go to school, she would definitely agree with her sister's approach, but her selfish intention was to buy a house with her name on it.

Seeing her sister defend herself so much, she must have been more angry.

Finally, after her outbreak, her father-in-law took out half a million yuan to her, let her buy a house to use, she immediately began to filial piety regardless of the previous suspicions, afraid of her father-in-law's remorse, she immediately took her father-in-law to the bank to do a new online banking transfer, which can transfer half a million at one time.

I thought that the dust of buying a house had settled, but my sister Gu Qingyu immediately found her brother after hearing about it, and asked her brother to write his own name on the house book, not to write that he and Feng Xiaoqin shared it.

Because the down payment is from his father, the mortgage is what Gu Lei wants to repay, and Feng Xiaoqin has no income and no contribution to buying a house.

After Feng Xiaoqin heard it, she immediately collapsed like five thunderbolts, and she never dreamed that her in-laws and sister would actually guard against her to this point.

In fact, although Gu Qingyu's approach is a bit excessive, she also has her own reason.

Feng Xiaoqin, who is wary of her in-laws everywhere in "Heart Residence", her pity stems from the selfishness and desire in her heart

Feng Xiaoqin's selfishness and calculations were all in her eyes, and she knew best what her brother looked like, but she didn't want her brother to become Feng Xiaoqin's ladder or bridge.

She was afraid that once the shrewd Feng Xiaoqin got the identity and house of a Shanghainese through her brother, she would no longer pay attention to him or even pay no attention to the old and young people of the Gu family.

For her part, Ms. Gu, a savvy Shanghainese and a company executive, knows how to protect herself and her family's interests.


In fact, although Feng Xiaoqin wants to own her own house in Shanghai through Gu Lei, she has never thought of crossing the river and demolishing the bridge, her plan for a better future includes Gu Lei and children, and for the other elders of the Gu family, she has not thought of escaping and ignoring it.

She simply wanted to be a proper Shanghainese.

However, her approach was too radical, and she went to great lengths to chase gu Lei, pregnant into the Gu family before marriage, and later began to dislike Gu Lei's problems of this and that, forcing him to learn to change.

Feng Xiaoqin, who is wary of her in-laws everywhere in "Heart Residence", her pity stems from the selfishness and desire in her heart

These Gu Qingyu all looked in her eyes, so she would feel that Feng Xiaoqin just wanted to use Gu Lei as a ladder or springboard, and she was worried that Feng Xiaoqin would cross the river and tear down the bridge.

He will always guard her when she wants to buy a house.


It was Feng Xiaoqin's selfishness and utilitarianism that aroused the in-laws' defenses

If she has less utilitarianism in her dealings with people, more of her sincerity and filial piety, and a happy and happy life with four sons and four generations, is it not good?

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