
When the child says: When school is out, you will be the first to pick me up, and if you love him, please answer like this

Do you mothers remember the first time you went to drop off your children at school? Probably most children cry when they leave their parents for the first time.

When the child says: When school is out, you will be the first to pick me up, and if you love him, please answer like this

I don't know if your child has ever said this to you: Mom came to pick me up first in the afternoon, okay? If you've heard it, how did you answer it? Most mothers do not pay much attention to this problem.

Because everyone thinks that this is just a game between children. But you know what? This game contains a lot of children's ideas.

When the child says: When school is out, you will be the first to pick me up, and if you love him, please answer like this

1, the child's feelings for the parents When the child said, when the first person to pick me up in the afternoon, it is because the child wants to see his parents at the first time after school.

Because children miss their parents too much, but they have to come to kindergarten, they want to see their relatives as soon as school is over.

2, the child wants to win the psychology of the child to start kindergarten, has gradually had a competitive psychology. They are desperate to become prominent among children, out of a competitive mentality.

When the child says: When school is out, you will be the first to pick me up, and if you love him, please answer like this

3, may be that children are unhappy in kindergarten Some children, life in kindergarten, is not so handy.

Therefore, when the kindergarten is out of school, it is also a time for children to be relieved. Parents can communicate with the kindergarten teacher to see if the child has a problem in the kindergarten.

Regardless of the child's situation, our answers cannot be too single. The most correct answer for parents should be this: tell their children that they will strive to be the first.

But also make it clear that you have other things to do. Even if you work hard, you may not be able to do the first place, and your child will get a preventive injection.

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