
Looking at the shortcomings of parents from the performance of the child, it is shocking! Please seat the parents and see what kind of type you are?

Looking at the shortcomings of parents from the performance of the child, it is shocking! Please seat the parents and see what kind of type you are?


There is a passage on the Weibo of education expert Wang Renping:

Your today is the child's tomorrow, you shout to the child today, don't blame him for calling you tomorrow; if you are impatient with the child today, don't blame him for being impatient with you tomorrow; if you train your child today as good as others, don't blame him tomorrow for complaining that you have no power; if you don't have clear boundaries yourself, don't blame him for being irresponsible.

Therefore, true education should be a practice, and it is the child's innocence, selflessness, and agility that washes away the impetuousness, skill, and arrogance of adults.

A good education should be that parents should constantly discover themselves, correct themselves, excavate themselves through the mirror of their children, and use the new me to set an example and example for their children. In the process of education, we have met a better version of ourselves.

Looking at the shortcomings of parents from the performance of the child, it is shocking! Please seat the parents and see what kind of type you are?


Parents' education of their children lies first and foremost in teaching by example!

Throwing a tantrum at a child will damage the child's spirit, make him more stupid and blessed, and also make him suffer from various diseases such as headaches. Parents should be careful not to lose their temper with their children and get angry.

Don't use the temper to manage the child, as soon as you use the temper to manage the child, your anger and fire will run to the child's head, damage the child's spirit, add a tight hoop spell to the child's head, and add a tight hoop spell to the child's head.

Accumulated over time, more and more tight curses, the virtual tight curse has become a real headache for children, parents will be older than the lower limbs and legs and foot pain, both harming the child and harming themselves, the child's sexual spirit is firmly imprisoned and damaged, wisdom has nowhere to come, the more he wants to let him learn well, his learning will be worse and worse, and the expectations of parents are more and more contrary to the expectations of parents.

This is all the result of managing the child with a temper. A gentleman asks for his own self, to correct himself, to change his character, and you will change if you become a child. "Children and grandchildren don't care, all rely on morality and sexiness" This is a profound truth, to change our temper and temperament of anger and anger.

For children, we should adopt a "spontaneous" education method, the rate is the commander,The child's sexuality should be guided to the good side, and the child's advantages should often be found to affirm the child's shining place, and encourage the child more. While praising, persuade and guide children to correct bad habits and hobbies. Help your child unlock the treasure of sexuality.

Looking at the shortcomings of parents from the performance of the child, it is shocking! Please seat the parents and see what kind of type you are?


Annoyance temper is a negative virus that harms others and harms oneself. Especially between relatives, they cherish each other very much, care about each other, and have a heavy heart. The more annoying the temper, the more harmful it is to the other party. The probability of relatives living together and being hurt by each other's troubles and tempers is very high, and the disease is slowly accumulated, from virtual to real, from light to heavy.

Resentment hurts the spleen; hates the heart; annoys the lungs; anger hurts the liver; annoys the kidneys. Everyone should be vigilant and not underestimate the daily small troubles and tempers. The of a thousand miles collapsed in the ant nest. Most of the reasons why people are generally in a sub-healthy state in middle age are mainly due to disturbing unhealthy temperaments.

Everyone can observe that the parents who lose their temper with their children, his children not only have important exams that do not go well, their work is not smooth, their marriage is not smooth, all kinds of suppression setbacks are one after another, and the blessings are very thin!

Why? Throwing a tantrum once and destroying the good karma of a hundred great calamities, so there is no blessing to enjoy, and there is no blessing for children to enjoy for themselves. And if the parents are rude, the children will also lose their temper with their parents, and then the children will have no blessings because they resist the confrontation with their parents.

Looking at the shortcomings of parents from the performance of the child, it is shocking! Please seat the parents and see what kind of type you are?

If your child likes to condemn others, it is because we usually criticize him too much.

If a child likes to complain about everything, it is because we are always picky about him.

If your child likes confrontation, it is because we are hostile and coercive to him.

If the child is not kind enough, it is because we are a person who lacks compassion.

If the child is timid and shy, it is because he is often ridiculed and insulted.

If the child does not speak to us in his heart, it is because we catch the child's words and turn over the old account.

If the child does not distinguish between right and wrong, it is because we are authoritarian and do not give the child the opportunity to think independently and think.

If the child is very inferior, it is because we are always disappointed in the child and cannot be patiently encouraged.

If the child is jealous, sensitive, and afraid of getting hurt, it is because our family does not have tolerance and warmth.

If a child doesn't like himself, it's because we lack acceptance, recognition, and respect for him.

If the child is not motivated and does not work hard, it is because we are too demanding of him and he cannot do it.

If the child is selfish, it's because we're too doting on him and want something to give.

If the child does not understand the pain of the parents, it is because we have not taught him to understand others.

If the child withdraws and avoids, it is because he has been slighted and beaten by us.

If the child is lazy and dependent, it is because we do too many things and make decisions for the child.

If you are controlled by your child, it is because you dare not discipline harshly and always plead with your child.

If your child lies or cheats, it's because you're not tolerant enough to punish your child.

If your child is cold and attacks others, it's because you're being too sarcastic and cold-eyed about him.

If your child is violent, it's because you often use violence to deal with your child's problems.

Our children are by no means problem children, but because of the lack of some psychological nutrition in their growth, they have problems of one kind or another.

When parents give them enough psychological nutrition, these problems naturally disappear. The biggest question: Do we, as parents, have any nutrition to give our children?

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