
The boy who touched China passed away, and 7 years later, his father called for a "stand-in" to fulfill the wish of his 89-year-old mother

author:Pan Xiaoxi

Although life, old age, illness and death are natural laws, when faced with the death of relatives, especially when white-haired people send black-haired people, we still feel pain in our hearts.

In 2009, the 21-year-old boy in Hunan died of illness, and the boy's father decided to keep the sad news from his elderly mother in order not to make his elderly mother sad.

The boy who touched China passed away, and 7 years later, his father called for a "stand-in" to fulfill the wish of his 89-year-old mother

However, 7 years later, the nearly ninety-year-old mother clamored to see her grandson in person, and in desperation, the boy's father had to ask the media for a "stand-in" to fulfill his mother's wishes.

Will things turn out the way he wants them to? Can the "stand-in" son complete the task, and will the old mother see through this "scam"?

▶ The boy died and grandma was kept in the dark for 7 years

The boy's name is Huang Gang, and he was born into an ordinary family in Changsha, Hunan Province. The arrival of a new life is undoubtedly a happy event for the family, but the gears of fate change at the age of 7, when Huang Gang was diagnosed with congenital progressive muscular dystrophy.

According to the doctor's diagnosis, the disease can only live to the age of 18.

Hearing this result, Huang Xiaoyong, as a father, almost fainted, and the sudden huge blow suddenly made him feel that the sky was spinning, and he stood in the same place in a daze, and it took a long time before he was willing to face the fact that his son was ill.

The boy who touched China passed away, and 7 years later, his father called for a "stand-in" to fulfill the wish of his 89-year-old mother

The disease is in the child's body, the pain is in the parents' hearts, although he knows that this disease is difficult to cure, but Huang Xiaoyong is not willing to give up.

Even if he could make his son live one more day, he would try his best to fight for it.

However, the reality is not satisfactory, with the passage of time, Huang's illness is getting worse and worse, the family has spent all its savings in order to treat him, just when the family is in pain and despair because of the inability to pay for medical expenses, some well-wishers in the society learned of the situation and generously extended a helping hand.

Help in times of trouble is enough to make people remember for a lifetime, so there is what happens next.

In 2003, Huang Washi was 15 years old, and if he was diagnosed according to medicine, he only had three years left. At this fancy age, he should have enjoyed a happy school life like other children of the same age, but the disease forced him to have the strength and maturity to surpass his peers.

In the last few years of his life, his greatest wish was to personally say to those who had helped him: Thank you!

The boy who touched China passed away, and 7 years later, his father called for a "stand-in" to fulfill the wish of his 89-year-old mother

In order to realize his son's wish, Huang Xiaoyong rode a three-wheeled motorcycle and began their three-year-long "thanksgiving journey".

The atrophy and weakness of the limbs caused by the disease have made Huang Gang lose the ability to stand and sit like a normal person, and every day before traveling, his father Huang Xiaoyong will carry him to a wheelchair and then "fix" his body with a rope to avoid slipping off.

From 2003 to 2006, they traveled more than 13,000 kilometers in the three years, and the father and son traveled to 82 cities across the country, looking for more than 30 kind people who had helped them, and personally expressed their gratitude.

The boy who touched China passed away, and 7 years later, his father called for a "stand-in" to fulfill the wish of his 89-year-old mother

This 18-year-old teenager, while enduring the torment of illness, traveled thousands of miles to find a benefactor, when huang's deeds were known by more and more people, everyone was deeply touched, and in 2006, huang ye was named "the top ten people who moved China".

Three years later, the 21-year-old Huang Gang was finally killed by the disease. A year before leaving, he asked his father to contact the local eye bank, hoping to donate his cornea after his death, so that those who had lost their light could continue to see this beautiful world in his place.

The boy who touched China passed away, and 7 years later, his father called for a "stand-in" to fulfill the wish of his 89-year-old mother

The death of his son made Huang Xiaoyong extremely sad. The 81-year-old mother in the family has always loved huang gang's grandson, and if she knows this news, the old man's heart must not be able to bear it.

Considering that his mother was old and also suffered from heart disease, Huang Xiaoyong decided to hide from his mother, and this secret was 7 years.

However, the paper could not contain the fire, and the day that made Huang Xiaoyong helpless still came.

▶ Asking the media for "stand-ins"

In order to conceal the news of Huang's death, Huang Xiaoyong told his mother that the child had gone to Guangzhou for treatment, and the eighty-year-old grandmother believed it to be true, and could only bury her thoughts about her grandchildren in her heart.

Seven years later, during the Spring Festival of 2016, when the 89-year-old mother once again asked about her grandson's condition, Huang Xiaoyong responded: "Mom, Huang Gang is recovering well and can already stand up." ”

I wanted to make my mother happy, but I didn't think about my mother but asked, "Why don't you bring it back for me to see?" Are you lying to me? ”

Huang Xiaoyong didn't know how to answer his mother's words, so he had to harden his scalp and say, "When the weather is warmer, take your son home to see." ”

Seeing that the lies that have been hidden for many years will be discovered by his mother, Huang Xiaoyong decided to turn to the media for help and recruit a "stand-in" to play his deceased son.

The boy who touched China passed away, and 7 years later, his father called for a "stand-in" to fulfill the wish of his 89-year-old mother

As soon as the news was reported, a number of volunteers signed up in just a few days, all hoping to help Grandma fulfill her wish to see her grandson.

Although the old man is 89 years old, her hearing and vision are not too good, but her heart is like a mirror, Huang Xiaoyong believes that it is necessary to find a young man who is about the same age, appearance and body shape as Huang Gang in order to "deceive" his mother.

But it is not easy to find such a person. Just when Huang Xiaoyong was at a loss, a young man named Wang Feng appeared.

Wang Feng is a staff member of Changsha Nanren Hospital, that day, he happened to see the online collection of information, Huang Gang's deeds he had heard about for a long time, and his age was just 28 years old, height and body shape are more in line with the same, with the mentality of trying it out.

The boy who touched China passed away, and 7 years later, his father called for a "stand-in" to fulfill the wish of his 89-year-old mother

When Huang Xiaoyong first saw Wang Feng, he immediately determined that this was the person he was looking for. From the appearance point of view, Wang Feng does have some similarities with Huang Gang, but has an extra pair of glasses.

The grandson and grandmother have not seen each other for seven years, and it is inevitable that there will be some changes, which Huang Xiaoyong is not too worried about. However, in order to let the mother adapt to the appearance of the grandson in advance, Huang Xiaoyong still decided to show the photo of the "stand-in" to the mother first, telling her that the grandson is now tall and wears glasses.

Fortunately, when Grandma saw the picture of her grandson, she did not have any doubts.

The boy who touched China passed away, and 7 years later, his father called for a "stand-in" to fulfill the wish of his 89-year-old mother

Solving the problem of finding someone, the next step is to train Wang Feng.

Because of the illness, Huang Gang's fingers are always bent, and his arms cannot be raised normally, Huang Xiaoyong carefully teaches him how to sit in a wheelchair, on crutches, and how to communicate with his grandmother before Huang Gang's death, simulating many scenes of meeting.

Because he had once been a soldier, Wang Feng's receptivity was also extremely strong, and it only took a day or two to learn. However, his heart still did not dare to slacken off, after all, if he did not pay attention to it, he would be easily recognized by the old man.

The boy who touched China passed away, and 7 years later, his father called for a "stand-in" to fulfill the wish of his 89-year-old mother

▶ Nervous meeting scene

Soon, it was time to meet.

On that day, Huang Xiaoyong personally gave Wang Feng a haircut, in order to make him as close as possible to the appearance of Huang Feng, he also coated Wang Feng with safflower oil, on the one hand, it could cover up the original taste of Wang Feng's body, on the other hand, because Huang Feng had been in the hospital for a long time, the smell of medicine on his body was also relatively normal, and it could also reduce the suspicion of the elderly.

The boy who touched China passed away, and 7 years later, his father called for a "stand-in" to fulfill the wish of his 89-year-old mother

Although he had mastered huang's habits before he was alive, Wang Feng's heart was still particularly nervous on the day he met his grandmother.

Usually, when he encounters a tense moment, he can't help but smoke a cigarette, but that day, in order not to let Grandma smell the smoke in his mouth, he deliberately contained a lollipop.

For her 89-year-old grandmother, she had been looking forward to that day for a long time. About to meet the grandson who has not been seen for 7 years, the old man is particularly happy, get up early in the morning to clean up, and put on the festive clothes of the New Year.

Huang Xiaoyong chose the place to meet at the nursing home where he worked, and when the old man saw his son pushing the "yellow ship" in the wheelchair to his side, he did not mention how excited he was.

The boy who touched China passed away, and 7 years later, his father called for a "stand-in" to fulfill the wish of his 89-year-old mother

She held her grandson's hand tightly, called his nickname, and the first words were: "Do you still recognize me?" Remember Grandpa? Remember how many floors we lived on? ”

At that moment, I finally met my grandson who thought about it day and night, and the old man had too much to say. Although her eyes could not be seen clearly, her eyes were always reluctant to take away from her grandson's body.

In order not to show flaws, Wang Feng's hands have always been bent, and his arms cannot be actively raised, and he cannot give too many responses to his grandmother's enthusiasm.

The boy who touched China passed away, and 7 years later, his father called for a "stand-in" to fulfill the wish of his 89-year-old mother

When the grandmother touched the grandson's hands, Huang Xiaoyong, who was standing next to the wheelchair, would prompt Wang Feng to write in the palm of the old man's hand, because the old man's ears were not very good, which was a special way of communication between Huang Gang and Grandma.

Between the conversations and laughter, Wang Feng stood up carefully with a crutch and reluctantly walked a few steps, hoping for Grandma to rest assured. Seeing the recovery of the grandson today, the old man's face showed a happy smile.

Just as the family was having a reunion dinner, "Huang Gang" told her grandmother that she was going to the United States for treatment, and it was not known when.

The boy who touched China passed away, and 7 years later, his father called for a "stand-in" to fulfill the wish of his 89-year-old mother

The time of reunion is always short, close to saying goodbye, the grandmother is full of reluctance to look at the grandson, the eyes are full of tears, the old man knows in his heart, compared with his own thoughts, the grandson's illness can be restored as soon as possible is the most important.

When they were separated, she instructed her grandson: "Cure it early, Grandma lives on the sixth floor, and she must remember to come back to see me." ”

Huang Gang smiled and nodded.

The boy who touched China passed away, and 7 years later, his father called for a "stand-in" to fulfill the wish of his 89-year-old mother

As a "stand-in", Wang Feng has finally successfully completed this family mission and fulfilled the wish of the old man for many years.

Although everyone present knew that this was a "hoax", everyone was reluctant to debunk it, because it carried the son's deepest love for his mother and grandmother for his grandson.

Xu Zhimo said: "If the truth is a kind of harm, choose a lie", for Huang Xiaoyong, this is his way of loving his mother.

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