
【Parenting】Magic tricks to correct children's picky eating

5 to 12-year-old children, is in the growth stage, can not ignore food and nutrition, however, children at this age are generally more picky food, at this time, parents have to spend their minds, prepare some suitable for children, they also love to eat food, so that they can eat good brainpower, but also grow tall.

There are up to two kinds of foods with the same taste

【Parenting】Magic tricks to correct children's picky eating

Children must consume five major groups of foods every day, including carbohydrates such as whole grains and brown rice; proteins such as meat, poultry, seafood, eggs, dairy products and legumes; fats such as avocados, nuts, deep-sea fish and vegetable oils; and vitamins and minerals such as meat, whole grains, vegetables, fruits, and dairy products.

Children's daily diet is best referred to the "golden ratio", that is, eating 62.5% grains, 25.5% vegetables and 12% fish and meat every day. Children's ideal meal should be determined according to the age of the child, not too much or too little; the same taste of food, do not exceed two; food should be easy to chew, easy to swallow, etc. In order to attract the taste buds of children, first meet them visually and choose brightly colored foods.

Children need an appropriate amount of zinc to grow taller

【Parenting】Magic tricks to correct children's picky eating

Parents are very concerned about whether children can grow taller quickly, and it should be noted that it is important for children to supplement calcium through diet, because calcium can make bones develop better.

There are three tips for proposing a high-calcium diet: 1. Eat more calcium-containing grains, such as brown rice, black sesame, low-temperature roasted nuts, soybeans, etc.; 2. Eat more fish and shrimp; 3. Eat more leafy rhizome foods.

Protein-containing foods are also indispensable, which can be ingested from chicken breasts, egg yolks, fish and other foods. At the same time, zinc deficiency will also affect development, children to grow taller but also supplement the appropriate amount of zinc, food sources include pumpkin seeds, shellfish, fish, nuts and so on.

Nutritional balance is very important, the taste is light, more vegetarian and less meat, can reduce the burden on the stomach and intestines, and the interval between each meal is ideal at 5 to 6 hours.

Banana pineapples are beneficial for brain development

Parents want their babies to be smart and brainy. It is recommended that you can choose to eat some foods that are beneficial to brain development in daily life, such as oats, nuts, millet, brown rice, pumpkin, pumpkin seeds, and bananas and pineapples. Bananas are potassium-rich foods, and pineapples contain vitamin C and trace elements of manganese, which are helpful for improving memory. In addition, fish is also a brain food.

Eating deep-sea fish often is good for good eyesight

【Parenting】Magic tricks to correct children's picky eating

In modern society, children inevitably have early access to mobile phones and computers, so they can also pay more attention to the intake of eye-protecting foods from the diet. Lutein can be appropriately supplemented, such as blueberries, kiwifruit, grapes, oranges are effective in eye protection; at the same time, because DHA helps vision development, children can eat more deep-sea fish, such as salmon, tuna, mackerel, saury, etc.

Introduce new ingredients in the form of snacks

It is worth mentioning that children of this age are generally more resistant to vegetables, because some vegetables are slightly bitter, such as cabbage hearts, kale, etc.; some vegetables have odors, such as broccoli, bell peppers, onions, coriander, etc. Other children do not eat meat because it has to be chewed and seafood has a fishy smell.

To correct the bad habits of picky eaters, you can continue to cook the new ingredient every other day when cooking the new ingredient, for up to 10 to 15 days, until the child accepts it. Once the habit is formed, the child will not resist. Parents can also try to introduce new ingredients to their children in the form of snacks, and when they no longer resist the ingredients, they can gradually add them to the meal.

To introduce the new flavor to children, you can also chop or stir the new ingredients into a paste and mix them into the food. Then gradually cut the ingredients into larger pieces and increase the amount, so that the children can unknowingly accept the new ingredients.

Author Tao Shixiu

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