
[Health] no, no, and Bao Ma did not collect this supplementary dry goods?

How much is known as a food supplement?

With the popularization of scientific parenting knowledge, more and more mothers have begun to pay attention to the problem of their children's complementary foods. So when to add complementary foods to your child? How to choose the variety and style of complementary foods, and what is the exquisite?

Today we will take a look at the knowledge of infant and young child feeding.

Time of addition of complementary foods

Exclusive breastfeeding up to 6 months of age with the addition of complementary foods when your child is healthy. Infants and young children should gradually eat at the same time as the family's three meals a day. At the same time, continue breastfeeding, it is recommended to feed until 2 years and older.

Types of complementary foods


The variety varies from single to diverse, with only one new food added at a time, adding from less to more.


Each new food introduced should be adapted for 3 to 5 days, observe whether there are adverse reactions such as vomiting, diarrhea, rash, etc., and then add other new foods after adapting to one food.


Gradually increase the types of complementary foods, eventually reaching the daily intake of four or more of the seven common foods.

Seven common foods

(1) Cereals, roots and potatoes: flour, rice, millet, sweet potatoes, potatoes, etc.

(2) Meat: livestock meat, poultry, fish and their animal offal, etc.

(3) Milk: milk, yogurt, cheese, etc.

(4) Eggs: eggs, duck eggs, quail eggs, etc.

(5) Vitamin A-rich vegetables and fruits (excluding fruit juice): carrots, kale, pumpkin, cabbage, mango, honey orange, etc.

(6) Other vegetables and fruits (excluding fruit juice): small rape, baby cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli, apples, pears, etc.

(7) Beans and their products/nuts: beans and their products include soybeans, tofu, etc.; nuts include peanut kernels, walnut kernels, cashew nuts, etc.

The amount of food supplement added

The amount of complementary foods added from small to large, paying attention to the hunger and satiety response of infants and young children, mainly according to the needs of children, so as to achieve the energy and main nutrient intake requirements.

Food supplement traits and texture

With the development of the structure and function of organs such as the oral cavity and gastrointestinal tract of infants and young children, the traits and texture of complementary foods should be from thin to thick, from fine to coarse, starting from puree food such as meat puree and vegetable puree, gradually increasing the hardness and particle size of food, and transitioning to semi-solid or solid food such as minced meat and broken vegetables.

Feed compliantly

As infants and young children grow and develop, feeders should provide a variety of foods that are appropriate to their development level according to the changes in the nutritional needs of infants and young children to ensure the healthy development of infants and young children.

In the feeding process, the hunger and satiety response of infants and young children should be sensed in time, and appropriate responses should be made, and infants should be patiently encouraged and assisted to eat, and reasonable eating behavior should be cultivated.

Help infants and young children learn to eat independently, abide by the necessary eating etiquette, and gradually form a healthy eating pattern.

Monitoring and evaluation

Regular monitoring and evaluation of physical growth and development indicators in infants and young children, assessment of nutritional status. When the nutritional intake of complementary foods cannot meet the needs, it should be adjusted in time and nutrient supplementation can be carried out reasonably.

Food supplements are added safely and hygienically

Food supplements are made using clean, safe and hygienic ingredients and utensils. Some foods or eating behaviors can easily lead to eating accidents, and in order to ensure safety, infants and young children must be supervised by an adult when eating.

Feeding during illness

Pause for adding new complementary foods. Except in exceptional circumstances, encourage the consumption of easily digestible and nutrient-rich complementary foods. After recovering from the disease, return to normal diet in time.

Add guidance to food supplements by age group

Be at least 6 to 8 months old

Types of complementary foods: First supplement foods rich in iron, easy to digest and not easy to cause allergies, such as thick porridge, vegetable puree, fruit puree, egg yolk, meat puree, liver puree, etc., and gradually achieve a balanced intake of eggs, meat, vegetables and fruits every day.

Frequency of complementary foods: gradually increase from trying to 1 to 2 meals per day, mainly breastfeeding.

Number of complementary foods: Gradually increase from 10 mL to 20 mL (about 1 to 2 scoops) per meal to about 125 mL (about 1/2 bowl).

Food supplement traits: gradually from mud paste to crumbled.

Complementary food texture: the degree to which it can be crushed with the tongue, like soft tofu.

9 to 12 months of age

Types of complementary foods: Poultry (chicken, duck, etc.), livestock (pork, beef, mutton, etc.), fish, animal liver and animal blood are introduced on the basis of 8 months of age, and gradually achieve a balanced intake of eggs, meat, vegetables and fruits every day.

Frequency of complementary foods: eat regularly, 2 to 3 meals a day, 1 to 2 additional meals, and continue breastfeeding.

Number of complementary foods: Gradually increase to about 180 mL (about 3/4 bowl) per meal.

Food supplement traits: fragments and finger foods that babies can grasp with their hands.

Complementary texture: the degree to which it can be crushed by the gums, like a banana.

1 to 2 years old

Types of complementary foods: The types of food are basically the same as those of adults. Gradually increase the types of complementary foods, eventually reaching the daily intake of four or more of the seven common foods.

Frequency of complementary foods: 3 meals daily, 2 additional meals, continue breastfeeding.

Number of complementary foods: Gradually increase from about 180mL (about 3/4 bowl) to about 250mL (about 1 bowl) per meal.

Food supplement traits: lumpy, finger-like foods and other foods that children can grasp with their hands, and if necessary, chop or mash.

Complementary food texture: the degree to which it can be chewed with the gumbed, like a meatball.

Supplementary food preparation requirements

Raw material requirements

The food and raw materials used in the addition of infant food supplements should comply with the corresponding food safety standards and/or relevant regulations, should be fresh, high-quality and pollution-free, and should ensure the safety of infants and young children and meet the nutritional needs.

Hygiene requirements

The utensils used to make complementary foods should be kept clean; the production process should always be kept clean and hygienic and raw and cooked separately. Complementary foods should be cooked and cooked thoroughly. Raw foods such as fruits should be washed. Complementary foods should be eaten freshly, prepared complementary foods should be eaten in time, if not eaten in time, they should be properly preserved and eaten as soon as possible.

Condiments on request

Complementary foods should be kept in their original taste, and salt, sugar and irritating condiments should not be added within 12 months of age. After the age of 1, gradually try light-flavored meals.

Cooking requirements

Vegetables should be washed first and then cut. Cooking is mainly based on steaming, and the cooking method of frying and frying is minimized.

[Health] no, no, and Bao Ma did not collect this supplementary dry goods?

Contributed by: Foshan Maternal and Child Health Hospital, Department of Publicity and Education, Zhang Qiufang, Zhang Xiaohui

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