
The fetus is unstable, pregnant women will have three signals, pregnant women are often prone to eat the last loss

During pregnancy, pregnant mothers are most afraid of the instability of the baby in the belly, because this is likely to mean that the fetus will leave them at any time. In this case, it is necessary for pregnant mothers to carefully observe their bodies, otherwise they are likely to not pay attention to it after the accident, resulting in tragedy.

Case: A small amount of bleeding in the third trimester, rushed to the hospital for examination, and was praised by the doctor as "high vigilance"

After Xiao Chen became pregnant, he paid special attention to the condition of his body, as long as he found some abnormal conditions, he would go to the hospital for examination in time so as not to miss the best treatment time.

The fetus is unstable, pregnant women will have three signals, pregnant women are often prone to eat the last loss

After entering the third trimester of pregnancy, one day after Xiao Chen went to the toilet, he suddenly found that there was a small amount of bleeding on the wiped paper, and the color was not so dark, which made Xiao Chen feel shocked, afraid that the fetus was unstable. Because even in the third trimester, there may be fetal instability, and bleeding is one of the symptoms.

So Xiao Chen hurried to the hospital after cleaning up, and after arriving at the hospital, he made a description with the doctor, and then the doctor arranged for a detailed examination, and finally found that the baby in the stomach was in a good state, and a small amount of bleeding was due to cervical polyps. The doctor also said, "Pregnant women with such a high degree of vigilance are still relatively rare, because most pregnant women find that a small amount of bleeding is not very concerned, they think it is not frequent, but in fact, it is best to do a detailed examination to avoid premature birth." ”

The fetus is unstable, pregnant women will have three signals, pregnant women are often prone to eat the last loss

After that, Xiao Chen's cervical polyp fell off on its own, and it did not affect the follow-up smooth delivery, and Xiao Chen also successfully gave birth to a small male treasure of 7 pounds and 4 pairs, which can be described as gratifying and congratulatory.

01 The fetus is unstable, pregnant women will have three signals, pregnant women are often prone to eat the last loss

Speaking of fetal instability, it is actually easier to occur in the first trimester, because this stage has just been combined into embryo implantation, and the embryo has just begun to develop, so if you pay more attention to this stage, it is easy to affect the state of the fetus, resulting in miscarriage aura. Therefore, pregnant mothers need to pay more attention to some of the signals that appear on their bodies, if they can catch them in time, in fact, they can also protect the fetus through some medical means.

The fetus is unstable, pregnant women will have three signals, pregnant women are often prone to eat the last loss

The first is the symptoms of abdominal pain, which is also more obvious, although the abdominal pain of pregnant women in the first trimester may be ectopic pregnancy and other reasons, but most of the time it also implies poor embryonic development or instability. In the face of this situation, pregnant mothers are still more concerned, and will go to the hospital in time for examination.

In view of this, if it is a lack of progesterone, then most doctors will give pregnant mothers fetal protection injections, or let pregnant mothers take progesterone orally, etc. If this symptom is found earlier, it will not have a greater impact on the fetus. On the contrary, if you check later, if the problem becomes more serious, then the quality of the embryo may change, and then the protection of the fetus alone will not play a role.

The fetus is unstable, pregnant women will have three signals, pregnant women are often prone to eat the last loss

The second is the bleeding symptoms mentioned in the above case, this signal is also very obvious, pregnant mothers also have a higher vigilance against bleeding, when the baby in the stomach is unstable, the body hormones of pregnant mothers will change, resulting in greater stimulation, resulting in bleeding symptoms.

Therefore, when pregnant mothers find symptoms of bleeding, even if there is only a small amount, they must seize the time to go to the hospital to check whether there is any abnormality, if the delay is too long, the risk is greater.

The fetus is unstable, pregnant women will have three signals, pregnant women are often prone to eat the last loss

The last signal is hidden deeply, and it is not easy to detect, and many pregnant mothers have suffered losses in this regard. We all know that after pregnancy, many pregnant mothers will have a gestational reaction, the most obvious of which is morning sickness symptoms, if the morning sickness reaction is more intense, especially in the sixth to ninth week of pregnancy, the original strong morning sickness feeling suddenly disappears, then it may mean that the state of the fetus is very unstable.

The fetus is unstable, pregnant women will have three signals, pregnant women are often prone to eat the last loss

Usually, the morning sickness reaction gradually disappears, rather than disappearing suddenly in a short period of time, as the saying goes, "there must be a demon when things go wrong". Just like a friend of mine before, the pregnancy reaction has been very strong, and when it was almost the third month, it suddenly disappeared, when she did not feel other symptoms in addition to this symptom, she also thought that her pregnancy reaction was over, after all, people said that in most cases only the first trimester will have a pregnancy reaction, and she is almost three months old, so she thinks it is normal, who knows that after three days suddenly began to bleed, and when she arrived at the hospital, she found that the fetus had quietly gone, but it was too late to regret it.

Therefore, it is hoped that pregnant mothers can pay more attention to the various signals sent by their bodies, especially in the first trimester. In addition, if the body has other abnormal signals, such as strong discomfort, etc., you also need to go to the hospital in time for examination, even if there is no problem, it is good to reassure yourself.

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