
Establish good values for children correctly

Establish good values for children correctly

Establish the right values for your child

From birth, a person's words and deeds are gradually formed with the influence of the family and society.

Psychological research has shown that children before the age of 12 are basically unable to understand the exact meaning of concepts such as "life" and "value", and only understand the superficial meaning of ethical concepts such as "happiness", "obligation", "honor" and "conscience". When we educate children, we should cultivate children's correct life values from an early age, because the correct life values are passed on to children as sunshine, self-confidence, hard work, responsibility, and positive mental outlook, which has a major impact on the value of children's lives.


Responsibility: Never shirk responsibility, dedication to the soul, starting from small things, details determine success or failure.

Belief: Ideal, achieve goals.

Respect: Pay attention to appearance and courtesy, take the superior as an example, and the art of leadership.

Loyalty: Loyalty is better than ability, go all out.

These 4 classic laws explain the steps that are key to establishing the correct value of life for a person's life.

The 24-character policy of socialist core values: prosperity, democracy, civilization, harmony, freedom, equality, justice, rule of law, patriotism, dedication, integrity, and friendliness. In particular, patriotism, dedication, integrity, and friendliness are regarded as the basic moral norms of citizens, and the condensation of the basic concept of socialist core values from the level of personal behavior.

Establish good values for children correctly
Establish good values for children correctly


1. Teach by example. As a child's first teacher, parents' words and deeds in daily life are crucial. The child starts from the cognitive society, the first action he learns is imitation, and he will see the adult as the object of imitation. If the words and deeds of adults are inconsistent, they will directly affect and mislead children. Therefore, parents should read more, think more, communicate more, especially when teaching their children values, and be able to transmit positive energy to their children through their own words and deeds.

2. Cultivate a sense of responsibility. As the law of West Point says, "Never shirk responsibility, dedicate yourself to the soul, start with small things, and the details determine success or failure." From an early age, parents should tell their children that everyone has responsibilities to take on. For example, students, the current responsibility is to learn cultural knowledge; professionals, the responsibility is to work seriously; soldiers, the responsibility is to defend the family and the country; doctors, the responsibility is to save lives and help the injured... Everyone must have a sense of responsibility in dealing with responsibility. It is impossible to take on any responsibility and just want to sit back and enjoy it. Because of a responsible, responsible person, then his life path will be exciting.

Establish good values for children correctly

3. Cultivate value beliefs. When cultivating children's values, children can be guided by stories, on-site teaching, etc. For example, try to choose books that convey the right values to teach children about the formation of values and understand the importance of values, or you can teach the historical origins of countries around the world to make children understand the importance of values. It is also possible to use opposite values to teach children to discern the meaning of correct values.

4. Cultivate love and help others. Volunteering is the best activity to cultivate children's love. Parents can take their children to actively participate in volunteer activities such as social services, such as helping the elderly to clean, helping neighbors mow lawns or participating in volunteer services in the community, so that children can cultivate generosity, love and compassion from an early age.

5. Cultivate a sense of creditworthiness. The ancients said: "Sincerity, the foundation of the five constants, the source of a hundred lines." "It follows that integrity is the source of all kinds of behavior. From an early age, we must cultivate children's sense of integrity, do not lie in front of children, do not easily promise, and teach children to do what they say. If the child lacks integrity, it is necessary to guide the child correctly, let the child know where the mistakes are, correct the mistakes, and guide the children to be an honest and trustworthy person.

6. Cultivate good habits. We often say that the formation of behavioral habits is an inexhaustible wealth for children to enjoy for life. The formation of good habits will continue throughout a child's life. The formation of correct values is accumulated from every word and every habit, which is a spiritual wealth. Let the child develop good habits from an early age and reserve spiritual food for his future life stage, so that the child can go farther and more steadily.

With the complex environment of today's society, parents, as children's first teachers, play a pivotal role in guiding their children to establish correct values. Parents need to continue to learn, constantly strengthen their own cultivation, always grasp the essence of education, see the essence through the phenomenon, understand new things and new laws with their children, follow the laws and apply the laws, explore the intricate and chaotic phenomena in the unknown world with their children, correctly guide the children, and not be confused, misled and troubled by them!

Establish good values for children correctly
Establish good values for children correctly

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