
The 6 secrets of saving the "picky eaters" have been shared by the Bao Ma group tens of thousands of times! Experts all thumbs up!

The mother's kitchen is busy with dogs, and the baby will eat a bite or two.

Other people's children have to be fat for the New Year, and their own children are not only not fat, but they are thinner!

Usually do not eat green leafy vegetables, do not eat rhizomes, do not eat meat, do not eat fish...

Children's nutritional supplements, most of them rely on food, which picks and chooses not much to eat, but the whole thing!

How can I get my child to eat everything? How can I not be picky eaters?

Let's nag about the big thing of "eating" today!

When it comes to picky eating, parents are like enemies. But to be honest, there are no non-picky babies in the world!

Imagine, do you have any foods that you don't like to eat?

The 6 secrets of saving the "picky eaters" have been shared by the Bao Ma group tens of thousands of times! Experts all thumbs up!

Source: Science Family Parenting Original

Adults have unacceptable food, let alone children with a sharper sense of taste!

And do not love to eat a certain type of food, can not rely on children, this is destined in human genes!

A taste researcher at Christopher Newport University said:

There are 25% to 30% of people who have a very strong reaction to bitter taste, and this type of person belongs to the category of "super tasters";

Between 25% and 30% of people have no reaction and are "tasteless";

And the rest between the two extremes, some have a slightly stronger perception of bitterness, and some are slightly weaker, that is, the general population.

The 6 secrets of saving the "picky eaters" have been shared by the Bao Ma group tens of thousands of times! Experts all thumbs up!

The bitter taste mentioned here refers to some fruits and vegetables that contain bitter compounds, such as kale and broccoli.

This also explains why, some babies see broccoli and run, and some children like to eat broccoli.

It's all about the genes!

So when children don't like to eat a certain type of food, don't feed it hard.

Hard feeding will not only make children hate this food more and more, but also have a certain anxiety and resistance to eating.

This is because you don't like to eat coriander, stunned is to give you 1 bowl of coriander to let you eat a reason, no one can stand it!

But in the face of picky eaters, we can't let it go, after all, nutrition comes from the mouth.

Here are 6 small tricks prepared, as long as you insist on implementation, I believe it will help to improve the baby's picky eating situation!

Stop feeding

If the elders bring the baby, they will basically chase after the feeding, which will make the child feel that eating is a burden and produce a rebellious psychology.

We'd better let our children eat on their own and don't watch TV or play with tablets while eating.

Focus on eating and control the meal time to less than 30 minutes.

Do it in a different way

Children's sense of taste is more sensitive than that of adults, and when they come into contact with new food, they may shake their heads and refuse after trying it, which is the "fear of novelty" at work.

Children show an instinctive fear of the unknown and tend to reject it 10 to 14 times before actually accepting a new food.

So it is necessary for parents to keep trying, slicing, cutting, dicing, shredding, steaming, boiling, frying, frying...

Use different methods and different shapes to arouse children's interest in food.

Chew on your child's ear

We can eat in large gulps, praise the delicious food, and even chew in the ears of children and listen to the sounds of different foods. Through visual and auditory stimulation, children will have a pleasant feeling about eating.

But remember: don't comment on food at the dinner table, advise your child to eat this, and let your child eat less of that.

Let the child choose for themselves and have the opportunity to experience different kinds of food.

Involve your child in cooking or planting

Encourage children to actively participate in the preparation of dinner, planting and picking, so that they can have a sense of control over new foods from the beginning.

It can also stimulate children's curiosity about new foods and make them willing to eat.

No child is not picky eater, look for an alternative

We are talking about balanced nutrition, not what foods to eat every day.

7 nutrients preschoolers need: protein, fat, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, water, dietary fiber.

If your child doesn't like to eat a certain vegetable, you can find other foods that contain the same nutrients instead.

The 6 secrets of saving the "picky eaters" have been shared by the Bao Ma group tens of thousands of times! Experts all thumbs up!

Keep your child hungry

Why weren't previous children picky eaters?

That's because the living conditions are poor, there are many sisters in the family, and it is already very good to be able to eat, and where is the kung fu to pick?

Those who have little interest in eating, most of them are not hungry, parents may wish to be hungry for a few meals.

Only when there is a need to know the value of eating.

The 6 secrets of saving the "picky eaters" have been shared by the Bao Ma group tens of thousands of times! Experts all thumbs up!

Also note:

l Control snacks

Do not snacks everywhere at home, ready to eat;

Do not eat snacks, fruits, etc. for 1 hour before meals.

Increase the amount of exercise

Children who exercise more will consume the body's energy, and then the body will send a signal that it needs to replenish energy "hunger", so it can increase the child's acceptance of food.

All of these small methods require the whole family to stand in the united front.

Otherwise, you are going to make the child hungry for a few meals, and the grandmother over there will be fed a snack, and this picky eating problem cannot be solved in any year.

Raising children has never been easy, calm down and take your time

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