
Kindergarten children draw their own car logos, 5-year-old children a painting, so that the teacher is ashamed

At the beginning of each new semester, some teachers ask students to fill out forms to investigate the students' family background. Now even kindergarten teachers have begun to inquire about the students' family conditions, and some teachers have assigned homework that makes parents feel strange.

Kindergarten children draw their own car logos, 5-year-old children a painting, so that the teacher is ashamed

A kindergarten teacher in Shanghai assigned a special homework assignment to the students, and the teacher asked the students to complete a painting with their parents, and the content of the painting was their own car logo. The teacher's requirements for the students are very simple, what car they drive at home will draw the car logo, and the children who draw well will be rewarded.

Kindergarten children draw their own car logos, 5-year-old children a painting, so that the teacher is ashamed

Parents feel incomprehensible after seeing the homework assigned by the teacher, if the school teacher wants to exercise the child's hands-on painting ability, you can let the child draw landscapes and draw characters, why do you have to draw your own car logo? Many parents suspect that the teacher let the teacher draw his own car logo, in fact, he is secretly investigating the student's family background to see which children have a more solid family.

Kindergarten children draw their own car logos, 5-year-old children a painting, so that the teacher is ashamed

Some children have better conditions at home, parents drive a Mercedes-Benz, and after the children confidently draw the Mercedes-Benz logo, the teacher will pay more attention to these children. There are also some children who are generally well-off, the family has not bought a car, the child does not know how to complete the homework, and the teacher may look at the child differently.

In the kindergarten, a 5-year-old child Xuan Xuan did not buy a car at home, and every morning his parents would take a subway station to send him to kindergarten, and Xuan Xuan was worried that he would be criticized by the teacher if he could not complete his homework. Xuan Xuan's mother thought of a way, since the child took the subway to kindergarten every day, then draw the subway logo.

Kindergarten children draw their own car logos, 5-year-old children a painting, so that the teacher is ashamed

On the second day, Xuan Xuan handed in a special homework, and his homework was painted with the sign of the subway. The teacher feels ashamed and embarrassed when he sees the homework that the child has turned in, and the homework assigned by himself is indeed very inappropriate. Some children's poor home conditions will make these children have a sense of inferiority.

Many netizens have said that they have encountered a similar situation, when the child first went to primary school, the teacher will let the child fill out a questionnaire, which not only writes about the occupation of the parents, but also writes about the annual income of the parents. Many children's parents do not understand the teacher's practice, since ancient times, the mainland sages and scholars have advocated teaching without class, should teachers treat children differently according to their family situation?

Kindergarten children draw their own car logos, 5-year-old children a painting, so that the teacher is ashamed

Some parents directly attack the teacher for going too far, parents send their children to school for education, and the teacher should pay the same attention and care to each child. Some teachers deliberately investigate the children's family background is to discriminate, now the kindergarten children have to complete the homework of drawing their own car logo, parents should not directly tell the teacher the balance of the bank card?

Nowadays, the popularity of cars in the mainland is getting higher and higher, although most families have private scooters, but there are still some people who have not bought a car. The teacher asks the kindergarten children to draw their own car logos, which is very unreasonable at first and has a special purpose.

Kindergarten children draw their own car logos, 5-year-old children a painting, so that the teacher is ashamed

Kindergarten children are innocent at heart and may not know the meaning of money, and the homework assigned by the teacher will make the children have a sense of comparison and showing off. Some children have general conditions at home, have not yet bought a car, these children are difficult to complete the teacher's homework, the heart will also be deeply hurt, everyone thinks that the kindergarten teacher to assign such homework is appropriate?

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