
Recently stayed in sanya boss's holiday villa, which is a seemingly very high-end community, in fact lived for a month, learned the news is indeed high-end, mainly reflected in the house price, it is said

author:Yu Ma said it

Recently lived in sanya boss's holiday villa, which is a seemingly very high-end community, in fact lived for a month, learned the news is indeed high-end, mainly reflected in the house price, it is said that about fifteen million or so! Go for it!

The neighborhood is not small, there are very few people living, the villa is barren grass and lake slopes, slightly desolate, many houses are locked, no one lives.

This kind of house to live for a short time, a year can live for about two months is not bad, maintenance costs are very high, walking in the community, you can see a very rural characteristics of the huge rats, there are different from the north of the small mimi of the big cockroach, mosquitoes are also more, the community to watch the lake fishing uncle said, the green belt and snakes infested, really a little scary.

Next door lived a very talkative grandmother, who could occasionally be met when going out for a walk, and she was in her seventies, and unlike the ninety percent of the northern migratory birds in the community who walked by winter and spring, she and her fifty-year-old son lived here all year round.

The son has a successful career, there is a company here, but he has never been married, and the grandmother said: "I don't care about him, don't say, don't ask, marriage pays attention to fate, he doesn't get married, it means that fate has not arrived, and it is good to say that a person is living alone."

Although she has not met her son, she said that when her son is not on business, he will come back every day, drive for more than an hour, and come back to accompany his mother to dinner.

In the future, this family state will be more and more, more and more normalized, young people are not married, do not have babies, many bloggers bring out poisonous chicken soup, this life is worthy of giving birth to their own on the line, the next life will not come to the world...

Life is stressful, this really bitter human world, do you regret coming? #I'm going to make micro headlines##生活日记 #

Recently stayed in sanya boss's holiday villa, which is a seemingly very high-end community, in fact lived for a month, learned the news is indeed high-end, mainly reflected in the house price, it is said
Recently stayed in sanya boss's holiday villa, which is a seemingly very high-end community, in fact lived for a month, learned the news is indeed high-end, mainly reflected in the house price, it is said
Recently stayed in sanya boss's holiday villa, which is a seemingly very high-end community, in fact lived for a month, learned the news is indeed high-end, mainly reflected in the house price, it is said
Recently stayed in sanya boss's holiday villa, which is a seemingly very high-end community, in fact lived for a month, learned the news is indeed high-end, mainly reflected in the house price, it is said
Recently stayed in sanya boss's holiday villa, which is a seemingly very high-end community, in fact lived for a month, learned the news is indeed high-end, mainly reflected in the house price, it is said
Recently stayed in sanya boss's holiday villa, which is a seemingly very high-end community, in fact lived for a month, learned the news is indeed high-end, mainly reflected in the house price, it is said
Recently stayed in sanya boss's holiday villa, which is a seemingly very high-end community, in fact lived for a month, learned the news is indeed high-end, mainly reflected in the house price, it is said
Recently stayed in sanya boss's holiday villa, which is a seemingly very high-end community, in fact lived for a month, learned the news is indeed high-end, mainly reflected in the house price, it is said
Recently stayed in sanya boss's holiday villa, which is a seemingly very high-end community, in fact lived for a month, learned the news is indeed high-end, mainly reflected in the house price, it is said

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