
Why a daughter who marries out cannot confinement in her mother's house is not a superstition, but has a scientific basis

Can a married daughter go back to her mother's house to confinement?

There is still a month to have a child, Nana and her mother-in-law have a bad relationship, but confinement is not taken care of by anyone, so Nana wants to return to her mother to confinement. So she mentioned it to her mother, and her mother was happy to agree, and Nana's mother prepared a room for her in advance and packed up the things she needed for confinement. However, when the mother-in-law heard that Nana was going to go home and sit on the confinement, she disagreed, saying that sitting in her mother's house would bring bad luck to her family, and she kept blaming Nana, saying that Nana's mother did not care about the lives of Nana's father and brother.

Why a daughter who marries out cannot confinement in her mother's house is not a superstition, but has a scientific basis

At that time, Nana was really excited and wanted to scold her mother-in-law as an old antique, but I had already had a fight with my mother-in-law. Nana felt that she could not affect the child because she was angry, but she felt very wronged and sad. Although Nana and her husband have a good relationship, she really has nowhere to go except for her mother's family, and Nana feels that she has really become an orphan. However, Nana's father, mother, brother and brother-in-law were very supportive of her returning to her mother's house to do confinement, but her mother-in-law said that she was not good. There are many folk rumors that a married daughter who confines herself in her mother's home will bring bad luck to her family. A married woman who gives birth to a child is not allowed to confinement in her mother's house, regardless of the circumstances.

Married daughters are not allowed to move around the neighbor's house for either miscarriage, childbirth, or one month after childbirth, or they will be scolded by the neighbor. In fact, these rumors are the result of a patriarchal mentality, which is aimed at preventing married daughters from returning to their mother's house to add to the chaos. Some locals say it's because a woman who gives birth to a child is tantamount to experiencing a bloodbath, and once she returns to her mother's house, she "kills" her brother, so she breaks the taboo. Of course, these are the result of the influence of traditional customs, do these taboos really exist? This is not the case. The topic of whether a married woman can go back to her mother's house to confinement is actually not a superstition, it is scientifically based!

1, if you sit in the confinement of your mother's house, it is inconvenient for the couple to meet

Although the son-in-law is also equivalent to half a son, because marriage is interrelated, there is no need to restrain it. But even so, men will still have a sense of restraint after going to their mother-in-law's house, and there is also a certain sense of distance between the older generation, and it is not convenient for the husband to sleep. But postpartum women cannot take care of their husbands, who can help their wives prevent postpartum depression, while men themselves are energetic and can take care of their children. This can reduce the burden of confinement, so it is not a wise choice to go to your mother's house to confinement. Although the family is very happy, it will make the husband seem very uncomfortable, not his own home, and every move will be inhibited.

Why a daughter who marries out cannot confinement in her mother's house is not a superstition, but has a scientific basis

2, if there are brothers and sisters in the family, it is easy to have contradictions

We all know that there is a dispute between the mother-in-law and the daughter-in-law. When the daughter returns to her mother's house to be taken care of, the mother will naturally use good food and even take care of her little grandson tirelessly. But usually the daughter is not an only child, there will definitely be a brother in the family, when the brothers and daughters-in-law see the mother-in-law treats the daughter so warmly, they will naturally feel jealousy. After all, women's hearts and eyes are still narrow, especially when confinement, there will be some misunderstandings. If the daughter returns to her mother's house to confinement, it will not stop the brother and sister-in-law from making a few sarcastic remarks, which will trigger family quarrels. But postpartum women need to rest, can not be angry, and it is easy to hurt the body. However, returning to the mother's house to sit confinement cannot stop the anger, so it is best not to return to the mother's house to sit confinement.

Why a daughter who marries out cannot confinement in her mother's house is not a superstition, but has a scientific basis

Running back and forth between your mother's home and your own home can cause a lot of damage to your tired body

Most people are far from their mother's home, and those who want to return to their mother's house to sit in confinement are mainly because they have no one to take care of them, or they don't have a good relationship with their mother-in-law. So they feel that it is more reassuring for their mother to take care of the confinement, but it will bring some unnecessary trouble. We know that there are many things that babies need to use after birth, and if they live in the mother's home, family members have to carry things all the time. Moving things back and forth does create a lot of trouble, plus the woman who has just given birth is very weak, the journey is too far, and the fluctuations along the way have no benefit to the body, which is not conducive to postpartum correction.

Why a daughter who marries out cannot confinement in her mother's house is not a superstition, but has a scientific basis

Therefore, even if the mother's family agrees to go back to confinement, try not to go back. There are customs in every place, especially in the countryside, where people pay more attention to etiquette, and when our children are born, whether relatives will visit them. But if they go to their mother's house, others will not be able to see the child, according to the custom, the child should also drink full moon wine after birth, in order to prevent fluctuations, it is more convenient to sit in their own home.

As a mother, I think confinement is also an important job. Sitting well can correct the body's congenital diseases. If you don't sit well, you will be left with a lot of physical problems. For your own health, or don't go back and forth bumps, and will you take into account the feelings of your mother's family on confinement? Do you think you can go back to your mother's house and sit in confinement?

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