
At the time of writing this, I had just experienced a traffic accident, and a car accident broke all the original... My name is Yuxi. I'm from Tianjin. I have been working hard in Beijing. My father went to the mountains and went to the countryside


At the time of writing this, I had just experienced a traffic accident, and a car accident broke all the original...

  My name is Yuxi. I'm from Tianjin. I have been working hard in Beijing. When he was 18 years old, he was sent to work at Baodi Farm in Tianjin, where he met my mother. After getting married, they gave birth to my brother and me. When I was 18 years old, I was admitted to Tianjin University of Finance and Economics and was admitted to the Certified Public Accountant.

  In poor families, in order to make more money, he came to Beijing in 2016 and entered a foreign-funded financial consulting company with a rich income. In foreign-funded enterprises, almost all of the colleagues around them have returned from studying abroad. Looking at yourself in turn, you haven't even taken a step at the national gate. I always felt embarrassed at that time.

  Beijing also has a boyfriend. He didn't have a stable job and was preoccupied with starting a business. I paid for him to start a business, but it failed due to a lack of resources and experience. Subsequently, our feelings took a sharp turn for the worse, and we finally broke up in tears.

  Emotionally blown, I decided to quit my job and go abroad to study for an MBA. After a year of hard work, in November 2021, I received an offer from the University of New South Wales Business School in Australia, while waiting for a study abroad interview at several American universities.

  December 2, 2021, a cold and windy day. I walked down the road, thinking only about my thoughts, crossed the intersection, only to hear a "bang", a black Santana sedan collided, and my body flew out and fell on the cement floor.

  When he woke up, he was taken to an emergency center for treatment. The diagnosis is multiple crushing fractures of the waist, pelvis, left hip, right patella, etc., which require surgery as soon as possible.

  From that day on, I spent more than 20 days in the ICU. Due to multiple fractures, I only had three chances to turn over in a day. Every time I turned over, I had to be carried over by several people, and the piercing pain made me die.

  The last time I rolled over was around one o'clock in the middle of the night. It was the happiest moment of my day. Because after the doctor has checked the room, he can apply to inject the nurse with painkillers.

  Sudden and severe injuries lead to urinary and urinary incontinence, and only catheters can be urinated and enema laxative. After three enemas, my gastrointestinal tract finally couldn't stand it and had to defecate dozens of times a day in bed. The nurse said, "Can't stand it, toss the dead!" He complained several times.

  Weak, I couldn't say anything. At that moment, I just said, "If you live like this, it's better to die!" "I want to say.

  But maternal love, let me finally persevere. It was only after two surgeries that I walked through the "ghost door" ... #emotion ##car accident ##妈妈的爱 #

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