
Do you and your family want your children, lonely?



Don't spend time with your child?

Do you and your family want your children, lonely?

Children who lack companionship

Do you and your family want your children, lonely?

1. Not good at communication, many parents will let grandparents or grandparents take children, due to educational problems, many children do not like to talk, encounter problems will not take the initiative to communicate with parents.

2. Lack of security, because without the company of parents, many children will think that they have no one to protect, and they will not say it when they encounter others bullying themselves or other phenomena outside.

3. Self-care ability may be relatively poor, because parents are the child's first teacher, but because parents can not accompany the child for a long time, they cannot teach the child, so many times the child can not deal with things positively.

4. The heart is more inferior, if the child sees that other people's parents are often with him, he will be very envious, and over time, his inferiority will be more and more obvious.


Do you and your family want your children, lonely?

Accompanying children

1. Conducive to parent-child harmony

Parents travel with their children, which can make their relationship closer in the process. Because when traveling, parents get rid of the pressure of their usual work, relax, and can have a more calm conversation with their children, so that the two sides can naturally communicate smoothly. Of course, in addition to communication, here is another way for you to quickly close the relationship between parents and children, that is, to wear parent-child clothing together, do not feel that this behavior is very childish. This practice can make children feel that you value them, which is conducive to the harmonious development of parent-child relationship and makes your journey more enjoyable. Parents should take advantage of this opportunity!

2. Broaden your horizons

Traveling with children can allow them to see different landscapes and help them build a broad world view from an early age to experience this beautiful world. And traveling with children can broaden their horizons, meet more people, and let them know more about different customs and customs. In the process of traveling, the child can also learn a lot of knowledge, which is often not taught by books. So parents take their children on trips more, which can make them better.

3. Practice socializing

In the process of travel, there are often opportunities to deal with strangers such as asking for directions and buying things, and parents can let children do more of these things, which is conducive to cultivating their social skills, oral expression skills, courage, etc. Only in the process of trying again and again, children will become more and more willing to socialize, which will be of great help to the formation of their personality, so that they can integrate well into society in the future.

4. Exercise

Travel is a very exercise thing, because in the process of travel, you need to walk and exercise outdoors for a long time, so that the child's physical fitness will get better and better. However, in this process, parents must grasp the degree well, do not let the child over-exercise, otherwise it will feel very uncomfortable.

Do you and your family want your children, lonely?


Do you and your family want your children, lonely?
Do you and your family want your children, lonely?

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