
In the workplace, really smart people often "slow half beat"


The old ancestors told us: "If you want to be fast, you can't reach it." ”

Not all things must be decided quickly and slowly, in order to see the facts clearly and find direction and methods.

The workplace is a place where a person makes money, and it is inevitable to encounter colleagues who are in a fight, a boss who is difficult everywhere, and possibly, doing a lot of laborious and unpleasant things.

Smart people always "slow half a beat", find the starting point and foothold, the possible harm, one by one, to protect themselves.

In the workplace, really smart people often "slow half beat"


Half a beat slower than the boss, let the boss rank first, showing respect.

The reason why a boss becomes a boss is always superior. If you underestimate your boss and often make a fuss, then you will cause dissatisfaction from your boss, and possibly, you will be wearing small shoes.

Everyone has their own strengths and weaknesses, and if your strengths are compared to those of your boss, you will definitely win. But you must not be complacent, after all, his status is higher than yours, and he can "subdue" you at any time.

During the Three Kingdoms period, Yang Xiu was a great talent, and he served as an official under Cao Cao.

One day, Cao Cao and Yang Xiu passed by the Cao E Monument and saw the words "Yellow Silk Young Woman, Grandson Usu" on it.

Cao Cao asked, do you understand?

Yang Xiu replied, understanding.

They walked another thirty miles, and Cao Cao pondered before he realized that the meaning was -- "yellow" represents color, "silk" represents silk, and together they are the word "absolute", and so on, it becomes the four words of "wonderful words".

Cao Cao sighed, "I am thirty miles apart from your talents." ”

Yang Xiu boldly displayed his talent in front of his superiors, and finally was punished by Cao Cao for revealing the secret of the word "chicken rib" in the march and fighting.

In terms of literary style, you can be more powerful than your boss and can discuss with your boss, but in terms of authority, you can't over-show it, and you can't arbitrarily give orders on behalf of your boss.

You are slower, hiding behind, in fact, humble and respectful of your superiors. Give your boss more opportunities to perform, and although you lose, you will not become a "thorn in the eye".


Half a beat slower than your colleagues, learn lessons, and strike later.

In the workplace, everyone should have such a habit: grab credit and compete for the first place.

If you can excel, then the chances of being promoted and raised will naturally be more.

There is a kind of wisdom called "coming later." That is to say, you stand behind others, although inconspicuous, but when others are desperate, you can take his place and borrow the experience he left behind to do things well.

By doing so, you not only reflect your own generosity, but also leave the most dangerous and best opportunities to others. If someone else does a difficult thing, it is an opportunity, and if it is not done, you pick up a "leak".

People of the same level need to compete, but they also need to get along well. You are always sharp, you will definitely stab others, it will not be good for yourself, and it will cause contradictions.

In the workplace, really smart people often "slow half beat"


Work in your hand slowly and half a beat, find the best solution, and take shortcuts.

Be the first to eat crabs. This is the conventional idea.

People who are really strong, when it is critical, will also calm down for three minutes and slow themselves down.

Let's say a new production line is to be opened on the unit, and it involves a new field, and no one has experience. You're the first to rush up, but you're not completely sure, and you're going to make jokes. It is better to wait, carefully analyze and study, and then make plans.

The ancients advocated "rule by doing nothing". That is to say, many things, if the time is not ripe enough, just wait, do not rush to do. Perhaps, in time, the time comes, and you can do it with a little bit of strength.

Using the morning and evening sunshine and mist, you can take more good photos; using social development trends can promote career development, which gives us inspiration to do things.

People in the workplace, do a hundred things well, may not necessarily be appreciated by everyone, but if you do one thing wrong, you will destroy all the previous credit. So, there's nothing wrong with being cautious.


Speak slowly and half a beat, try to adjust your emotions, and get less into trouble.

I encountered such a thing: colleague A messed up the monthly summary report, and in the office, angrily said, it was to blame colleague B for providing incorrect data.

The next month, Colleague B did not provide data for a long time, and Colleague A urged several times, but there was no result.

Once, in a hurry, colleague B said: "Sorry, just now the computer crashed, the data is lost." ”

Seeing that the boss is urging the report, colleague A has no way to start, and he is in a hurry.

The orator Seneca said, "The best way to cure anger is to wait." ”

Angry speech, fast and reckless. If you say it, it's definitely uncomfortable and leads to less friendly relationships.

Even if a colleague makes a mistake, slow down and speak in a different tone.

In any unit, the ability to collaborate is more important than the ability to work. Without the help of your colleagues, you are doomed to achieve nothing.

"The depth of the water is slow, the language is late and the people are expensive", if you want to cooperate smoothly, you must seek perfection, you can't think of yourself as the "center", let all people revolve around you. Even if you are the biggest boss of your unit, you can't look at everything and blame your subordinates indiscriminately.

In the workplace, really smart people often "slow half beat"


In the movie "Zhiming and Chunjiao", the male protagonist said a sentence: "Some things do not need to be done in one night, and we are not in a hurry." ”

At that time, the male and female protagonists gently leaned together, but they did nothing, but felt a rare good time together. A lifetime is so long, and I don't care about a moment and a half – true love is eternity.

Deeply believe that when interpersonal communication, people who are really good to you will definitely "slow down".

Life is a process, and the workplace is also the "period of time" in the process. If you're in a hurry to retire to that day, you're becoming a jerk and getting less.

Slower than the boss, you are very humble, the boss will be more face-saving.

Slower than your colleagues, you can be less confused and less arguing.

When you do things slowly, you are actually "slow work out of small work".

You speak slowly, you are cultivated, and you avoid evil coming out of your mouth.

In the workplace, slow is stable, that is, stable in the good, steady in the progress.

Author: Cloth coarse food.

Follow my words and go into your heart.

The illustrations in this article come from the Internet.

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